Lust & Temptation Chapter 1 And 2
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Lust & Temptation Chapter 1 And 2 Of Lust And Temptation Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Lust And Temptation Chapter One And Two:
_Being a man of God is really not an easy job, There are lots of qualities that one is expected to achieve and it take a great amount of will power to get those qualities… My name is Robert Omalu and I’m a pastor in one of the catholic churches here in Enugu,..
Although I do have a job as an estate agent… I’m happily married to the love of my life, Helen .. We got married last year and we’ve been living in harmony ever since.. Helen is a full time reporter and a damn good one at that and I must say, I’m among the envious men in the planet because Helen is an attractive woman both inside and outside.. She once worked as a part time model and was given a small part in a movie to act but she decided to quit cause acting and modeling wasn’t her career of choice, Journalism was._
Everyday I would sit down and think wondering what Helen ever saw in me.. I wasn’t rich or too handsome, But nevertheless she still loved me and accepted to be my wife.. My friends were jealous of course, some even thought that I charmed Helen but they had no idea that it was true love, and true love is hard to find these days cause most relationships are based on beneficial gains and outcomes.
But good things don’t last long and my peaceful harmony with Helen began to waver a little bit,… One night I returned home from Church , it was quite a hard day and I was really tired, as I entered the house, I realized Helen wasn’t in her usual happy mood and that lovely smile on her face was gone.. Even when I greeted her and asked how her day went, she barely gave me a reply….
Later that night in our bedroom as we were about to sleep, I bade her goodnight but she never gave me an answer, I reached out to her kissing her neck and asked what the matter was. Helen slowly pushed me away and sat up looking at me squarely in the face, Her gaze was fierce and her mood was gloomy.. I wondered what was bothering her.
Robert Darling.. What’s wrong? Why are you upset?
Helen You’re the reason why I’m upset!
Robert Me!? What have I done? Tell me..
Helen You’re no longer the man I married… You’ve changed.. That romantic spark in our relationship is no longer there.. You no longer touch or caress me, you don’t say romantic or loving words to me.. You barely even compliment how I look, in fact I bet you barely look at me at all.. Ever since you became a pastor our love life is no longer active or blooming, In fact your whole personality has changed… The man I married was a lion, a real lover man.. I don’t need a saint or a man of God! I want a man, a real man and from what I’m seeing you’re a shadow of your former self.
That’s my Helen… Always dramatic as ever, She would have been an awesome actor if she hadn’t quit… I also felt sorry for her in that moment, I didn’t know she felt this way and I should have been the man she wanted me to be. I had no idea I was neglecting her, Boy, have I f-cked up.
Robert Helen baby.. I’m sorry… I had no idea I was neglecting like this.. I promise I’ll change.. It’s just that I’ve been busy lately and…
Helen BUSY!? Have I not been busy? I too also work.. Yet I have time to look after the house, I prepare your meals, wash and iron your clothes, clean the bedrooms… I do all this without any complain.. I was expecting you to care and love me… In fact when was the last time, we had s-x? That was two weeks ago and the last s-x we had, You didn’t last long.. You only lasted 4 minutes.. In that past you lasted almost an hour but now… Before we got married we agreed that we would enjoy each other for about a year before we started having kids but now I don’t think you think about that anymore..
You’ve made your job a top priority, you don’t even pay attention to me anymore (Sighs) .
Look, I love you Robert.. I really do, and if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have married you.. I married you because you’re honest and truthful and you stay true to yourself.. Most men these days are full of lies and deceit .. But now… I don’t know if you love me anymore..
Robert Come on Helen. I love you with all my heart. And I would do anything to please you.. Please remove all doubts about me.. I’m still the same man you married..
Helen Tell me Robert… Are you seeing another woman!?
Robert I swear to God.. No.. You’re the only woman for me.. Why would I want any woman when I have a rare treasure such as you? You have no reason to doubt me.. I’m the man that you fell in love with. You trust me don’t you?
Helen stared at me for a while and then gave me a kiss before going back to sleep… That night, I could barely sleep at all, I was up thinking about what we discussed with Helen and was afraid of losing her.. I don’t care if I lose my money or property, all of them can be replaced but a loyal and caring woman like Helen, she’s indispensable… Losing her would make me miserable, she’s been my backbone and without her, I’ll be helpless, I don’t think any woman would capture my heart like the way Helen does… After spending hours thinking about what to do.. I decided to finally go to sleep.. I’ll have to improve and worm better on my relationship with Helen.. I can’t afford to lose her and I can’t let that happen.
The next morning, Helen and I left for work early in the morning, I was relieved when I saw she was back to her normal self, no cold gazes or gloomy moods, Her lovely smile was back on her face. But despite that, I was still worried and processing what we discussed last night.
Later that afternoon in my office, My friend and estate agent colleague came into my office, he was full of smiles and joy, as he saw how gloomy I was, he asked if I was alright.
Victor Roberto.. How far? What’s with the long face?
Robert Victor.. I’m fine… What’s the occasion? You look excited.
Victor Why not? I’m finally going to a father.. Isn’t it great?
Robert Congratulations.. I’m so happy for you..
Victor Yeah.. So how’s Helen?..
Robert Helen is fine.
Victor My.. You’re one damn lucky b-stard.. I’m still jealous of you.. You have something most men are dying to look for in a woman..
Robert Oh yeah? And what’s that?…
Victor Helen’s got looks, she’s attractive and s-xy.. She’s well packaged and each one is perfect, she has a lovely skin… Hell, I might say she’s Cleopatra’s clone.. Or maybe even Helen of troy’s clone.
Robert Oh come on.. Don’t exaggerate..
Victor I’m not.. Whenever I see her, she reminds me of Valentina nappi .
Robert Valentina nappi? Wait.. Is she not a p-rn actress?
Victor That’s the one..
Robert F-ck you Victor.. How dare you compare my loving wife to that sl-t?
Victor Look sorry.. I didn’t mean to say it that way.. I just say they have a slight resemblance.. And you have to admit Valentina is a hot b-tch.
Robert It’s not funny.. Don’t ever do that again.. Ever.
Victor Sheesh Relax.. So what’s up with you? When are you guys going to start having kids..
Robert Well, that’s none of your business.
Victor Come on Victor.. Don’t be mean..
Robert I’m not.. Having kids is a private issue between me and my wife.. No outsiders allowed.. Get the picture.
Victor OK.. I get the message.. I’ll be going now.. Tell her I said hi ????.
Robert I will.
Later that day around 6:00pm, I left my agency work and went for the other one, I wasn’t really an active pastor, all I do in the church is meet people and offer pray to them, sometimes I too offer some sermon to the church members whenever the bishop wasn’t around .. Most of the pastors in the church weren’t excited to have me around cause, unlike them I was different in very way, Some of the put on suits and all but I can’t handle that pressure plus the heat is too much.. I only wear suits when I do my agency work ????, here in the church, I put on a simple shirt and a tie ????, sometime I put on a T-shirt and a nice pair of expensive jeans ????.. As I arrived at the church, There was a mass going on, I sat together with other pastors as our Bishop gave a sermon.. After 2 hours of heart touching sermon, the church member finally dispersed and went home..
Mr. Louise who was the bishop was my teacher in secondary school, he is a man of excellent character and good reputation, He was the one that offered me the chance to become a pastor so that I could learn more about the christian faith, He believed that most men of this generation have lost their way and don’t care about their religion, all they ever care about is making money and doing all sorts of sinful acts.. He even emphasized that the only time men worshipped God was only when they’re in desperate need of something or in a hopeless situation and once their prayers get answered they revert back to their old ways.. So after that church service, We both met and began to talk.
Louise Robert my boy.. How are you?
Robert I’m fine sir..
Louise My.. You’re looking good and healthy.. Praise the lord… So how’s your wife, Helen? I hope she too is in good health?
Robert Yes sir..
Louise That’s good.. Can I ask you for a favor?
Robert Sure sir. What is it?
Louise I’d like you to handle the confessional box while I’m away.. My wife and I just celebrated our wedding anniversary and we’ll be going on our second honeymoon.
Robert That’s nice sir.. But why me?
Louise Well that’s because I trust you and you’re a patient and very good listener.. Most of these pastors don’t have time to listen to people.
Robert Okay sir.. I’ll do it.
Louise Good.. I’d like you to start tonight.
Robert Alright sir.. Have a safe trip.
Louise Thanks Robert.
Mr. Louise left the church after while and soon everywhere was a bit quiet, Though there were some church members who stayed to pray.. While I was in Mr. Louise’s office reading the bible, Ms. Sonia a pastoress of the church came and informed me that there was a lady that came for confession.. I thanked her and she left the office.. After some minutes, I left the office and went to the confessional box and as it turns out the lady was already inside. I couldn’t see the ladies face cause she was wearing a veil and her head was bent.
Robert Good evening lady ..
Lady Good evening pastor… You sound different.. Is Father Louise not around?
Robert No.. He’s not present at the moment..
Lady Okay.. What is your name?
Robert Robert.
Lady Robert?.. Is it okay if you call you Father?
Robert Sure.. So you’re here to make a confession
Lady Yes father..
Robert Okay.. What is it?
Lady Father.. I have sinned.. a lot. I don’t think God will forgive me for what I’ve done.
Robert Don’t jump to conclusions.. Our all mighty father is a forgiving God.. What sin have you committed?
Lady Adultery.. I cheated on my husband.
Robert How many times?
Lady I’ve lost count.. I’ve done it so much I can’t even remember and the worst part is.. I love doing it.
Robert Jesus.. So for how long have you been married?
Lady I’ve been married for a year.
Robert (shocked) A YEAR?
Lady Is something wrong?..
Robert Everything is alright.. I’m just surprised.. Go on..
Lady I want to stop father.. I really do but I’ve gotten addictive.. It’s like I can’t do without doing it.. It makes me feel alive. What should I do?
What does this woman want me to say?.. In fact I’m speechless… Whoever this lady is.. She’s crazy.. She’s been married for a year and she’s lost count of the men she’s slept with… No wonder she said God wouldn’t forgive her but unlike us, Our lord is a forgiving God.
Robert Young lady.. What is your name?
Lady Eva.
Robert Eva.. So tell me how did this happen?
Lady Father.. Would it be better for you if I told you from the very beginning, how it all started?
Robert Sure I’m listening..