Love Of My Life Chapter 5
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Love Of My Life Chapter 5 Of Love Of My Life by Preshsyarr Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Love Of My Life CHAPTER FIVE: ????
???????? (Breathe Of My Life)????????
????????????(FIRST TIME)????
“When you’re about leave the house, you should inform me.”
Giselle grabbed a phone from the coffee table and handed it to Felix. “Here’s your phone, it’s my old phone and you can use it for now.”
“I don’t know how to use it.” He said as he slowly grabbed it from her hand.
“I’ll teach you later.” She said. “And lastly..” she gulped and pointed out the door behind her.
“You’re not allowed to go inside my room. Once violated you’ll be kicked out automatically.” She said in a serious manner. Though the later was kind of a joke.
“Why?” He curiously asked
Giselle inhaled as her eyes widened and cheeks turned red, surprised by the question. “B.. because it’s my room.”
“Got it.” He said. “But may I suggest a rule too?”
“You’re also not allowed to go to my room.” He said as he raised his chin and cross his arms.
Giselle raised her chin and also crossed her arms. “Why?”
“Because it’s my room too.” He teased smiling.
“Okay! We should respect each other’s privacy.” She mumbled as she uncrossed her arms and looked down.
Felix paused for a while and looked down. “Giselle..”
“Do you have the song that we just heard on the bus earlier?” Hr asked as he looked at her with an innocent eyes.
“Love of my life by Queen? I’m afraid not.” She frowned. “But I can download it and send it to your phone if you want.”
Felix grinned and nodded. “Yes please.”
Giselle went in her room and grabbed her laptop. She downloaded the song and send it to Felix’s phone. Afterwards, they heard their dinner together. It was a simple and quiet awkward dinner. Giselle was thinking that it felt like a date and that made her feel uneasy. Felix was curious on how his phone works, so she taught him the basics.
“Giselle!” She shouted as she was proceeding to her room after their dinner. Giselle looked back as she opened the door.
“Thank you!”
“It’s okay.” She softly said, already tired and sleepy. She smiled and said. “Good night.”
“Good night!” She smiled and entered his room. He lay down on the bed and checked his phone and played the only song in his phone, ‘Love of my phone’. The song started playing with a moderate volume and he placed it beside his follow.
He looked up the ceiling as he listened to the song. It was a sad song, but it made him feel relaxed and secured. Though he couldn’t remember anything from the song, his heart kept telling him that it’s something from his past, something reminiscent. He smiled as he also fall asleep.
Felix’s eyes slowly opened as the sun’s ray passing on the curtains of the window blinded him. He puts his right hand on his eyebrows as he rose up from bed. The song was still playing as it looped the whole tight.
He grabbed the phone and the song. He stood from his bed and stretched his body as he yawned. He walked towards the door and opened it, seeing no one in the kitchen.
He walked to the counter and saw two plates covered with aluminum foil on top of one of the plates was a light pink sticky note with words written on it. He detached it from the plate and read it.
‘I left early for school, here are your breakfast and lunch. If you need water, it’s in the refrigerator. Don forget to clean the house, feel free to watch the television. If you need anything, you can call or text me using your phone’
Felix smiled as he stuck it beside the plate. He removed the foil from one of the plate and gulped as he saw that it had rice, Kimchi and fried eggs on it. He grinned as he grabbed the plate and went to the table.
It was already lunch time and Giselle just finished her class with 2-2, the class where her brother belongs. She walked through the hallway as she picked her phone from her pocket to check if there were any missed calls or messages from Felix. To her surprise there was none.
As she reached the faculty room, she saw Karina and Hendrey waving at her in the pantry. She waved back as she placed her books on her desk and grabbed her lunch from her brown shoulder bag.
“How’s your class?” Karina asked her. Karina sat in front of her and on the left was Hendrey. “It was the usual, I’m quite proud of them. They’re having high grades so far.” She answered and opened her lunch container and started eating. “How about yours?”
“They’re getting rowdier every single day.” She said in an upset but calm manner. “I need to shout at them at them just to keep them from talking to their classmates.”
Hendrey laughed with his mom full of rice. “You?” He said with his mouth till full. He pointed out his chopsticks to Karina and said. “Why do you need to shout at them? You can control them by showing then that you have more power over them, just take me and hide as an example.” He puts his arms on Giselle’s shoulder, making her surprise as she was pulled closer to him.
TO Be Continued