Lost In Love Episode 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Lost In Love Episode 22 Or Chapter Twenty Two Of Lost In Love by Ruthie Lee Story or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Lost In Love Episode Twenty Two: ????
???? JENNY’s POV Continues: ????
Fiona’s threat didn’t scare me one bit.. I smirked and said “you ain’t doing nothing and you can’t ” I snapped “oh really we’ll just have to wait till the time comes ” Fiona said while I gave her a glare and walked away.
I walked in the class and immediately I made eye contact with Jack who was busy talking wit Dexter and Edward he pause looking at me and the next thing he stood up and ran to meet me “so.. You’ve eaten right” I said trying to start a normal conversation “yeah.. Too bad you didn’t join me it was boring ” jack said and smiled while I also smile weakly and forcefully and Jackson kind of noticed.. “what’s wrong angel” he said and placed his hands on my cheek.. “nothing just tired that’s all” I replied while he smiled and nod his head in agreement ..he walked me to my seat and I sat down and laid my head on the desk he, patted my hair softly and kissed it “see you soon” he whispered in my ear softly and walked away and in no time I didn’t know when I drifted to sleep..
???? JACKSON’S POV ????
I was worried, really worried about Jenny’s down atitude ,I walked back to my seat and Edward suddenly left.. Leaving me and Dexter alone…
During free period, jenny complained she wasn’t feeling well and I escorted her to the school’s sick bay, where she laid on the bed and drifted to sleep. On my way back to class in the hall way I met Fiona, she glanced at me and smiled “hi jack” she said friendly as she got close to me “hey” I replied sarcastically while she frowned and said “but I already apologized why ar you still being mean to me jack is that how much you hate me, c’mon jack people change. And I have promise not do to do anything stupid or notorious again ” she pleaded, I searched her eyes but couldn’t find anything.. I didn’t say anything I just kept my gaze at her “l am sorry jack” she said slowly and softly and immediately tears formed in her eyes and started gushing out of her eyes.. I couldnt bare it anymore so i said “okay look Fiona it’s okay don’t cry anymore okay I believe you, you’ve Change it’s Okay ”
She stopped crying, sniffed and cleaned her tears “that means you forgive me ” she said while i smiled forcefully and nod my head in agreement..
She smiled happily and said “great, well anyway you’re invited to my house party , I’ve invited everyone except you, but make sure you come ” she said and left me surprised
“wait y0u said you invited ecerybody” I asked trying to be sure.
“Yes and Also I invited Jenny you don’t need to worry ” Fiona said and smiled and I couldn’t believe I foolishly believed her..
“so when’s the party ” I asked
“today” she replied immediately “isn’t dat too early” I but she shook her head negatively and said “no jackyy the earlier the better “..she hugged me happily and walked away. ..
.. My phone’s fucking up big time..
???? JENNY’S POV ????
After school hours and its time for Fiona’s party…I dressed up and headed to her house with the address she gave me, on reaching there,
I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw immediately tears poured out of my eyes, jack lying on the bed with only his boxers and Fiona on top him, with only her bikini jack what is the meaning of this ” I asked not knowing he’s fully drunked ..”is.. Is that jenny” he said sluggishly cleaning his eyes “Jacky there’s no one here , ” Fiona said while jack said okay “I can’t believe you’ll do this to me, it’s over” I said angrily with tears in my ears as I walked away.. I heard Fiona saying “mission accomplished ” but damn I didn’t mind, as I was going downstairs I stopped and began to think of the word “mission accomplished ” that Fiona was up to something, I thought.. I vividly cleaned my tears as I ran up the stairs I felt someone followed me but who cares.. As I got back to Fiona’s room, I met her begging jack to pull his shorts down but jack was busy moving and staggering all over the bed saying “I have to see jenny” he was holding his head tight..
As Fiona saw me, she stood up and covered her body with her blanket.. “why are you back here” she said bluntly while I ignored her words and walked up to Jack. “Jack are you okay” I asked touching his body which was on fire.. “who’s that ” he said trying to open his eyes but maybe due to his head ache he couldn’t and that’s where I realised he’s been drunk and Fiona’s trying to make him have sex with her..
Thinking about this I stood angry and said “you whore how dare you try to rape my boyfriend ” I said with anger in my voice.. “rape” I heard Mabel’s voice from outside the door she was staring at us all.. “yes rape this bitch here tried to make jack have sex with her bcoz he’s drunk” I said while Mabel gasped and Fiona bent her head, and immediately rose it up again “and who told you I was going to rape him” she said while i gave her a glare and she moved back.. Good thing I brought my car, I told Mabel to help me carry Jack up while I wore him his trousers and shirt, I held his sneakers in my hands and me and mabel took him outside to my car..
I opened the door and gently sat him there jack wasn’t his self at all he was sweating and I knew he isn’t the drinking type guys.. “thank you so much Mabel, I appreciate your effort” ..as I said that tears formed in Mabel’s eyes I could see it even though every where was dark with the help of the street lights..
“Whats wrong did I say anything wrong ” I asked her while she shook her head and said “No..i can see you love jack so much, you always put him first before yourself and maybe that’s why he luvs you too and I think if you both continue like this no body will be able to separate you both and you’re also welcome, thanks for being a good partner to jack ” she said and walked in side, I smiled to myself and I realised i really do love Jack and I’ll never stop loving him.. I got into my car and drove him to my house since I didn’t know his house address..
???? MABEL’S POV ????
I went inside and sat in a corner crying, I’ve never seen anyone as brave and caring as Jenny, I thought she was going to break up with Jack in this little misunderstanding but instead she figured it out and fought for her love she didn’t give up on jack ..she got there when he needed her, and I cant believe I wanted jack back when am not capable of having him, I remembered I was the one who left him.. He and Jenny are the perfect couple they’re just perfect together and I think it’s time I finally get rid of my selfishness and foolishness and let Jackson go..
I took my purse and got ready to leave this damn party when Chris came over.. “hi” he said while I replied “heyy” not looking at me but at my purse if I could find a dollar so I could take a cab home..
“Going home already? ” he asked while I nod my head and immediately gasped after realising am not with any money.. And Chris kind of noticed.. “I can take you home you know ” he said making me raise my head up and looking at him dearly. “oh you can” I said softly while he nod his head and smiled..
“but what about your friends” I asked again..
“Hmm forge dem they’ll be fine ” he said while I smiled vividly and followed him outside where his car was..
We both entered and I sat down beside him, he fastening his seat belt when he saw mine he said “let me help you with that” he removed his seat belt and decided to help me fix mine while trying his hand mistakenly touched my breast and I gasped and said “Chris be careful ”
He gulped nervously and stammered “I’m soorry” he said….
TO Be Continued…