Living With My Crush Episode 39
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Living With My Crush Episode 39 Of Living With My Crush by Authoress Funmai Library Living With Thorns Crushing On Me Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Living With My Crush EPISODE THIRTY NINE: ????
(???????? He Is My Brother Best Friend
(???? Are You Alright!????)
???? Rachel pov ????????
Suddenly, we heard a gun fire. I started looking around for the source of the sound but didn’t find anyone other than Mom, Sandra, I and the two guards.
I saw Mom looking at the ceiling. “They are on the terrace,” she said
They? Who?
Mom went towards the staircase door and started ascending the stairs. Guards dragged us behind her.
We got to the terrace. And the sight before me terrified me.
Dad’s back was facing us. I could see that Dad had placed his gun near Ashton’s head.
Michael was standing in a distance, facing Dad with his gun aimed at him.
My gaze fell on the ground. I saw Mark lying on the floor. His eyes were opened. I looked at his chest. There was a bullet there. My eyes were glossy after seeing Mark’s cold and dead body.
Did Dad do this? He killed Mark? “Drop your gun, Michael,”
Dad ordered my brother. “I won’t repeat myself.”
Michael was glaring at Dad.
“Michael, I killed your friend. And I won’t hesitate to kill your other friend if you don’t drop the gun,” Dad said. Dad’s words made Michael drop the gun.
Mom took out her gun and grabbed Sandra’s arms, dragging her towards Dad. Michael finally noticed us as his eyes widened in shock. Even Ashton noticed our presence.
Mom put her gun near Sandra’s head.
Michael looked at Mom and demanded, “Leave her.”
“Sorry, Michael. I can’t do that,” Mom said. “Ill have to kill her and your friend because they know that we’re alive.”
“We also know that you both are alive. That means that you’ll kill us to0? You’ll kill your own children?” Michael asked Mom.
“We won’t kill you and Rachael. We’ll take you both with us,” Dad answered.
“I won’t go anywhere with you,” Michael said to Dad, his voice filled with hatred.
“Then, well have to force you,” Dad simply said.
“Girl, any final words before I kill you,” Mom said to Sandra.
“Rachael and Michael will be ashamed to call you their parents,” Sandra said, making Mom angry.
“Goodbye,” Mom said.
Before she could pull the trigger, I screamed at the top of my lngs. I can’t bear to see my parents killing my loved ones.
Because of my scream, Mom and Dad’s attention turned to me. Michael took the opportunity because our parents were distracted. He quickly bent down and picked up Mark’s gun and he fired at Mom’s and Dad’s leg.
Mom and Dad stumbled a little giving Sandra and Ashton the opportunity to attack them.
Mom and Dad were held against the floor while Michael fired two bullets in my direction.
I got a mini heart attack when I saw the bullets coming towards me. But the bullets weren’t meant for me. They were meant for the two guards who were holding me. The bullets hit their thighs, making them fall on the floor.
I was freed from their hold. I straightaway went to Michael and hugged him. He dropped his gun to hug me.
We pulled apart from the hug. Michael asked me, “Are you alright?”
I just nodded my head.
I turned around to look at our parents who were forced to the ground by Ashton and Sandra.
Sandra punched Mom thrice to get her unconscious and Ashton had to punch Dad more than three times to get him unconscious.
The guards had fled from the scene.
Sandra hugged Michael. Ashton looked at me.
I knew that he wanted to hug me but Michael was there. And we couldn’t hug each other in the presence of myy brother.
I went to Ashton.
“Should we tell him about us?” I whispered to him.
He shook his head. “Now is not the right time to tell him about us. He has gone through a lot for a day.”
I just nodded my head. Ashton was right.
Michael has gone through a lot for a day and I don’t think that he’ll be able to handle the news about Ashton and I being together now.
I turned my head to Michael’s direction. He and Sandra had pulled apart.
“Let me get the ropes,” I heard her saying.
Then, she exited the terrace.
Michael turned to look at us. He came towards us and hugged Ashton. After their hug, we all looked at my parents who were lying unconscious on the ground.
“They were strangers in the form of our parents,” Michael said.
Soon, Sandra entered the terrace with two ropes in her hand. She gave one rope to Ashton and then proceeded to tie Mom’s hands and legs. Ashton did the same to Dad.
Ashton took Dad’s phone and called Special Squad.
Sun had started to rise. Agents of Special Squad had come to arrest Mom and Dad. The men who worked for them were also arrested.
I saw my parents getting handcuffed and pushed inside two separate cars.
There were lots of agents to escort Mom and Dad to prison.
Michael, Sandra, Ashton and I were standing together.
We sawa man coming towards us. He looked to be in his fifties. By his authoritative voice, I knew he was the head of Special Squad.
“Are you guys alright?” He asked us all.
R. I. P. Mark ????????????????
I pray make we no have this kind of parents ????????????