Living With My Crush Episode 24
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Living With My Crush Episode 24 Of Living With My Crush by Authoress Funmai Library Living With Thorns Crushing On Me Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Living With My Crush EPISODE TWENTY FOUR: ????
(???????? He Is My Brother Best Friend
(???? After The Bath, I’m Just Going To Walk Around Naked Here In This Room ????)
???? Rachel POV ????
“Ashton, if you want me to sleep in your room then you can directly tell me. You don’t need to go round and round with your theories to make me stay in your room,”I told him with a smile.
“Okay. You win,” he said. “I may sound a bit forward but I want you to sleep in my room because I want to cuddle with you.”
What? My crush slash boyfriend wants to cuddle with me?
I’m not letting this opportunity slip from my hands.
I smiled at him, showing all my teeth. “I can’t stop my boyfriend from cuddling with me, can I?” I asked him.
“No,” he said with a smile and came towards me and lifted me in bridal style and laid me on the bed. He was soon beside me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him.
“Goodnight,” he said as he kissed my forehand. This sweet gesture made me smile brightly at him.
“Goodnight,” I replied. He switched off the bedside lamp and came closer to me again.
“I love you,” he whispered in my ear.
“I love you too,” I whispered back and we both drifted off to sleep.
Next day, I woke up by Ashton stroking my hair.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” Ashton apologized.
“Don’t say sorry,” I told him. We both started smiling at each other.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked as he moved a lock of hair from my face.
“Yes. What about you?” I asked.
“I slept very well,” he answered with a smile.
“What’s the time?”
“Eight o’clock.”
“Can I go back to sleep?” I asked him. I was feeling tired and I wanted to sleep more.
“It’s your wish,” he said to me.
“I’m just going to sleep for one hour,” I told him.
“Okay,” he said as he got off the bed.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“I’m going to take a bath,” he answered.
“Take your clothes along with you,” I told him and he laughed.
“No. I’m not going to take my clothes with me.
After the bath, I’m just going to walk around naked here in this room,” he said, jokingly.
“No, you won’t!” I told him. I’m not ready to see him naked…yet.
“Okay, I won’t,” he said raising his arms in surrender.
I turned around and buried my head under the pillow to shield my eyes from the light and drifted off to sleep.
I was awakened by a delicious smell. I was able to open my eyes because the room was in darkness.
I got off the bed and exited the room. As soon as I stepped my foot in the sitting room, I was blinded by the light. I closed my eyes.
After a few seconds, I opened my eyes but the light was too bright for my eyes. So, I partially kept my eyes open so that I could see and walk to follow the delicious smell.
The smell led me to the kitchen where Ashton was preparing something.
“Hey” Ashton said with a smile. “Why don’t you open your eyes fully?” “It’s so bright in here,” I told him.
“To be honest, you look funny right now. Your eyes look so small on your face. It’s looks funny but cute at the same time,” he said to me. He came towards me and planted his lips on mine. It was a soft kiss.
He took me by surprise. By now, my eyes were fully opened.
“You shouldn’t have kissed me. I didn’t even brush my teeth.”
“It doesn’t matter to me, baby. For years, I’ve waited to kiss you and now when I can kiss you, I won’t stop myself,” he said with a grin.
Again, he called me baby. I love it when he calls me baby.
I smiled at him.
“Okay. I’m going back to the room to brush my teeth and shower” I told him.
“Okay,” he said.
I exited the kitchen. It’s only when I reached the bedroom that I realized that why I had went to the kitchen in the first place. The delicious smell had led me to the kitchen.
Ashton was preparing something delicious.
I should’ve at least asked him about what he was cooking.
But whenever my eyes land on Ashton, everything vanishes and all I can see is him.
I quickly brushed my teeth and showered.
When I exit the bathroom, I see Ashton sitting on the bed with our breakfast.
He smiled at me as he said, “Breakfast is ready!”
And I attacked the food.
???? Michael’s pov ????
“Eat this,” Sandra said as she waved a burger in front of my face.
We were living in a rented house near the bank whose main computer was hacked.
“No, thanks,” I said, my eyes still fixed on the laptop screen. I had downloaded some parts of the software that the bank’s main computer was using. I wanted to download the whole software but the bank’s officials didn’t give me permission.
I was trying to find a pattern and trace the hacker. By now, I should’ve traced the hacker but it was taking so much time.
The hacker that we’re dealing with is a brilliant one and with a lot of experience too. It will be hard to trace him but it isn’t impossible.