Lesbian High School Episode 17
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Lesbian High School Episode 17 Of Lesbian High School Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????? Lesbian High School Episode SEVENTEEN: ????
{???? Stay Holy And Get Disvirgined ????????????}
GENRE: Romance, High School, Comedy, Erotica, Suspense
Liana Ohmshford
My heart built up in disappointment and confusion as I starred at Lorraine who had a sm-irk on her face.
What ??!
How the heck can I spend a whole seven minutes with this flir-ty guy here??
Jeez! What the heck is happening?? And why on earth did I p@rticipate in this game the first place??
I j£rked my chin slowly towards Xavier and his look pronounced “Do you really wanna do this??” I gulped ha-rd to nothing in p@rticular as Lorraine knitted her eyebrows sarcastically into an arc. “What??? Why’re you still standing there?, come on, get into the restroom alre-ady. You’re both delaying the game”
I heaved out a breath, dragging myself up, slowly walking to the restroom, when Xavier’s voice impeded my actions.
“Wait?? Does she really have to go there with him??” He asked, his gaze never leaving mine. I watched her mouth twitch to a undeniable Frown as she stood up as well starring annoyingly at him. “Why’re you so pissed off about it?? It’s just a game and she must stick to the conditions. I don’t get you Xavier. Why’re you so perturbe-d about it anyways??”
He swallowed ha-rd , averting his attention from me. “Alright”
Xazix sm-irked grinningly as we both took few Stride’s to the lavatory. He bolted the door instantaneously we got there, and that single action he made, enhanced my heart thump than its ribcage.
“Deny it all you can Liana, but I do know you’re very excited about this” His baritone voice bloomed throu-gh the silent background as he moved closer towards me. I gulped ha-rd nervously, feeling uncomfortable with the way his close pres£nce intimid@t£d me.
“I’m not”
“Really??” Creasing his eyebrows se-ductively, he moved more closer to me, but I moved backwards, he moved closer again, until my back collide with the wall.
Dead end!
“Or you wanna Deny the fact that…you…badly want me to get my c0ckburied into that sweet hole of yours” He whispered, using hisl-ips to brush mine.
Oh Gawd!
I would’ve done something drastic; but he alre-ady had both of hands pinned with his strong hands.
“Xazix re-lease me now or I swear I’ll do something you won’t like”
He scoffed, trailing k!sses to my temples. “Really??”
He pushed me closer to himself possessively, forcing me to a hungry rou-gh k!ss. I tried to break from it, but my efforts were all fruitless because he had his ton-gue attacking mine f0rç£fully, ma-king a mistakable m0@n elude from my mouth. The door barged open, revea-ling Xavier and Lorraine.
Oh no!!
“Time up!” Her squeaky voice waved in as I re-leased myself from Xazix hold. Xavier starred at me disappointedly.
“I swear it’s not what you think…. He…” I tried to explain, but he just threw me a brief glance, walking away angrily.
Oh my!!!!
Sherry Washington
My heart raced fearfully as I struggled weakly with the rope that was tied on my legs and hands, restricting me from ma-king any actions.
Who the heck kidnapped me??; What the hell??
I heard the door creaked open, followed by sounds of heels cl!çk!ng towards my direction. I felt a hand re-move the piece of clothe that was firmly tied on my eyes. I fli-ckered it twice as the light reflected de-eply throu-gh my Iris.
My mouth hanged open in the air as I starred up at two of the J. O. Y girls. They did this??
They abducted me??
What the heck did I do to them??
These unanswered questions kept gallivanting around my mind as she suddenly laughed silently lighting out a cigarette. She gave an eye-sign to one of the hefty guys in the room and they immediately brou-ght a chair for her. I watched her keenly as she dragged the chair towards me , sitting on it.
“So let’s talk!!”
“About what?? I don’t remember stepping on your toes, so could you just let me go right now!” She laughed maniacally as the smoke el@psed out throu-gh her nostrils. The stench engulfed the atmosphere. It soon had effects on me, coz I started coughing continuously.
“I c@m£ here to talk Miss. Washington; don’t even think of getting me threatened with those empty words of yours coz it’s not goanna work on me”
“What the fv¢k do you want from me??” I asked, in a whisper but it arrived out as a frustrated scream. She signalled the guy again and he dunked my head f0rç£fully into a h0t steaming water ma-king me scream out really Loud.
“You don’t raise your voice at me, coz you’ll regret it the moment you do”
“So let’s get down to business, shall we?? I have an eye for your h0t S-xy friend. She’s a tough bit-ch and I fv¢king love tough bit-ches. Their pu-ssy’s so soft and intact. They give you the vibe to keep su-cking their cl**s”
“How shameless could you be huh??” I pin pointed in ultimate disgust.
“Extremely shameless. I just wanna ask you a question. I nee-d to confirm my suspicions. I know that Liana’s still a vir-gin. She hasn’t been bur-sted yet and I know it okay?? So did she really get hooked up that night at the p@rty???!” She asked starring at me, as if the answers to her questions were written on my face.
Truth is; I don’t really have any idea whether she sle-pt with Xavier that night coz she didn’t tell me anything about it.
When she realized that I wasn’t talking, She sl@pped me twice ma-king my eardrums deaf for two seconds. Tears alre-ady filled my face , and I almost cried.
“Won’t you talk now bit-ch!!!” She yelled angrily but I didn’t bulge. Her che-st heaved up and down consecutively as she attacked me fiercely with her hands choking me gradually. My sight bec@m£ hazy as my breath seized sharply.
“Tell me what I nee-d to know,… And we’re okay” She muttered inaudibly un-der her breath but still i didn’t say a word, and that really got her infuriated.
She dragged my hair, almost pu-lling off my scalp as I coughed silently, slurping ha-rd .
“Is she still a vir-gin??!!”
“Yes!!” I screamed out in frustration.
TO Be Continued