Just For Love Chapter 97
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Just For Love Chapter 97 Of Just For Love by Zeemah Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Just For Love Chapter Ninety Seven:
(Love, Why ??)
???? ANEL’S POV ????
“OMG, you mean he kissed you?” Theresa, Ashlyn and Vie asked.
“Yes” I smiled, my cheeks getting pink.
We were all seated in my cabin after getting ready for day 9 adventure.
We were waiting for our breakfast.
I was happy throughout the night that i couldn’t sleep,i kept smiling and turning in bed.
Was it because it was my first kiss?
Or,the love i have for Dan is just too much?
His lips were so soft and sweet against mine.
He’s a good kisser and i wonder how many lips he would have kissed.
I felt a bit jealous but later shrugged it off.
He’s mine now.
Not only did he kiss me,he also asked me to be his girlfriend!
I can’t be more happy and i could remember how i screamed “Yes”
Yesternight was one of the best nights for us .
We took so long at the lake, talking and planning our future. I’m glad i have an intelligent dude as my boyfriend.
I never thought i could be so much in love cause i was someone who always condemned love but now i know better.
No matter how hard one tries to avoid love, it’ll always come whenever it wants to.
Love has control over everyone’s heart and I’m glad it directed my heart to Dan.
He carried me on his back down to my cabin yesternight,and i almost melted when he kissed me goodnight.
“Finally” Vie smiled.
“Yes! I’ve been waiting for this” Ashlyn said.
“So what happened after you kissed..did you.. i mean did he caressed you?” Theresa asked in a whisper.
I grinned…”No he didn’t but he almost did”
“Wow” They chorused and i covered my cheeks with my palms.
“There’s also something” I said.
“What?” They asked.
“He asked me to be his girlfriend” I said with a large smile and then glanced at their faces.
“OMG!” Vie exclaimed.
“Anel,did you say ‘yes’?” Theresa asked eagerly.
“Anel if you said ‘no’ then get out of this cabin right now” Ashlyn joked and i laughed.
I rested my chin on my palms deliberately putting them in suspense.
“Anel, com’on” They said.
“Well…my answer was…” I paused and stared at their faces.
The were looking at me eagerly and i could hear their loud breathings.
I smiled.
“My answer was… Yes” I said and their screams were deafening.
“Yessss!” They danced all over the room and i couldn’t help but laugh.
Silly asses!
They dragged me up and made me stand in the middle,they started dancing round me pulling out funny skills,i couldn’t stop laughing and the one that really gat me was Vie,she started singing in a terrible voice shaking her fat butt alongside.
I fell on the bed laughing hard….
“Oh..God,you guys are gonna kill me” I said in between laughter.
They all stopped when the door opened.
Two cooks walked in with our breakfast.
“Thanks” We chorused,each of us picking a plate and a bottle of water from the trays.
They nodded and walked out.
We sat down and started eating our breakfast.
“I’m so happy for you Anel” Vie said with a mouthful.
“Me too” Ashlyn smiled
“I’m not left out” Theresa said biting into her toast.
“Thanks everyone” I smiled.
My phone sprang to life and ‘Till i met you’ by fallen angels began to blare from the tiny speaker.
I picked my phone up and checked the caller’s ID. I smiled.
“Is it Dan?” Ashlyn asked and i nodded.
“Awwwn” They said making me feel shy.
I cleared my throat and swiped to the ‘reciever’ nervously.
????Hi Love” His breathtaking voice sounded in my ears.
My heart pumped happily.
I noticed my friends have stopped eating,they were staring at me.
Where the hell did i get this friends from?
????Sweetie,are you there?” Dan’s voice jolted me.
????Yes…I’m here” I said.
????How are you and how was your night?”
????I’m fine,my night was splendid. Yours?” I asked.
???? I’m fine and my night went great cause it was filled with the thought of you” He said making my cheeks grow hot.
????Ohh..” I smiled.
????Have you had your breakfast?” He asked.
????I’m having it presently. You?”
????We just finished our breakfast and we’re thinking of coming over before adventure starts” He said.
I can’t wait to see his face.
???? Okay,start coming over. I’ve missed your face” I said.
????I missed your face more,will be there soon. Kisses” He said and disconnected the call.
I dropped my phone,still grinning.
“He’s coming over” I said and started rushing my breakfast.
“Is Dave coming with him?” Theresa asked.
“Yeah” I said.
“Vie,we also need to get boyfriends” Ashlyn said and we laughed.
“Dave haven’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet” Theresa said.
“It’s so obvious he’s gonna do that soon” Ashlyn said to the pink-cheeked Theresa.
I smiled, wondering who blushes more between Theresa and i.
“Let’s finish up our breakfast quick, they’ll be here soon” Theresa said.
I’m almost done with mine.
I was gulping down water when Dan walked in with Dave.
He flashed a cute smile at me and i nearly choked on water.
How could someone be this handsome?
His dressing is simple yet it looked great on him.
I’m proud to have him as mine.
My heart started making that familiar movement.
I dropped my water and smiled back at him.
He closed the gap between us and pecked me on both cheeks before placing a light kiss on my lips.
My heart leaped and i couldn’t hold my smile as he sat beside me.
Geez! I didn’t realize they were all staring at us.
I felt my cheeks go purple.
“You look more beautiful when you blush” Dan whispered to me and i blushed more.
“I need to take a picture of you right now” He said bringing out his phone.
“No, don’t” I said.
“I will” He said making a funny face.
“Stop, don’t” i laughed.
He raised his phone up and i quickly grabbed it from him.
“Ah! What a girlfriend” He rolled his eyes and i laughed.
“Ugh! What a boyfriend” I over-rolled my eyes and everyone laughed.
????All students should head out for day 9 adventure in Tropical island????
???? ???? ????
“Everyone pose properly” Vie said.
Dan’s hand was curved round my shoulders,he kissed my hair as Vie took the shot.
There were camera clicks everywhere.
We’re in tropical Island, everyone was having fun including the teachers,i noticed how remorseful Mr Jones looked.
Well…i don’t care,we’ve gotten our necklaces back and that’s all that matters.
We took several pictures before joining the group of students that was touring round the island, the teachers explained some things to us and we gladly jotted them down.
Dan’s hand was curved round my shoulders all the while and i couldn’t stop smiling.
This whole view is damn beautiful and i’m starting to wish i could stay here forever.
We all headed back to our cabin in the night,they made us stay long in the island simply because today is our last day of adventure.
Everyone will be in their cabins tomorrow, we’ll only come out in the night to make bonfire and set up fireworks.
I’m looking forward to that,i know there will be so much fun.
“I had so much fun” I said as we all walked into our cabin.
“Me too” The rest chorused, everyone except Dan and i falling tiredly on their beds.
“I feel like sleeping” Vie said.
“It seems you’ve made jacq’s bed yours” I said.
“Yes ofcourse” She yawned.
I sighed when i saw Dave already laying beside Theresa who looks like she’s gonna pop soon with love.
Ashlyn was already dozing off and i wondered if she slept walk all the way back to our cabin.
“Won’t you all have your night bath?” I shouted but none if them replied.
They’ve gone to dreamland.
“Ah!” I sighed and glanced at Dan who was standing beside me.
“They are all exhausted” He said as we walked down to my bed.
I sat on the bed and was about unbuckling my sandals but Dan offered to.
“Thanks” I smiled and watched him do it.
He started massaging my feet after he was done pulling off my sandals.
I smiled,i was less shy cause others were asleep.
I stood up some minutes after he was done,i opened my box and brought out my pajamas.
“I want to go shower” I said to Dan.
He nodded. “I will also shower after you’re done” He said.
“That means you’ll have to go pick your pajamas” i said and he stood up.
“Yeah,let me go get it” He said and walked out of the cabin,i also walked into the bathroom.
I walked out of the bathroom in my pajamas, feeling so refreshed.
Dan was sitting on the bed, holding his blue pajamas,he was busy with his phone.
“Hey,I’m done” I said and he glanced up with a smile.
“Wow!” He exclaimed running his gaze all over my body.
“What?” I asked,my cheeks going pink as i wrapped my hands over my chest.
“Your beauty is rare,I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you” He said.
“Thanks love” I grinned.
“I’m glad you’re mine” He said.
“And I’m glad you’re mine too, now quickly go have your bath so we can sleep”
“Okay babe” He said and walked into the bathroom.
I smiled happily before jumping on the bed.
Minutes later,we were both sleeping in each others arms and for the first time,i had a beautiful dream.
????{Next day}????
We laughed at Vie’s joke as we ate our lunch.
We were in the cabin, chatting and laughing.
I never knew it was this interesting to have friends.
I’ve been missing all along.
“Do you want more noodles?” Dan asked me,i was done with my noodles but I’m not filled yet.
“Yes” I said.
“Okay,pick your chopstick let’s eat mine together” He said and i did.
“No,wait. i want to feed you” He said and i giggled.
He started feeding me and i must confess that the noodles was more tasty this way.
We continued our talks and was interrupted by the knock on the door.
I think the cooks are back to pack the dishes but we’re not done yet.
“Come in” Dan said,the door opened and we were all surprised to see Jacq walk in, staring at her feet.
“Ohh..you’re here to pick your box right? Mind you I’ve taken over your bed” Vie said.
I was more surprised when Karissa and Travis walked in behind her,they closed the door and stood in front of us, looking sorry.
Jacq and Karissa suddenly bursted into tears and we all exchanged glances, wondering what was going on.
“Please forgive me,I’m so sorry” Jacq pleaded in tears.
“Forgive me too please” karissa cried.
“I’m sorry” Travis said.
No one spoke a word,we were surprised.
I never thought they could apologise.
I sighed and looked at Dan.
“Jacq, Karissa you both were my friends,why did you turn to my enemies?” Dan asked.
“I’m so sorry Dan, Anel. I know I’ve wronged you both. Please forgive me. I did everything just because i love you Dan” Jacq said.
“What!” Dan exclaimed and i smiled..
I’ve known this for long… Jacq loves Dan.
Too bad…i gat him now!
“I’ve always loved you but you only see me as a friend, I’ve tried all i could to make you see me in another light but you didn’t, so i thought of doing all i can to make you mine. I was the one behind those provocative messages,i saw how much you liked Anel so i decided to..to split the both of you but it didn’t work. Please I’m sorry” Jacq said in tears and everyone gasped in surprise.
I’m not surprised though.
“What! You mean,you sent those pictures of Anel with Travis?” Dan asked and she nodded.
“Gosh!” He ran his hands through his hair and then glanced at me.
“Aren’t you surprised?” He asked.
“I’m not, cause i already found out before now. That was the reason i pounced on karissa in class,i thought she was the only one involved,i didn’t know Jacq was too” I said and Dan gasped.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“I don’t want to mar your friendship,it’s good you found out yourself” I said.
“Damn!” He let out a deep breath.
I patted his back slowly.
“I’m so sorry Dan, please forgive me. I’ve realized my mistake and i’ve already turned a new leaf” Jacq sniffed.
“Dan, i need your forgiveness. I did all i did cause i thought i love you but I’ve now realized it was your looks i fell in love with. I’m so sorry for the pains I’ve caused you and Anel, you both should please forgive me” Karissa pleaded.
“Dan,i know i shouldn’t be involved in all of this but i am because of the jealousy and hate i have towards you,I’ve always hated the fact that you looked more handsome,the fact that girls prefer you to me,the fact that..that you like Asanel and she likes you too. I’m so so sorry,i have my regrets now, please forgive me” Travis said.
Dan sighed..”I’m finding it hard to take all these in..i…I’m shocked”
“You should be” I said.
“Please Dan,Anel we’re sorry. Forgive us” They chorused, crying except Travis who was obviously trying to hold his tears.
Dan looked at me…
“Let’s forgive them huh?” I whispered to him and he nodded.
“I’ve forgiven you guys” I said.
“Thanks Anel” They chorused and faced Dan who hesitated before speaking up.
“Fine,the deed is done and i don’t see the reason why i should not forgive you. You are all forgiven” Dan said.
“Thanks so much Dan” They smiled,wiping their tears.
“But?” Dan paused.
“But what?” They asked and i wonder what he’s about to say.
“We can’t be friends anymore” He said and i saw Jacq and karissa’s faces drop.
Tears filled their eyes once more and i felt pity for them.
“Dan please…” They were pleading but he cut them off.
“I’ve totally forgiven you,i have nothing against you guys anymore but I’m sorry we can’t continue being friends” He said with a note of finality,stood up and walked out.
I sighed and glanced at them.
“Well… we’ve forgiven you completely so you can leave” I said.
“Thanks so much” Travis said and walked out.
“You caused this! You this sheep! You caused everything. You pushed me to do what i never wanted to” Karissa yelled in Jacq’s face.
“Shut up!” Jacq yelled back.
“You both can keep yelling at each other but please go do that outside” Theresa said.
They both walked out slowly, looking sad.
“Wow! I never knew they did something this huge” Theresa said.
“I’m surprised” Ashlyn said.
“Their confession was not very shocking to me” I said.
“I’m glad Dan already cut ties with them” Vie said.
“I need to go meet him” I said and stood up.
I walked out of the cabin,in search for Dan.
Every students danced round the bonfire singing and clapping our hands happily.
????It’s our last night here,everyone danceeee”????
“Yaaaaay” We all shouted happily, singing and dancing more than before.
I’m having so much fun.
Dan tickled me as i danced and i can’t stop laughing.
The atmosphere is bright and lively,the night looking more beautiful.
We danced and danced round the bonfire till we got tired.
????Everyone are you ready for fireworks?????
“Yessss” We shouted happily and watched as the teachers set up fireworks.
“Wow!”We all exclaimed, staring at the beautiful fireworks in the sky.
????You can make a wish????
There was silence and the moment was priceless.
I never thought I’d be in midst of people,i never thought i could be this happy.
Lord i thank you for your grace,i thank you for making me see the light.
‘i wish my happiness and every other person’s will last long’
Everyone brought out the phones and started taking pictures and i made sure i didn’t miss out.
???? ???? ????
30 minutes later,the fireworks were over.
Most of the students were already thinking about returning to the cabins when i thought of something.
“Dan” I called.
“Huh?” He answered.
“Why don’t we create more fun tonight?” I asked.
“More fun? How?” He asked.
“We can make the lake golden and invite everyone to swim,they’ll be so happy and amazed” I said and Dan’s eyes lit up.
“Good idea” He smiled.
“Who wants to swim in a golden lake?” I asked loudly in my tiny voice .
There was silence for a while,most of them thought i was joking.
“I’m not joking guys,who wants to swim in a golden lake?” I asked again and they hesitated before shouting;
“Come with us Everyone” I said and took hold of Dan’s hand.
We started running to the lake with the students and teachers following us.
We got to the lake and stopped..everyone has gathered.
“Should we dip our necklaces in it or get in?” I asked.
“Let’s get in” Dan said and we smiled at each other before jumping into the lake, Dan was holding me though,I’m a bad swimmer.
Everyone watched expectantly and i smiled as our necklaces started sparkling,it was so bright that it covered the lake immediately making it turn golden.
Everyone gasped except our friends who already knew.
Is this true?
Am i seeing things?
Look! It’s truly golden.
So beautiful…” They chorused.
“Now everyone do you wanna swim in the golden lake?” I asked.
“Yessss” They screamed happily jumping into the lake one after the other including the teachers!
Everyone is looking so happy and amazed.
I’m glad we were all having fun even though the lake is crowded.
I turned to Dan and kissed him hard.
He returned my kiss and i quickly pulled away when things was starting to get hot.
He smiled.
“I love you” He shouted in my ears.
“I love you too” I shouted back and hugged him tightly.
It’s late, everyone has gone back to their cabins except Dan and i,we were both seated at the edge of the lake.
The moon shone brightly into the lake, making it sparkle, I cherish this view so much and I’m sure gonna miss it.
I shivered and Dan drew me closer.
We were yet to get out of our wet clothes.
“Anel” He called.
“Huh?” I asked.
“How’s Liam going to take our relationship?” He asked and i glanced up at him. He’s looking worried.
I smiled..”Dan, there’s nothing to be worried about okay? I’m sure Liam’s mind is already softened,he would gladly accept us” I said.
“Are you sure?”
“Ofcourse i am, Liam won’t oppose our love. His mind is already softened,he called me yesterday asking of you” I said.
“Really?” He smiled.
“Yeah” I said.
“Wow, I’m so happy. We’re good to go” He brushed back my hair with his hand.
“Yeah..yeah” i said and poked his chest.
We both laughed.
“I think this adventure was specially made for our sake, cause a lot of things happened to us here and we conquered it all” Dan said.
“Yes,it was specially made for us but Dan i want everything that happened here to be our little secret” I said.
“Ohh…no problem,trust me i won’t tell anyone,but maybe we will have to tell our children in the future” He said and i smiled.
“Ofcourse” I grinned happily.
I rested my head on his shoulder,and my gaze fell on the lake.
So beau…
My hearbeat increased when i suddenly saw a huge shadow in the lake and it was getting nearer.
I gripped Dan’s hand in fear and quickly closed my eyes.
“Water monster” I screamed, clinging to Dan tightly.
I expected him to tell us to run but he didn’t,he was laughing instead.
“Anel,it’s Vie” He said still laughing.
“Huh?” I opened one of my eyes.
“Look,it’s Vie” he laughed hard holding his stomach.
I opened my second eyes and glanced up, truly it was Vie,she was approaching us. I looked back at the lake and realized it was her shadow.
TO Be Continued