Just For Love Chapter 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Just For Love Chapter 22 Of Just For Love by Zeemah Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Just For Love Chapter Twenty Two:
(Love Made Her)
???? JESSIE’S POV ????
She’s gone ????
I yawned and slipped out of the blanket.
I stood up and stretched,i put off my crazy alarm and sat back on the bed.
I reached for my phone and logged into my Instagram account.
I replied to some messages and checked some latest update.
I logged out and threw my phone on the bed.
I walked to the wardrobe and pulled out my school uniform, undies and perfume.
I spread it all on the bed and grabbed my towel.
I walked into the bathroom,hanged my towel on the towel rail and opened the cabinet to bring out my tooth brush and paste.
I walked to the sink,turned on the faucet,rinsed my toothbrush and applied a lot of paste on it.
I don’t manage paste….i use at least six paste in three to four weeks.
I started brushing my teeth and started at myself in the round mirror hanged on the wall.
This was the most beautiful girl in Makers high school before that idiot replaced me.
Well…I’m glad my beauty and my shape is natural but i know she did something tricky to get hers.
I rinsed my toothbrush and my mouth, turned off the faucet and headed back to the cabinet.
I dropped the toothbrush and paste inside, picked my shower cap before closing it.
I wore the shower cap over my hair,tucked some stubborn strands into it.
I pulled off my pajamas and placed it on the cabinet.
I picked my sponge case and soap before getting under the cold shower.
I turned off the faucet and stepped out of the of shower.
I picked my towel and wrapped it round my body.
I checked my reflection in the mirror to be sure i didn’t miss any part of my face.
I sighed approvingly and walked back to my room.
I dried my body and smiled at the new plan that just got into my head.
I’m gonna force Ellen to give out Mara’s secret..it’s obvious she knows it.
Haha…i need to know how everything came about.
She can’t keep fooling everyone.
It seems the whole class is in love with her…
They all made the childish pontsplait style she did,and they all look like bulls.
I picked my body lotion and began applying it smoothly on my skin.
I got to my leg and noticed a red sign that wasn’t there before..
Was i bitten by a mosquito?
I don’t think there are mosquitoes in this house…and besides this sign doesn’t look like a mosquito bite..
Well…I’m gonna tell mum there are now mosquitoes in the house.
I’m glad my pop sock will be covering this.
I finished applying body lotion and picked my undies.
I wore it, then picked my shirt, followed by my pop sock then skirt.
I was done putting on my school uniform.
I sat on the dressing chair and picked a comb.
I combed my hair for some minutes and sighed satisfactorily..
I love my hair being smooth and shiny.
I picked the hair lotion, pressed a whole lot in my palm…rubbed it together and applied it on my hair…
I picked my perfume and applied it behind my ears and armpit,before dropping it on the shelf.
I picked my hair pack and thought of packing pontsplait but i dare not!
She will be feeling high that I packed the style she introduced.
I packed my hair in my normal ponytail,then went through my shoe rack.
I selected a pair of black polished shoes and slipped my feet into it.
I took my phone from the bed then picked my backpack,i opened it and dropped my phone inside.
I hung my backpack over my shoulders, took a last glance at the mirror before walking out if my room.
I started climbing down the stairs to the dining room when i saw a red shadow ran past me.
I rubbed my eyes and smiled…
Jessie are you starting to see things.
I guess it’s hallucination…
I continued descending the stairs when i felt a strong force pulled me back..
I opened my eyes and found myself back in my room.
I was covered in sweat, i quickly dropped my backpack on the floor.
I breathed heavily like I’m in a race.
I was descending the stairs just now.. how did i get back into my room.
I saw a familiar red shadow ran past me again..
“Mum!” I wanted to scream but couldn’t open my mouth.
I saw a faint red robe in front of me,it began getting clearer,till it gradually formed into a complete human.
My legs wobbled as i struggled to remain calm.
She’s fair and so beautiful putting on a red robe.Her long fingernails brushed her white hair which was long down to her feet.
She has a large white feather,which flapped together.
She has a scary white eyes which was so big and round.
I was amused and at the same time afraid.
I trembled as she gave a laugh which lasted for some seconds.
“I’m Quilah,the great goddess of wishes” She roared in a very thick and scary voice.
I nodded in complete fear…
“Jessica Baird why are you being inquisitive!” She said loudly,her voice echoed thrice in my ears.
“I .. I..i..i don’t know wh–at you..are..tal..ki..ng about” I stammered.
“Why are you being inquisitive over my work!” She thundered sending me flying to the bed.
I landed with a thud,she raised one of her fingers up and just like magic i rose back to my feet standing right in front of her.
“Pl…ea.se i..I don’t know wh..at y..you are tal..king a.. about” I said starting to tear up..
“Hahaha..” She laughed and ran her long fingers through her long white hair.
I suddenly glanced at the door and thought of escaping.
“You wanna escape! Go ahead” She said shocking me to the bone.
Tears were starting to roll down my cheeks..”Please don’t hurt me”
“I,Quilah of Sabadinora is not here to hurt you…I’m here to warn you!” She said.
‘about what?’ I thought…
“Don’t you dare ask me about what!” She said and i nodded not daring to think about anything again.
“Stop being inquisitive over Tamara Weston, she represents my hand work and i hate inquisitiveness..if you don’t stop I’m gonna kill you” She yelled.
“You mean,you made Mara slim and beautiful…how did you go about it?” I asked getting back my voice.
“I just warned you about inquisitiveness! Don’t dare me!” She said.
“I’m sorry but can you just tell me how you went about it,how did she come to you? Please i really wanna know” I pleaded feeling a bit happy I’ve seen the source of Mara’s sudden transformation.
“Don’t get me annoyed! Stop being curious and I’m gonna spare you” She said breathing heavily.
“Please just tell me,i really wanna know… I won’t tell anyone” I said
“Jessica Baird… Don’t dare me!” She thundered, two white birds flew out from her mouth.
I shifted back in fear…
“I’m leaving! Don’t dare ask about Mara’s transformation,stop being inquisitive if you don’t want to die before your time” She said and turned her back to me,she started walking to the door..
Her back glittered like the morning sun,her white hair is so long just like Rapunzel’s..
But i need to know how Mara’s transformation came about.
“Please just tell me…I won’t tell anyone” I said.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!” She thundered and turned back to me.
Her pure white eyes had turned red.
“You dared me!” She said slowly in anger.
She stretched out her hand and i saw a shiny sharp sword disappear into her hand.
“I warned you but you didn’t heed” She said and moved towards me.
I tried to shift back but i found myself rooted to the spot.
“Please..I’m sorry..i won’t ask about anything again.. please i will stop being inquisitive.. please” I cried.
“It’s too late” She said and suddenly stabbed my chest with the sword.
I groaned in pain and held tightly to my chest.
Blood oozed out in chest in a fast rate..
I felt my school shirt soak in blood as i continued to groan in pain.
I was going down slowly, loosing consciousness..my tears mixed with my blood and i managed to scream “Mum”
“I warned you! You won’t survive it” Quilah laughed and disappeared..
I slumped on the bed in great pain.
“Oh my God… Jessie” Mum screamed rushing to me.
“Jessie! You are bleeding…What happened? Someone help!” She screamed in tears and held my hand.
I held her hand tight knowing this would be the last time i would see her.
Tears flowed freely from my eyes as i watched Mum cry.
My vision was starting to get blur.
“M..um i..I’m so..rry,i love you” I said.
My eyes closed itself and i saw myself in another realm and then i know;
I was gone…never to be back again.
????Mara’s POV????
Max dropped me in school today,he’s feeling well enough.
I walked into the class and smiled when i sighted Bryan. I’m so happy to see him…I missed him over the weekend…
“I missed you” I said to him.
“I miss you too miss pontsplait” He said and dragged my pontsplait,i laughed and sat down.
“Mr pontsplait… how’ve you been?” I chuckled.
“I’ve not been fine miss pontsplait” He pouted.
“Awwwn…why?” I asked.
“Cause i missed miss pontsplait” he said and we laughed.
“How was your practical?” He asked..
“It was fine and stressful,Kelly taugh– ” it was then i noticed Kelly was beside me.
Damn! Why did i always forget this guy’s presence.
The thing is; once i come into the class,i don’t always see anyone except Bryan..he’s the only one i look forward to see every morning so other people do not really matter to me.
“Hi Kelly” I said and dropped the paper bag containing our practical on his desk..
“Hi” he said.
I didn’t feel the excitement i felt when he was at my place…but it’s fine,I’m not bothered about that.
I turned back to Bryan and continued.
“Kelly is so good at knitting,he taught me and i grabbed it fast” I smiled..
“Really? Kelly you need to teach me about knitting also” Bryan said to him.
He nodded and smiled.
“Laura is also good,she taught me how to sew and i can proudly say our practical is one of the best,we finished our practical by noon then we ate and swam..mum loves Laura so much” Bryan said with so much happiness..Tears stung my eyes and i looked over at Laura.
I didn’t realise she was staring in our direction all this while.
She waved at me with a smile.
I ignored her and turned back to my desk.
I pressed my lips together to stop my tears from falling.
“Mara what’s wrong?” Bryan asked..
I shook my head,not trusting myself to speak.
He held my face in his palms and turned my head to face him..
Our heads were just inches apart,so close that i felt his hot breath on my mouth.
I stared hard into those captivating eyes..
I can’t just stop loving Bryan… seeing him every day is increasing my feelings for him…how did i end up being so deeply in love with him?
Only my heart can explain that.
“D.. do you wanna cry? Why do you wanna cry?” He asked in a whisper..
I stared at his lips and imagined myself placing my lips on those soft looking lips. I was starting to turn my imagination into reality when Ellen suddenly yelled.
“What are you both trying to do?” She yelled and banged the desk.
Bryan released my face and smiled.
I turned my head In embarrassment.
“What does it look like?” He asked Ellen.
“You both were almost kissing” She yelled loudly,the whole class turned to look at us.
My cheeks grew hot…
Bryan laughed…”We were almost kissing but we didn’t…I can’t kiss Mara. She’s my best friend! I was only worried about her and if i kiss her it’s none of your business!” Bryan retorted.
I smiled inwardly…i didn’t know the smile was reflecting outside.
“You are happy he almost kissed you?” Kelly suddenly asked.
I tried to stop my grin but it didn’t stop.
“He was not trying to kiss me,he only held my face in his palms” I said.
“But i saw it!” He half yelled.
“Hey! Why are you yelling?” I asked.
“Haa.. really?” He asked.
“Yeah you just yelled now” I said.
“Oh! That wasn’t intentional” he said.
“Mara,i got a lollipop for us” Bryan said and i turned to him.
He didn’t seem to care about what just happened.
I looked at Ellen and saw her picking her fingers…she’s pissed!
“Yaay..give me mine” I said excitedly..
I love Bryan’s lollipop…his dad always bring it in pack anytime he returns from a journey.
He opened his backpack and brought out five lollipop..
He handed me one..I collected it and started unwrapping it.
“Kelly..have it” he said and stretched one to Kelly.
“Thanks but i don’t want” Kelly said.
“Why?” Bryan asked.
“Nothing” he replied making me pissed.
“If you bring anything to school, don’t expect us to collect it from you okay?” I said.
“Maybe he doesn’t have appetite for it” Bryan said.
“Let me have it” Kelly said and i smiled.. ‘good boy’.
Bryan handed it to him..
“Thanks” he said and unwrapped it.
“Laura.. have it” He said and stretched one to Laura.
She collected it with a thanks… unwrapped it and dipped it into her mouth.
“Babe have it” He said and stretched one to Ellen.
“I don’t freaking want!” She yelled.
“I’ve told you to stop yelling over trival issues…it makes you look old” Bryan said.
“Bryan let me have the one she rejected” Ammy said.
Bryan smiled and passed it to her.
She collected it and suddenly everyone started requesting for theirs..
Bryan brought out two packs and shared it among everyone..and right now..grade 8 student’s mouth is stuffed with lollipop except Ellen..
Where’s Jessie?
Mr Tommy walked into the class..
“Good morning class” he said.
“Good morning Mr Tommy” We chorused.
“I’m gonna call your pair one after the other then ,you submit your practical” He said.
I grinned at Kelly,he winked at me and damn!.
I didn’t know Kelly was this cute.
????Lunch break????
We sat round our favorite table in the cafeteria.
“I can’t believe we had the highest mark” I smile and chewed on a pizza roll.
I ordered pizza rolls for lunch today.
“Yeah…high five” Kelly said and we both shared an high five.
“We also came second” Bryan said.
“Yeah” Laura said.
“Come forward for a peck Laura…we tried” Bryan said happily.
Laura brought her face closer to Bryan,he pecked her on both cheeks.
She grinned like it’s the beginning of the world…she shouldn’t get too excited,that was just a congratulations peck.
“Come forward for a peck also Kelly,we came top” i said.
“But you guys have shared an high five” Bryan said.
“Hmm… yeah” I said but Kelly has already brought his face forward..
I wouldn’t want to embarrass him..I placed a light peck on his cheeks.
He smiled and sat down….
Everyone continued eating their lunch in silence.
Ellen looked gloomy,Jessie was absent from school today which made Ellen disqualified and scored zero.
“Ellen…you can go and meet Mr Tommy tomorrow once Jessie comes to school” I said.
“Did i ask for your opinion? Just keep shut and face your lunch” She said.
“Ellen that was rude” Kelly said.
“Yeah..it was” Bryan also said.
“She’s still pissed over being disqualified” I said with a smile.
I don’t know the reason,i don’t get annoyed over Ellen’s attitude towards me.
She has been my friend for years and i understand how she feels..
I’m very sure she will still come back to me and i can’t wait cause I’ve missed her.
The cafeteria light went off…
“Damn! That was fast” I muttered in the darkness and rushed my remaining pizza rolls.
We were back in class…Everyone is settled down waiting for the next teacher.
Mr Allen walked in with two teachers..
He rarely comes to our class and moreover,the look on their faces is sad..
I just hope nothing has gone wrong.
“Good afternoon Mr Allen” We chorused.
“Good afternoon everyone” he said with a sigh.
“We lost one of your class mate today” He said and everywhere went dead silent.
My breathing has accelerated and my eyes is becoming teary.
“Jessie Baird is dead” He said.
TO Be Continued