In Love With A Demigod Chapter 7
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “In Love With A Demigod Chapter 7 Of In Love With A Demigod Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????? In Love With A Demigod Chapter Seven:
{???? Tender Trifles Of Love }
“Mm” Hope muffled and pushed him away from her – they both stared at each other in confusion.
‘Slap’ she slapped him again – “How dare you do that?” And Lucian’s eyes widened ; he didn’t mean to kiss her.
“I’m so so… so sorry” he stuttered and left the scene – she watched him leave.
“Is he mad? Oh,God. What have I done? Did I do the right thing?” She asked herself in thoughts as her eyes slowly and nervously traveled around at the students looking and immediately they all turned away pretending not to see anything.
“Wow!” Cyrus exclaimed in surprised and the others in the hostel glanced at him.
“You guys won’t believe this” he zoomed the video on his phone – the video of Lucian kissing Hope.
They all glared into the screen – “Impossible” Jeffery exclaimed and quickly blinked. “Tell me it’s not real”
“it’s definitely real” Harlan replied.
“Well… I’m not shocked though” Cyrus pressed and they all looked at him.
“But you exclaimed too” Jeffery muttered.
“Yeah. I was only shocked coz it happened so quick” he looked into his screen as he zoom in the video.
“Quit zooming it” Harlan said and he scoffs.
“No. I always knew this was gonna happen but it just happened so quick” and immediately Jeffrey noticed something.
“Guys…” he said and they all looked at him.
“Check it the reactions” and their mouth dropped wide open.
“4million likes and 200k comments” Jeffrey muttered in more shock.
“Is he like a celebrity now?” Cyrus asked.
“Nope. He’s more like a popular guy who kissed a girl in public” Harlan said in sacasm and Cyrus sagged his face.
“Check the comments” Jeffrey said and Cyrus clicked on the comment button.
“Awn! Their so cute”
“Are they really kissing?”
“How dare she kiss my future husband!”
“He finally found a new girlfriend!”
This were the few comments they read.
“Guys?” Came Lucian’s voice from the door and they all pretended like they weren’t looking at anything but he already saw them gathering before he came in.
“What’s wrong?” He suspiciously glanced at their face;he knows that they’re hiding something.
“Are you guys okay?”
“Okay?” Cyrus glanced at Harlan – “Yeah-yeah… we’re okay,right Harlan?”
“Uh- yeah,ye..ah” he stammered. “We are all totally okay”
“Totally” Jeffrey added – their eyes trying to avoid his gaze and he’s deeply suspicious of them.
“I’m so gonna kill you!!” Hope chased Jane up to her bed as they giggled and laugh hysterically with Jane holding her phone trying to escape from Hope and they both fell onto the bed.
“You shouldn’t have posted that video”
“But I did. And I know you love it”
“No,I don’t ”
“Yes,you do and besides everyone thinks you two are a thing”
“A thing?” Hope asked back confused.
“Yeah… like you know,bf and gf” Hope chuckled mockingly.
“Oh please stop! He probably hates me by now”
“So what were you guys looking at?” Lucian asked in a suspicious voice and they all exchanged looks.
“Us? We were just,um… we were just–”
“We were watching porn” Harlan jumped in.
“Uh—” they all exchanged a nervous look again.
“Yeah,porn” Cyrus defended Harlan and Jeffrey stayed silent.
“Oh” Lucian said more like a whisper as he went up the stairs and their eyes monitored him with each step he took on the stairs.
“Phew!” They all exhaled deeply immediately Lucian was already upstairs in his room.
“I never knew you were such a pretty good lier” Cyrus said and he chuckled mockingly.
“I used just 2% of my lie bundles” Harlan said and Cyrus laughed.
“Why don’t we just tell him?” Jeffrey asked and they shot him a cold glare.
“And who’s this little kitten” Harlan mused. He never expected such question from him.
“So,tell me. How was the kiss?” Hope chuckled nervously and Jane waits for her reply.
“Well,he’s lips taste good but do you think he did it on purpose?”
“Uh- I was gonna ask you the same question” Jane replied and she sighed.
“I think he was pushed to do it” She guessed.
“Pushed? Well,it doesn’t look like he hungered for it and maybe he likes you. Do you do the same?”
Hope paused for a while to think it through – “I do but what if he hates me for the slap” Jane scoffs in surprise.
“Hope. You’re kidding right? I mean that slap was cool,I loved it. He should be lucky I was the one coz I was gonna kick him in the balls” she smirked and Hope laughed.
“He’s your big brother though”
TO Be Continued