Immortal Love Chapter 5 And 6
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Immortal Love Chapter 5 And 6 Of Immortal Love by Madi Ra G.S Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????? Immortal Love Chapter One And Two:
{???? Love And War….????}
THEME: In His Arms ????
Persephone ran to hexa fields immediately she Sensed Lucian in the palace and when she saw the dark clouds and mighty winds she stopped and saw them at a distance.
LUCIAN!!! Persephone screamed and Ran to him then hugged him tightly.
I missed you! Persephone in a low tone while he stood still.
Let go of him, Persephone! Nyx said but she didn’t break the hug.
LET GO OF MY SON!! Nyx yelled and lightening struck in-between them separating Persephone from Lucian.
You cannot take my throne! Ruthra half yelled but Lucian only smirked.
Dare me! Lucian said smirking then closed his eyes and magically everyone in mugal appeared in hexa fields.
You’re going to bow to your new king today!, Ruthra’s reign is over! He has terrorized you people enough! Lucian yelled.
Lucian stop!! Ruthra yelled.
I’m taking over my father’s empire today!, ruthra is no longer the king! Lucian shouted.
Enough! Ruthra yelled.
Is this justice? Lucian shouted.
Yes!!! The people chorused and Lucian faced ruthra.
This is justice! Lucian said.
You’re not taking my throne! Ruthra said.
Yes he is!! A voice said and they turned around to see an elderly man and Lucian immediately went to him then bowed his head.
Master xu Lucian said with his head bowed.
Lucian Master xu said and placed his hand on lucian’s head.
You’re welcome,master xu! Nyx said with a slight bow.
Tommorow is going to be the coronation but Lucian will be taking over the chamber today!, he’s sleeping in the palace! Master xu announced and Lucian smirked before turning to ruthra’s guards.
Take out everything in the chamber,his clothes ,his shoes, EVERYTHING!! Lucian said.
And where should we keep them? A guard asked.
That’s not my problem! Lucian said and started walking away.
Your reign is over! Nyx said smirking then followed Lucian.
Amphitrite was there laying on the floor with bruises all over her body crying.
Don’t talk to me,Hera!!! Amphitrite yelled crying.
I’m sorry!! Hera said and knelt down next to her.
STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! Amphitrite cried.
I HATE YOU HERA,I HATE YOU!! Amphitrite cried.
Please don’t say that hera said with a cracked voice that shows she’s gonna cry.
You told me you were a sai-difith!,you told me you had no powers just like me! You’re a begum and you lied to me!you told me you were a mere sai-difith! LIAR!!!! Amphitrite yelled crying loudly.
I’m sorry!hera said
Forget you were ever my friend! Forget our friendship! Amphitrite said.
I didn’t want you to feel bad! Hera said in-between tears.
And how did that turn out? Amphitrite said.
I’m sorry amphitrite, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to lie to you! Hera said already crying.
No! You meant to lie to me! You just didn’t mean to let me find out! Amphitrite said wiping her tears.
You had healing powers all along but you let me suffer! You never used your power to heal my wounds! Look at burn scars all over my body! Just look at it! Amphitrite said pointing at her body.
Look at the wounds all over! Both old and fresh wounds! I suffered a lot! I couldn’t sleep for three days because of the pain caused by nemesis’s acid! But you pretended to be sorry for me! But You healed the king’s wounds,the cause of my pain!! You’re wicked hera! Amphitrite said sniffing.
I’m sorry! I know I’m a bad friend…
WRONG!!! YOU HAVEN’T BEEN A FRIEND AT ALL!! Amphitrite shouted.
Amphitrite please let me explain! Hera cried
My name CANNOT come out of your stupid mouth! And you have nothing to explain! Amphitrite said.
what do I expect from you? You hated me when we were both maids in the palace! Gosh! I’m so stupid! How can someone who hated me once suddenly like me? Why would she heal my wounds? On the bright side,no need to hide the hatred you have for me! Amphitrite said and stood up.
I don’t hate you! I know I’m selfish for doing that but the thing is that I was jealous of your beautiful and body, I was jealous of how everyone liked you back in the palace, when you started getting ugly scars, I saw an opportuni….
Hera was cut off with a tight slap from amphitrite and hera fell down immediately, holding her red cheek.
Suprised?! it hurts right? That’s nothing compared to how you hurt my heart! But it’s no worry for you! Heal it up! Amphitrite said and walked to the far end of the dongeon and sat down there leaving hera gobsmaked.
Nyx appeared in her room and sat on her king size bed happily.
My son is back! Nyx said to herself smiling then Persephone appeared in the room.
PERSEPHONE!! Nyx said angrily.
Queen mother!, I came to apologize! Persephone said.
Which one?! For cheating on my son and breaking his heart or joining forces with ruthra to k!ll my son and when that didn’t work you tried using the sword of hell!, And helped ruthra to take his powers he was unconscious for 3 good months!so which one are you apologizing for?! Nyx half yelled.
Everything! Persephone replied quickly and fell on her knees.
Forgive me and you know lucian will need a queen beside him to rule mugal Persephone said crying but nyx’s eyes turned blue and Persephone immediately started choking.
Queen stop.. please! Persephone stuttered choking hard as blood came out of her eyes.
I know the reason why I’m still keeping you alive so don’t test my patience nyx said in two voices.
Mother stop!!! Nemesis said behind her and nyx’s eyes returned to normal and she turned to her.
How did you get in? Nyx asked.
I Sensed danger here so I appeared here but that doesn’t matter! Nemesis said and turned to Persephone.
You’ll never rule mugal! Nemesis said and Persephone looked up weakly.
But you’re right, he’ll need a queen beside him….A virgin not an expired product like you! Nemesis said bluntly and nyx smirked.
Leave before I get mad! Nemesis yelled and Persephone spranged up immediately.
Queen mother…
OUT! Nyx yelled and Persephone ran out immediately.
Speaking of the queen, I know the perfect virgin lady for lucian nemesis said and nyx furrowed her eyebrows.
Who’s that? Nyx asked.
Zendaya nemesis said and nyx sighed.
Okay! I’ll think about it! Nyx said and nemesis nodded.
Leave! Nyx said and nemesis bowed her head for a few seconds then left.
Nyx suddenly felt a tear roll down her cheeks and touched it.
Is lucian crying? Why would he cry?nyx asked herself and walked out.
Everything in the chamber has been changed,the design, furniture and color has been changed to black and Golden,just what he likes!
Lucian entered the chamber and sat on the couch with a loud sigh,he rested his hand on the arm rest then placed his index finger on his temple before closing his eyes remembering Gaia as a tear escaped his eye.
Gaia!,get back here! Lucian ran after gaia who was running full speed holding a small painting and stopped at a distance.
C’mon! tell me who she is! Gaia said after he got to her.
She’s Persephone!,i like her,okay! Lucian said trying to take the painting from her.
Oh really,is that so? Gaia said giggling like a kid.
Yeah,so give me the painting Lucian said and she threw the painting up opening her mouth and green fire came out and burned the painting in mid-air and the ashes flew away.
GAIA!!! Lucian groaned.
C’mon!!!! are you mad at me now? Gaia said putting on a baby face.
You shouldn’t have burned it! Lucian said and turned to leave but Gaia hugged him from behind.
Leave me alone gaia! Lucian said trying to remove her hand but she tighnened her grip.
I’m sorry! Gaia said in her sweet baby voice.
Pweeeeaase!! Gaia pouted and he smiled before turning around.
Ok, I forgive you but don’t do that again! Lucian said and she smiled happily.
So you like that girl? Gaia asked and he nodded.
Have you told her how you feel? Gaia asked again and he sighed.
I haven’t even talked to her yet, she’s just a maid but I think I like her Lucian said
I hate her! Gaia said and he stared at her shockingly.
Why?! Lucian asked.
I just hate her! She disgust me! Gaia said making a disgusted face.
C’mon, she’s a nice young girl! Lucian said smiling then saw Persephone walking towards them with a tray in her hand.
Here’s the liquor you asked for,my prince Persephone said with a bow and he smiled.
Thanks! Lucian said smiling.
By the way,you look so pretty Lucian said and Persephone blushed lightly.
Thank you my prince Persephone said blushing.
She looks like an old wrinkled frog to me! Gaia said and Persephone glanced to gaia before facing the ground.
GAIA!!! STOP!! Lucian snapped.
It’s okay my prince, I’m used to insults Persephone said and took the cup and “Accidentally ” poured the liquor all over gaia’s green robe.
I’m s…
Persephone was cut off with a heavy tight slap from gaia.
GAIA!!! Lucian yelled angrily and gaia turned to him with dark green eyes.
WHAT???!!! Tell me! What is it? This robe was a gift from queen mother and she stained it with red liquor! Gaia yelled angrily.
Everyone makes mistakes! Lucian half yelled.
But some make stupid ones!! Gaia said and a tear escaped Persephone’s eye.
Thank your stars that I’m in a good mood today!! Gaia said angrily.
LEAVE!!! Gaia yelled and Persephone faced gaia turning her back on Lucian.
Her eyes turned dark purple and smirked at gaia then whispered.
Be careful gaia! I can be very scary! Persephone whispered and turned her eyes back to normal.
I’m sorry Persephone pretended and ran off.
That was rude! Lucian said angrily.
She’s not a sai-difith!, she’s a begum just like us! Gaia yelled.
She’s not!! You just hate her! Like you said! Lucian said.
You don’t believe me? Your sister? Because of her? Gaia said as a tear fell from her eyes.
STEP sister! Don’t forget that! I don’t know why my dad even married your mom?!, you just ruin everything for me! Lucian yelled and started walking away furiously.
Lucian wait! LUCIAN!!!gaia yelled but he kept on walking till he was out of sight.
She fell on her knees crying bitterly.
Lucian has changed! Why? Gaia muttered to herself crying,she cried for a few minutes then stood up and went to her room.
And till she died a week latee,lucian didn’t speak to her.
Lucian wiped his tears that were already flowing freely like a river and nyx appeared before him.
My son,you’re crying? Nyx asked and he sniffed.
Gaia! Lucian said in a low tone and buried His face in his palm crying bitterly.
Lucian, I understand what you’re feeling, I loved gaia too but I couldn’t save her please wipe your tears nyx said.
No!,you don’t understand! I was mad at gaia till her death! She tried and tried to apologize or start up a conversation with me but I didn’t give her the chance!she was right about Persephone being a begum but I didn’t listen!,she knew she was right and I was wrong but she put it aside because our relationship matters more to her! She didn’t wait for me to apologize,she came to me and apologized,she badly wanted my forgiveness but I didn’t! Logãn said crying.
She wanted to talk to me but each time she tries to talk to me, I ignore her and walk away not caring about how she’ll feel! Lucian said still crying.
Son listen….
I’M A MONSTER!!! Lucian yelled crying and nyx sat next to him.
Mother! What have I done? Gaia! Lucian cried and nyx sighed and placed his head on her lap before rubbing his hair gently.
I’m wicked! Lucian cried.
Ssshhh!!hush little one! Everything will be fine nyx said and wiped his tears.
Don’t cry okay…! You’re a king,you can’t let your people see you like this, especially ruthra nyx said and he nodded slowly.
Don’t cry okay…! Nyx said and he nodded wiping his tears.
I see you’re wearing my color nyx said with a smile.
Lucian glanced at his blue robe and chuckled softly.
You’re not the only one entitled to wear blue,mother lucian said smiling.
What is it mother? Lucian asked.
What do you think of Zendaya? Nyx asked and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
Rhea’s daughter? Why?? Lucian asked raising his head from her laps and sitting upright.
She’s the perfect virgin lady to rule beside you, she’s pretty and sweet just your type! Nyx said with a grin.
I’ll think about it! But maybe till I see her lucian said.
You know your coronation is tomorrow right? Nyx said.
Yeah by noon!so I’ll meet Zendaya before then,if it works out, she’ll be my queen but if it doesn’t, they’re many more virgin ladies to pick from lucian said and nyx nodded and noticed lucian sweating.
Why are you sweating, son? Nyx Asked.
Whenever I cry or my heart hurts, I won’t be comfortable so I sweat but don’t worry lucian said and nyx smiled before standing up.
I’ll fix it! Nyx said and blew blue air from her mouth and it spread all over the chamber making everywhere cool.
What will I do without you,mother? Lucian smiled and she chuckled before disappearing.
Nelson!!! Lucian yelled and a guard rushed in with his head bowed.
Get me gaia’s murderer! Lucian said darkly
TO Be Continued