I’m Pregnant For My Brother
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “I’m Pregnant For My Brother by Henry Zibima Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? I’m Pregnant For My Brother: ????
It all started like a little thing but it later grew into a game of infatuation and obsession.
We lived in a rented one room apartment that had no toilet inside. You can’t judge us; my mum didn’t have any other thing doing aside from the Oranges she sells at the main market. With what she earned, that was the kind of home we could afford.
Since there was no toilet in our room, I always took my bath in the public toilet just inside the compound. So there was this day I went to take my shower as usual, I was in such a hurry to go visit my friend that I forgot to bolt the door.
Suddenly, the door pushed wide open; my brother was just in front of me. He held a bucket filled with water in his right hand and tied a towel around his waist. I expected him to shut back the door immediately but it seemed he had lost himself. I was stark naked; my bōōbs were no longer pin point as they used to be, they were bigger now; round, robust and wondrously appealing. My nipplēs stood erect because of the cold water I poured on my body, my clean shaved vagīna was open unrestricted for my brother to see. The only thing covering me was the foam on my body. I tried covering my body with my hands but it wasn’t helping, my sexy figure had thrown my him into shock, I was beginning to feel uncomfortable because it seemed he wasn’t going to leave anymore. What’s more, I noticed his pēnis rising slowly and it appeared he was beginning to drool. He wasn’t going to close the door, I had to do it myself.
I felt very awkward after and I tried as much as possible to avoid him. Later that evening, he came to apologise to me; he said he got carried away and begged that I shouldn’t be angry at him.
“It’s okay, I understand. There’s nothing to be worried about” I said. “Afterall, we are one family.”
From that day onwards, we got closer than we used to be and within the twinkle of an eye things escalated. It was the same “we are one family” that made me care less about how strong the bond between us was becoming. Soon, our intimacy grew even stronger and we started behaving like lovers and just like lovers do, we began having sēx.
My brother disflowered me!
We had sēx very frequently; anytime we got the chance. I always looked forward to a hot round of sēx whenever my mum was in the market selling oranges. Sēx became like a normal thing for us, and we had it almost everyday.
My brother never used a condom, he always relied on withdrawal method, according to him, “skin to skin is sweeter”. We were as sleek as a maiden’s cheek; never sloppy and always had all our tracks covered. No one knew anything and no one could find out, but pregnancy made it an open secret, uncovered for the world to see.
I almost fainted when I discovered that my mum had told our daddy everything. I was totally depressed, it was the end of the world for me. My brother had started feeling suicidāl and I wasn’t left out either.
We were engulfed in shame in front of the whole church. My legs quaked violently as our Daddy G.O climbed up the podium that Sunday morning, he cleared his throat, took a deep sigh and started speaking.
“I am greatly disappointed to announce to the church (pause)… that Sister Mary here- our late Deacon’s daughter is pregnant for our choir master- Brother Peter. We are the people of God and we do not uphold evil, therefore they both will be given as much punishment as due. The church has also decided to withdraw the scholarship that was given to Brother Peter and we will no longer cater for his education. In the meantime, they are both suspended from the Choir and any other positions they hold in the church.”
Everyone had began whispering to each other. I could see my mum crying seriously, with her hands on her cheek. She was terribly disppointed, I had failed everybody. They were all in shock. No one ever expected that a late Deacon’s daughter could get pregnant for the choirmaster.
A fountain of endless inspiration