iCe Prince Chapter 20
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “iCe Prince Chapter 20 Of iCe Prince by Chizaram Okechukwu Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? iCe Prince Chapter Twenty:
I Don’t Know What It Is Called but I Think It’s Love! ????
Lothaire climbed the wall, to Heaven’s room, and landed on her balcony.
He confirmed that she was asleep before walking to the bed and sat down slowly.
“Why do you keep crying over something that isn’t your fault”? Lothaire felt pained as he massaged the eye bags under her eyes.
Heaven moved her face into the warm hand, and sighed.
“I hätë him…..”!
Lothaire’s heart skipped when he heard her soft voice. ‘she håted him ‘. Although he was sad, but he didn’t feel ângry because he felt that there is no need to be.
This has been Lothaire’s job for the whole week. He has never been this disappointed in his whole life.
Heaven practically shut him out and will walk in another direction when she sees him.
And the worst part is that he had to watch her cry at night without being able to do anything. Times like this is the only time he get to spend with her.
When morning arrived, Heaven continued with an internal battle with herself. She wanted to forget what happened but she couldn’t.
She wanted to approach him but felt reluctant. She felt äshamed and used. She didn’t feel much secure about herself and her self esteem plummeted.
Heaven stared at the lone figure pacing in the hallway, and felt a suffocating feeling in her chest. She wanted to go to him, but didn’t want to give him false hope.
She dëjectedly walked to the garden, and stared at the sea of flowers in the garden, and picked a particular flower. “Yellow roses” which meant a broken hearted. She felt that it defined her situation perfectly.
“What do I do now”? She sniffed her snot and tears flowed from her eyes. She just realized how much she loved Lothaire.
Just when she realized that she loved him, she became tainted and unworthy of him.
“What did I really do wrong? I never asked to be born in a family that didn’t love me. “! Heaven muttered in a hoarse voice, from her crying earlier
“Heaven please I’m sorry. You can hate me but please don’t shut me out”! Lothaire pleaded as he stood before her. He is tired of giving her space.
“I don’t hate you Lothaire. I may have said it on that day out of impulse. But I really don’t hate you after all it’s not your fault”! Heaven sighed.
Now she really feels that she is stüpid . Her foul mouth is nothing compared to real power. All her bravery is just nonsënsë when faced with powerful people.
“No it’s my fault. No matter what, if I didn’t piss you off, you wouldn’t have left”!
Lothaire wanted the blame to be on him. Heavens tone felt like she was giving up on him and he was frightened by that.
“I’m no longer the same Heaven. I’m no longer pure. I’m dir….
Her words got caught off by Lothaire hot lips.
He had been meaning to do this since she stared bad mouthing herself.
Heaven’s eyes widened like saucers. She tried to pull away but her body was held firmly by Lothaire.
Lothaire’s plan was to shut her up but he didn’t expect her lips to be this sweet.
He unconsciously let out a groän. If only he had know it was this sweet, he would have tasted it a long time ago.
“Y-you …”
“Shut up and let me kïss you”. Lothaire scolded, then pulled her closer to deepen the kïss.
He didn’t know what to do, but acted on impulse.
He sücked on her lower lips sênsüally.
Heaven let’s out a tiny moän. To her own shäme.
Lothaire on the other hand felt hot. He had never heard such beautiful sound in his entire life.
He bit her lips, and pried it open, nibbling on her tongue and lower lips consecutively.
Heaven wouldn’t deny that she was enjoying it. Like for someone who didn’t even know what love means, he kísses so well that she really wanted to lay flat on the bed and let him do whatever he wanted to her.
But then she is human and lacked air but this guy just kept eating her lips like he is filled with bags of air.
Heaven couldn’t take it anymore, so she bit him.
Lothaire abruptly pulled away before the evïl woman cut off his lips.
He stared at Heaven, and that feeling came again.
“I don’t know what this feeling is but I think it’s love. I’ve never felt this way for anyone before.
“I feel the need to protect you just like I felt the need to protect my mom but unlike my feelings for my mom, this is more intense that I feel ängry if I see you with a man… Tell me is it love”?
Lothaire looked at Heaven intriguingly. When he saw her flushed and alluring face, even though he wanted to be serious, his lower region felt tight … Really really tight.
“I feel the same way too. I don’t like the idea of you being close to a woman”. Heaven nodded with teary eyes.
“So it’s love then”. Lothaire smiled happily that his pearly white teeth was in full display.
Momentarily, Heaven was lost staring at him. Although she couldn’t see his face, the way his eyes twinkled, made her feel happy, but she didn’t know how to react because she wanted to explore this feelings with him, but felt that she is not worthy.
“I’m not clean… do you still want a person like me”. She asked timidly.
” Why don’t we clean you up then”! Lothaire stared at Heaven with heated gaze, and picked her up, placing her in his arms.
“W-what are you doing”? Heaven yelped in fright.
“Cleaning you up”. Lothaire answer with a smile before walking to the building with quick steps.
Lothaire kicked his room door open and shut it once in. His actions were rather impatient.
Heaven already had an idea of what he wanted to do but she didn’t feel repulsed. If something, she was anticipating his next actions.
Lothaire layed Heaven on the bed, he stood still for some time to take in the picture of the beautiful woman on his bed.
His stares made Heaven self aware. ‘is he no longer interested in her’?
Just as Heaven was thinking, Lothaire husky voice came from above her. “You’re breathtaking”!
With his word and the sincere look in his eyes, Heaven suddenly felt energetic. She pulled him down, and kïssed his lips. ‘seems like she has found her new addiction.
Lothaire was surprised at first, but quickly took control of the kiss. He nibbled on lips causing a pleasured sound to come out of her mouth.
Heaven felt a certain hand wandering in her body, making her lose control of herself. When his tongue liçked her earlobe, then and there all that came into her mind was…… “Just take me already”!!
TO Be Continued