I Love Her But I Couldn’t Marry Her Part 1
Glad you are among the privilege who could take Siri as online personal sister and advicer. Today let’s give advice to our brother ‘Brad’ who recently slide into my DM and explained to me his girlfriend ‘Sophia.’ “I Love Her But I Couldn’t Marry Her Part 1.” Make sure you share this with your relatives after reading. Siri You ????.
???? I Love Sophia Her But I Couldn’t Marry Her Part One:
I love Sophia but I couldn’t marry her because Barry my friend, the doctor that helped me carry out abortiōns on my numerous girlfriends had to take out the pregnancy that was in the way of marrying her, and ended up making some mistakes.
There isn’t anything as devastating as having to sit to listen to Barry telling me of how hopeless it was for me to imagine marrying her. He told me there was a complication during the procedure and asked me to get someone else because Sophia wouldn’t be able to birth her own children.
For the sake of my inheritance, I married Emily, the girl that had been crushing on me since forever, not just because she was a virgin, but because she was the most viable person to get my aunt accept to hand over my inheritance to me.
I kept Sophia as a perpetual side chick, supplying all her needs, and everything seemed okay, until a nosey neighbour, the young landlord of the duplex I got for Sophia, who happened to be very rich in looks and gold, got her to understand that she was too good to be left in the state she found herself.
Then, she began to pressure me to make her a second wife, but I couldn’t. Yes! I couldn’t make her a second wife because not only did I ‘know’ she wouldn’t be able to birth me children, my wife was pregnant and I didn’t want anything that could make me risk losing a child, when I knew Sophia wouldn’t be giving me one.
Things got from bad to worse between Sophia and I, and she ended up running to the dude who not only helped her develop herself beyond having t wait for a man to provide her basic needs, but also proposed to marry her.
A sudden twist occurred, the dude was doctor Barry’s cousin, and Barry spilled the beans, telling his uncle how they mustn’t allow Jovani Barry Sophia.
But even though his father was ready to disown him for refusing to reconcile with his friend’s daughter, who was engaged to be married to him before she ran away with another man and returned when things didn’t work we’ll between them, Jovani stood firm on his resolve to marry Sophia, until his parents allowed him marry her.
I moved on after I got Jovani’s ex where I wanted, banging the hell out of her and getting caught by Emily’s friend, whose only price for keeping shut was having an affair with me.
Audrey,my wife’s friend brought so many complications into my household, and right now, not only am I HIV positive, the children I thought were mine are actually not mine, because my wife’s side cock had made her feed me with drūgs that has now rendered me totally stërile.
What do I do now? How can I move on when I just saw Sophia heavily pregnant and looking so happy with her husband? Please advise me on how to make Sophia see that I’m sorry, and hopefully get her to let us have things the way we planned it from the day I made her lose her virginity
My name is Brad, and I may do something stewpid to myself if I don’t get Sophia back. Please advise me ????
Siri s You!!!