His Secretary Chapter 12
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “His Secretary Chapter 12 Of His Secretary by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? His Secretary CHAPTER TWELVE:
????????????(Crazy Office Romance)????????
Emery closed the door behind her after getting out
She stayed behind the door and held her chest
It’s beating wildly
She’s restless and too shocked
“What just happened?, Boss?, Just kissed me?, Boss?” She wondered shockingly
The door suddenly opened , revealing Raymond
She made to talk but the words refused to form
She kept stammering
Raymond came closer and she kept shifting backwards till she’s backing the wall
He stood right in front of her, staring at her
He quickly placed his finger on her soft lips
She kept mute
“I’m sorry about that” he said sincerely
“I’m sorry” he said again, removing his hand from her lips
She faced down
“It’s… it’s ok” she replied still not recovered from the shock
He hugged her instantly, tightly too
She almost ran out of breath
“I’m sorry about this too…but it’s what I really want to do….three minutes will be ok… please stay still” he said slowly
” Wh..why?” She found herself asking
” Maybe I just want to do it” he said
She never talked again after that, she stood still and just counted the minutes
Till a maid came upstairs and interrupted
“Oh I’m sorry!” She quickly said as Raymond broke the hug
The maid rushed downstairs
“You might not want to believe it but I’m fine now” he said with a smile
“It can’t be” she said
” Feel my temperature” he said, bringing his head closer
She felt his forehead with the back of her palm
His temperature is back to normal
“How come it’s so fast” she said
“You don’t understand the healing power you carry when it comes to me” he said
She sighed and checked the time
” What!, Twenty minutes to nine” she said surprisingly
“Time moves fast” he said
“I should be on my way now since you’re ok” she said
He nodded
“I’ll drive you home” he said
” No I’ll just…
“I refuse a no for an answer” he interrupted
“Oh… Ok” she replied slowly
He held her hand and led her out, still adding to her shock
The two maids waved at her as they passed by them in the living room
“Wait..” she said
“What?” He replied, looking back at her
“Should I..cook for you?” She said
He smiled
“Will you?”
She nodded
“I’ll be done in thirty minutes time” she said and the maids showed her to the kitchen
Raymond sat on one of the couches in the living room with a big smile on his face
He kept licking his lips when he remembers the kiss
“What are you making?’ the maids asked Emery in the kitchen
“Twinkies” she replied
They handed her the ingredients and she started in earnest
Thirty five minutes later, it’s ready
She set it on the dinning table and called him to come and eat
He sat and kept sniffing
“How appetizing” he said, looking at her
“Sit” he said
She obeyed and sat on the chair next to him
He tasted the meal and his eyes showed how yummy it is
“Is it bad?” She asked
“If it’s bad, I won’t be smiling, it’s the best I’ve ever had Emery, it’s delicious” he said, taking another fork
“I’m glad you like it” she said
” I don’t like it, I love it, and by the way…why don’t we eat together” he said.
” Sir?’
“Eat with me” he said, looking at her
“I’m full” she lied
Honestly she hasn’t had dinner
“When it shows obviously on your face that you’re lying” he said
“I’ll just take a bite” she said, taking a fork
She digged in and took three bites before dropping the fork
Maybe because of the shock but she still feels shy to eat with him
“I’ll get going now boss” she stood
He dropped his fork and stood too
They went out together and he got the key from his driver
She made to open the car door for him but he did that faster
She looked at him
Second time he’ll be doing it
“Get in, I’ll drive you myself” he said
She got in and the drive to her house Started…
It feels awkward at first cos it’s all silent
But Raymond eventually spoke
“I was saying something the other day about changing because of you, I’m serious” he said
” Why would you change because of me” she said
“Won’t you be happy if I change my grumpy personality?’ he asked
“You’re not grumpy, you’re just strict” she said, looking at him
” Really?”
” I can say that again, you’re the best boss” she replied with a short smile
“I actually want to tell you something” he said
” What?’
“Since you’re the only one I can confide in right now apart from Julius” he said
“You can confide in your brother too right?, And your girlfriend” she said
He smiled shortly
” Not anymore, those two are hell freaks…I caught them both f*cking each other last night” he said
” What!”
” Don’t be too surprised, they’re not worth it….” He said
” But…
“Emery just chill, I’m not hurt by Liz, maybe I’ve stopped loving her since someone appeared…I’m just disappointed in Blake, I know he’s like that but to the point of f*cking the girl he knows I’m dating….well on the other hand he helped, I can’t ask for more but on the other hand..I can’t help but hate him” he said
” Similar thing happened to me” she said sadly
” What?”
” I caught my boyfriend last night with a girl he introduced to me as his cousin, it was so painful…I’m still hurting even till now, I’ve done a lot for Jerry, I don’t deserve what he did to me” she said silently, fighting back her tears
He stopped the car and faced her
“Guys like him are jerks, he doesn’t deserve you, that’s why it ended like that… and I now know that Liz doesn’t deserve me, that’s why we ended like that too, don’t waste your tears” he said, bringing his thumb to her face
He wiped the tears that fell from her eyes
“Thanks boss” she said
“Don’t cry anymore, please” he said
” Thanks so much boss” she said again
“Can you please smile?” He said
She managed to smile a bit
” That’s the spirit… keep smiling, it suits your face Emery” he said seriously
They kept staring at each other for a while till Emery looked away from him
He moved the car and continued the drive
He got to her house some minutes later and he stopped the car right in front of it
“Thanks boss, and don’t get sick again” she said
He stroked her hair fondly
” Sure, goodnight” he said
She got out of the car and she made sure she went in before he left …
Emery took in her lips as she stayed behind the door, remembering the kiss
He tastes like mint
She closed her eyes and opened it, unable to pinpoint why he kissed her like that
The lights suddenly came on , revealing Glenn who’s sitting on the bed
“You scared me!” Emery almost screamed
Glenn laughed out loud
“So how’s life at his house?” She asked
Emery sat beside her on the bed
” Normal life” she said simply
“Come on stop kidding, I want the full gist” Glenn said, drawing closer
” Gists won’t kill you” she said
“Just tell me already,my ears are itching” she said
” Ok, I met him in a bad condition and his temperature was high a lot
I offered many things but he declined and when I offered to get him medicine, he held my hand and…
Glenn’s phone rang, it’s Julius
“I need to pick this” Glenn said, standing up and pressing the green button
“Hey Julius”
“Hey Glenna”
“It’s late, why did you call?”
” Just to hear your voice before going to bed” she replied
” How sugar coated” she replied with a chuckle
” It’s not, right from my heart” he said
“Whatever, how was your day?” She asked
” Cool, yours?”
” Not bad, ok I gat to go to bed now” she said
“Ok…. gnight, sweet dreams….”
“Same” she replied before hanging up
She smiled to herself and looked back at Emery
She’s fast asleep!
Next morning***
Emery got to work and surprisingly, there’s a bouquet of flowers on her desk
“Who could it be?, Gosh I love flowers” she said, checking it out
Raymond entered the office with a big smile on his face but it dissappeared immediately he saw flowers with her
“Who brought that?” He said
“I dunno, I just found it on my desk” she replied
“Rick” his mind said
He entered his office Straight and sat on his chair somewhat angry
“She was on my mind last night, I couldn’t sleep, I kept thinking about her.. then that jerk decided to ruin my mood with that lousy flower, I’m sure it’s him, I’m just too sure” he thought
He decided to let it rest a bit
He has a lot of appointments that morning, the ones shifted from yesterday
He did that for almost three hours then he felt pressed, he needs to use the restroom
He left his office and passed by Emery’s desk, staring at her nonstop
“Do you need something boss?” She asked
“No” he replied simply before remembering he has a restroom inside the inner room of his office
He went back in and almost immediately, Blake came In
“What are you doing here?” He asked sternly
“Wait bro… I don’t think we need all this, ok I’m sorry, I just wanted to try out my luck on her, maybe she’ll be a bitch, and she is, I tried to seduce Emery and Glenn too but they didn’t fall for it.. Liz is just a bitch” he replied
” That doesn’t change the fact that you betrayed me, what if I’m still in love with her, you’d have given me an untreatable wound in my heart Blake, I just hate you right now” he said
” Ray… For f*ck sake, grow up! ” He screamed
” I don’t want to grow up… Now leave my office” he said, sitting down, not looking at him…
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” He must be really angry at him, this is the first time he’ll be raising his voice at him” Emery thought, hearing from her office
Someone came into the office and she looked up at him
“Rick?” She said surprisingly
His eyes went to the flowers
He smiled before taking her hand
“I have something to tell you” he said
“No I’m busy, my boss mustn’t see you” she said
“Just five minutes Emery, I promise” he said, pulling her out
He took her to the rooftop and stood facing her
” Do you like the flower?” He asked
“So you dropped it?, And you took me here just to ask me if I liked it?” She said
” Actually there’s more” he said, connecting their eyes
“Then?” She said
“Go on a date with me” he said…
Blake left the office and Raymond inhaled hard
“Pure bastard” he said slowly
He went out and checked on Emery, he actually has it in mind to make them eat lunch together
But she’s not on seat
“Where could she have gone without telling me?” He thought
He walked down the floor hallway and came across the accountant
“Have you perhaps seen Emery?, I mean my secretary” he said
“Oh..yes, a guy was taking her to the rooftop earlier” he replied
” Rick” he muttered and climbed upstairs in seconds
Truly they’re both there, looking at each other
Emery saw him and her eyes widened
“Now Rick you’ve got me into trouble” she said as he walked up to them
“do you have hear infection?” He said
“No” Rick replied
” Then you mean to tell me you weren’t listening the other time when I was saying she’s not a giveaway package…she’s my secretary!” He said with authority
” But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the right to meet others” Rick said
” She can meet others, But you know what?, You’re not among the others, you even have the guts to drop flower on her desk …. Rick this is the second warning, the last warning won’t be as easy as this” he said and grabbed Emery’s hand
He took her downstairs to his office
She has one sorry look on her face
“I’m sorry boss, he said it’s only for five minutes, I never knew it’ll take so long” she said
” And I think I told you to avoid him” he said, coming closer
“I’m sorry boss, I’ll take any punishment” she said
“Really?’ he said , still moving closer
She shifted back till she’s backing his desk
He stopped right in front of her
“Yes, any punishment” she replied
He scanned her face for long, finally concentrating on her tender lips
“Anytime you allow Rick to touch you again….
“He only touched my hand” she interrupted
“It doesn’t matter so far it’s part of your body… Anytime you allow him to touch you again like I was saying… This will be your punishment….” He said and took a quick survey of her small lips
He pulled her closer by her waist and pressed his lips on her lips in a short kiss
He broke it almost immediately and studied her facial expression
She looks shocked again
She looks like she wants to talk but the words got stuck in her throat
He moved his hands to her hips just like last night
He rested his hands on her hips and reclaimed her lips in a deeper kiss..
“Boss” she gasped into his mouth… slowly closing her eyes
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Love ????