His Nurse Episode 15
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “His Nurse Episode 15 Or Chapter Fifteen Of His Nurse Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? His Nurse Episode Fifteen:
Genre: Romance, Suspense, Full Of Drama
???? DONALD’S POV ????
“Donald come take your medications before we leave!.” Sharon yelled from the kitchen.
“I am doing some stuffs on my laptop, please bring it to me. I love you!” I yelled back.
“You are so lazy!” She mumbled as she walked to me with the drugs and water.
“You know I am not lazy.” I said winking at her as I used the drugs.
“Donald we should get prepared this is 12pm already.” She said sitting on my laps.
“I know, I will do that after some few minutes. You can start preparing.” I said ki$$ing her.
“You bought too many clothes for me, I don’t even know the one to choose.” She said pouting her mouth.
“Then wear everything.” I said and she spanked me on my d==k making me groan.
“What was that for!” I smacked.
“For joking with me. Come choose one for me.” She said pulling me up.
“I am busy.” I said like a baby.
“I don’t care!” She yelled and I was up my feet in a second.
Her yell can make me go unconscious. She dragged me to the room where her closet were and truly the clothes were many. Where do I start from for crying out loud.
“I told you not to buy so many, not pick one.” She said folding her hands under her b==bs.
“Yes ma’am.” I nodded tiredly and started searching the closet.
I saw a white gown, it was a very long gown and I didn’t like it for the occasion. I kept searching and was becoming to grow sick of it when I saw a red body hug gown I bought for her.
It was also long but it had a cutting which will stop above her knee.
“This is perfect!” I yelled happily showing her.
“Nice, you can go now. I want to dress up.” She said collecting the gown from me.
“I chose the gown, I should be the one to dress you. So remove your clothes.” I said walking close to her.
“Promise me it is just dressing?” She asked narrowing her eyes making me laugh.
“I promise.” I said and she sighed in relieve.
I removed the top she was wearing, she was not wearing a bra. I walked up to her closet again and took one of her bras.
She stood up and I helped her wear it, it was so easy because I have been seeing her do it. I also removed her skirts and she was left in p@nties.
I took the gown and looked at it not knowing where the pass it on her.
“Unzip it.” She said giggling.
“I know.” I said rolling my eyes. I unzipped it and I was still confused. Should I pass it through her head or leg?
“Give me that, you are wasting time.” She said snatching the gown from my hand.
“Go dress up, you have done enough.” She said pushing me to the door.
“Okay.” I replied feeling very happy because that dressing was beginning to make me sick.
I ran to my room and locked the door behind me. I walked to my closet and chose a shining Red Suit, a black shirt underneath and a black trousers.
My shoe was also shining black. I quickly wore it and styled my hair with my hair gel. I ran to my closet again and brought out the ring I bought.
I got this ring without Sharon knowing, I want to surprise her by proposing to her in front of my parents. I am so happy, I can’t picture the look that will be on her face.
I walked down to the Living room and I saw Sharon standing there already. OMG! She looked so gorgeous.
“Wow, you look really handsome.” She said smiling.
“And you look stunning my princess.” I said curving out my arm as she took it shyly.
“Wait!” She said running to the kitchen. She came back with my drugs and a bottle of water.
“I almost forgot.” She said as she took my hand again.
We got to my car and we zoomed off almost immediately.
???? SHARON’S POV ????
Donald kept driving and I kept staring at him and smiling. This is unbelievable, I am in love with the Almighty Donald. We will ever think that is possible, this is hilarious.
“Can you stop staring so I can concentrate?” He asked smiling.
“I can’t help it.” I replied laughing.
“It was so very fast. Falling in love with you.” I said and he released one of his hands from the steering stretching it to me.
I took his hands in mine ki$$ing it passionately.
“I am so happy Sharon. It is hard to believe that you came to my life and made me who I am today. You changed me from a mean person to someone who has love in his heart.” He said facing me one in a while.
I smiled as he spoke and I really wanted to kiss him but he was driving, I couldn’t let him lose concentration.
I was about replying when two cars overtook us and blocked our path. Donald was forced to stop abruptly.
“What the hell that was close.” He said.
Soon the door of the cars opened and some hefty guys with mask came down running to our car.
“Donald what is going on?” I yelled in fear.
“I don’t know.” He replied in fear too. They got to out car and brought out guns, as I saw it I jumped in fear holding Donald really tight.
“Open the door boy or I blow off your wife’s head.” One of them said with a very thick voice and instantly Donald opened up.
The dragged both of us out and used handkerchiefs to cover our noses. Donald tried struggling with them and they ended up hitting him on the head with a gun.
And this was the last thing I saw, everything went blank
???? MONICA’S POV ????
Frank and I trailed behind the cars in my own car feeling happy.
“Soon you will be the best baby.” I said holding his hand.
“I am so happy Monica. I can’t wait to see Frank in tears.” He smirked.
“I can’t wait to see Sharon’s face when you is confronted by Mr Smith.” I said giggling.
“She will be like, I am sorry I don’t understand you.” He said as we both bursted into laughter.
“Thank you Monica.” He said smiling.
“Anything for us baby.” I replied kissing his hands.
The cars stopped at the planned site , frank and I came down and walked up to them.
“Guys move the guy to the next house while you leave the lady here.” I whispered and they nodded. They drove Donald to the second house while they carried Sharon into the house.
“Now guys you behave carelessly with her. Just drop her in the house and all of you move out. I know for sure when she is awake, she is going to try escaping. Don’t worry about that.” I said to the guys.
“Okay ma’am.” They replied bowing slightly.
“And for the guy release him around 5pm. Just drop him on the streets, he will find his way home.” I added.
“Okay ma’am.” They said walking away.
“So everything is set. I pretend to have followed her here and then I rescue her and talk her into going to Mr Smith’s house.” I said to Frank grinning.
“You are a genius.” He said hugging me.
???? SHARON’S POV ????
I squeezed to life perceiving the smell of dust in my nostrils. I opened my eyes gently looking around me.
The room was empty and very large. I held my head trying to remember why I was there, then the memories rushed into my head.
“Oh no!!!! Donald!!!!!” I yelled fearfully.
Oh God, where am I? Where is Donald? Who sent those people?
“Hello!!!” I yelled looking at the door. I waited to hear a response but I got none.
“Hello!!!” I screamed again but it was the same.
This is bad!! Donald was hit on the head. He needs to be taken care of.
I saw my bag close to me and I felt a little relieve. I quickly took it and opened it.
“Thank goodness they didn’t take my phone.” I thought. I brought it out and then I saw Donald’s drugs in my bag.
“God how do I get this to Donald?” I asked feeling sweaty already.
I opened my phone and I saw it was already 4:30 pm. Shit!!! I ran to the door in haste and tried opening it.
To my surprise the door opened up to me, Thank you God. I ran out of the room and I met myself in the living room.
I met the main door open and I looked around well before running out. I got out and I saw a very unfamiliar place.
“What is this place? Where do I run to?” I asked myself in bewilderment.
I saw an open path and I decided to flow it. At least to find somewhere very far from here.
I was still running when I bumped into someone.
“Monica?” I called in shock.
“How are you?? Are you hurt?” She asked touching the parts of my body.
“I am fine. Why are you here? How did you get here?” I rapped feeling suspicious about it.
“I saw when you were attacked by those bad a==es. So I follow them carefully to this place. Where is Donald?” She asked.
“I don’t know, he is not in the house.” I said in tears.
“God this is bad. we need to go to Mr Smith now to report this.” She said pulling me.
I ran with her to her car and sat in it praying silently. Donald is supposed to use his drugs by 3pm and now it is almost 5.
Why did this happen!! Monica rode very fast to Mr Smith house and we got there in no time.
I rushed out of the car and ran to his door.
“Mr Smith!” I called barging into the house.
“Sharon?” He and his wife chorused.
“Sir something bad has happened.” I said admits tears.
“What happened? Where is Donald?” He asked jumping to his feet.
“Sir I don’t know, we were attacked by some kidnappers.” I said shivering.
“What!!!” His mother yelled in fear.
“Sharon this is all your fault!!” Mr Smith smacked angrily.
“What? I was also kidnapped.” I added.
“If you haven’t planned that outing with Donald today, and you two came here all this wouldn’t have happened!!” He yelled angrily.
“Sir I don’t understand. We were on our way here when it happened, I didn’t plan any outing.” I said feeling very confused.
“I think there is a mix up somewhere.” Monica said cutting in.
“Yes there is because I don’t know what he is talking about.” I said weeping profusely.
“Mr Smith please calm down.” Monica said and Mrs Smith fell to the ground unconscious.
“Mrs Smith!” I called puzzled.
“Sharon get out.” Mr Smith said rushing to his wife.
“I said get out all of you!!!!” He yelled and Monica and I ran out instantly.
It is all gone, my job, the trust me has in me. All is gone, the one I love is in danger.
TO Be Continued