Her Baby Daddy Chapter 29
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Her Baby Daddy Chapter 29 Of Her Baby Daddy by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Her Baby Daddy:
????{A Lovely Disaster}
“Do you think this is the right thing for you to do?” Susan ask as Stephanie pack her things.
“I’m only staying for a while. The kids are there and also, I’m sure that by living with Ashton, he will see just how unsuitable we are for each other ” Stephanie said.
“You really believe that will be possible? I’m only watching out for you” Susan said.
“Don’t worry aunt, I will be fine. Use our absence to take care of yourself, go shopping, spend sometime in the massage room, do some sight seeing. Just have fun. You are still in your prime years, the kids and I won’t be a burden to you anymore”
“You were never a burden to me. I never for once thought of you guys as a burden” Susan said and that got Stephanie hugging her.
“I know and that’s why I love you so much but as you know I need to go. I promised Ashton” Stephanie insist.
“Fine then. Do what you can but remember that I will always be here for you” Susan said as they walk out of the house to the waiting Stanley.
“You will have to pardon me Stephanie but I won’t be able to take you to Ashton. You can get there yourself, right?” Stanley ask giving her a knowing a look.
“I definitely can”Stephanie answered knowing what he had in mind.
“Shouldn’t you drive her there? Does Ashton know you are telling her to drive herself?” Susan ask.
“He doesn’t but am sure Stephanie will explain things for me”
“Don’t worry Stanley. I got your back as long as you don’t mess with my aunt” Stephanie said, getting into the car.
“What does messing with me have to….Argh! Put me down you psycho” Susan scream as Stanley carried her, heading back into the house while Stephanie drive off.
“Put me down! What if David sees us?” Susan question hotly.
“I know for a fact that David isn’t here. So, quit the lie”
“Fine, David isn’t here but I want you to put me down” Susan said looking serious.
Stanley set her down on her feet and immediately she put some distance between them.
“Until when will you get it that nothing can ever happen between us?” Susan ask with that stern voice she often use with the triplets.
“And until when will you get it that the more you refuse the more I want you? I’m madly in love with you, Susan”
“And I’m not!”
“Lies! I know you feel something for me, I can feel it in here” he said, walking towards her in a flash to place his hand on her chest where her heart is.
“It thumps and beats for me” He added, holding her gaze.
“It doesn’t” Susan said, looking away and he held her jaw, forcing her to look at him.
“If you are reluctant because of our age difference then don’t! What matters is that we are old enough to decide things for ourselves”
“You don’t know what people are like, they talk and talk till it weakens you completely. I was once married, I married a very wealthy man and due to my normal kind of background, I was subjected to a lot of gossip. I had to hear people say nasty things about me and in the end, the feeling I had for my husband died, I got a divorce and have been on my own since then”
“I don’t want to go through the same thing I went through in the past. If we end up together, people will talk and that’s why I….”
“Shhh…” Stanley place a finger on her lips, silencing her.
“I’m different. I won’t let you be subjected to that, I will protect you with my life if necessary, just give this a chance, give us a chance” he persuaded.
Susan stare at him without saying a thing then suddenly, she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
They kissed passionately and let go to stare at each.
“So, Is that a yes?” Stanley ask.
“What do you think?” Susan return, smiling.
“I think I should kiss you more to find out ” Stanley said, claiming her lips once more.
He lift Susan and she wound her legs around him.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Stanley ask.
“Upstairs” Susan answered.
With her in his arms, he climb the stairs heading to her room….
On hearing the doorbell, Stella got scared and was about heading upstairs when she heard David’s voice.
“It’s me! Let me in”
“What are you doing here?” Stella ask, pulling him in and bolting the door.
“I came as fast as I read your message” He said.
“You shouldn’t have come, you know your presence will only make it worse” Stella told him
“I know but I can’t leave you here and it’s because of me you are in this mess. Explain in details what happen? ” David said.
“Well, it began the day you lend me your jacket, On my way home I notice some cars following me and it wasn’t until I got to the apartment that this group of girls came to me. They turned out to be stalker fans of yours and they recognize the jacket you gave me. They said I was your girlfriend and that I didn’t have the right to be because you belong to all the girls”
“That’s crazy!”
“Very crazy. I tried telling them that you only lent me the jacket but they called me all sort of names and were going to even hit me but I got away on time and ever since then they’ve been boycotting my place, insisting that they won’t leave until they see me” Stella explain.
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?”
“Stephanie and Ashton accident and there is little Fiona. I didn’t want to add my problem to….
“A problem which occur because of me. I have only heard of obsessed stalker fans but I never met any until now. You can’t keep staying here” David said softly.
“But I have no place to go”
“You can move in with me”
“With you? That’s only worsening things!”
“I live with Susan and Stephanie though Stephanie is leaving today for Ashton home but that doesn’t stop you from moving in. Susan will be there if you don’t trust me” David said.
“I do trust you. It’s just that your stalker fans will make it worse if they find out that I….”
“Who cares? Your safety matters more, go pack the necessary things you know you might need, I will be waiting”
Stella went up to her room, putting her things into the luggage while wondering why it felt good knowing David is worried about her.
She wasn’t expecting him to come when she sent him the message but she’s glad he showed up to help her.
“Is that everything?” David ask collecting her suitcase.
“Yes. Do you think it’s right that they see us together?” Stella ask.
“Don’t worry, as long as I’m here no one will touch you” David assured, leaving the house with her.
They got to where his car was parked only to be swarmed by bunch of girls, they ignored Stella, singing David praises and taking pictures of him.
One of them pull Stella away, making her fall and immediately, David was at her side, helping her up.
“As my fans is it right for you to be rude to my friend?” David ask.
????️ “But she’s not your friend”
????️ “She’s just a gold digger trying to get rich by hanging out with you”
????️ “You are our idol and no girl is meant to take you from us”
“Says who? Just because you all love me doesn’t mean I have to stay single for the rest of my life!” David yell at them.
????️ “Then make it clear to us! Are you dating her? You gave her customized jacket some days ago and now you are leaving with her. Are you dating her?”
“David and I….”
“Yes, we are dating. She’s my girlfriend” David said, cutting Stella off.
Then In front of everyone, he gave Stella a kiss creating the scandal of the year.
TO Be Continued