Her Baby Daddy Chapter 13
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Her Baby Daddy Chapter 13 Of Her Baby Daddy by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Her Baby Daddy:
????{A Lovely Disaster}
“Answer me you bastard! Why did you lie to me, why make me believe that I am sterile?” Ashton yell at Collins still holding onto his collar.
“It’s the truth Ashton, you are ste….” Collins didn’t get to complete his words when Ashton smack his face twice.
“Okay, okay, okay, I will say the truth” Collins said in a rush when Ashton raise his hand to smack him again.
“It’s all Sandy’s doing” Collins said referring to Ashton ex wife.
“Back then she didn’t want to marry you. It was an arrange marriage and she didn’t love you, she tried to refuse but her father wouldn’t let her then she came to me and told me to make you believe you are sterile”
“Sandy did that?” Ashton ask, letting go of Collins shirt.
“Yes, she had thought that if you find out about being sterile, you will end the marriage but you still went ahead with it”
“That’s because I loved her. I wanted her to be my wife, something which she made me regret”
“Did she have to go far just to stop me from marrying her? She only had to say it and I would have ended the whole thing. Did you know what I did? who I hurt just because I believe myself to be sterile?” Ashton yell at Collins.
“Am sorry Ashton”
“Sorry? Your sorry won’t rectify this mess, it won’t get me the five years I lost with my kids!”
“Y…your k…kids? You are a father?” Collins stammered, shock by this revelation.
“Keep this in mind Collins. I won’t forget this and I will make sure I pay you back and let you feel the pain I felt for years, I promise you” Ashton vow, giving his desk a kick before leaving the room.
“Does this ring come in small sizes?” David ask the attendant.
“It comes in various…Oh my gawd! You are David Ray! It’s David Ray!” The attendant scream bringing on him the attention of many who came rushing, wanting his autograph.
His aim was to buy Stephanie a gift so he could placate her for coming to Australia unannounce, he didn’t expect to be flock by this people asking for his autograph.
He didn’t even believe himself famous enough to be recognize in a big mall but he is mistaken.
David sign as many autograph as he could and no matter how many he sign, the number keep increasing.
He didn’t know what to do? If he should continue then he will be staying here till nightfall.
“I need to…”
“That’s enough everyone!” A voice suddenly said in the crowd and they all step back as a lady walk towards David.
“I believe most of you have gotten David’s autograph and so, we will call it quits” The lady said.
????️ “And who are you to decide that for him?”
“I am his manager” The lady said startling everyone including David.
????️ “That’s a lie. David doesn’t have a manager, he only works with Fannie Grey”
“Well he does have a manager and that is me” She said, starring at David.
“Say something to make them believe me or you won’t be able to get out of here” She whisper for his ears alone.
“That’s right! She’s my manager, I had hired one while coming to Australia” David told them.
“And so as his manager, I’m afraid to inform you all that it’s time for him to leave and please, don’t come after us” The lady said, taking hold of David hand to pull him out.
David fans followed them, screaming his name as they got into the lady’s car.
Away from the shopping mall, the lady halt her car by the roadside, turning to David.
“Thanks for your help earlier. I wouldn’t have known how to get out of it if you didn’t…”
“Saying thanks alone won’t do the trick” the lady said cutting him off.
“Oh, you are right. I should compensate you but am afraid I don’t have cash on me right now” David said softly.
“I don’t need your money. I want you to hire me as your manager” the lady said , bringing out her card.
“I am Stella Fisher, I work at Roman Media and I’d like for you and Fannie Grey to work with us” Stella told him.
“Errr I….”
“Before you refuse. I’d like you to know that I know Fannie, we once studied together in college. I was her best friend back then but we lost touch when she move to New York and…you don’t believe me, right?” Stella ask.
“Sorry if I don’t but it’s just that a lot of people have approach us using the same trick and you are also doing the same”
“I mean it! I do know Stephanie, take a look at this” Stella said, showing him a picture she took with Stephanie years ago.
“To be sincere we don’t have a need for manager but I will talk to Stephanie about you”
“Really? Can you also talk about Roman Media. Tell her that she must sign with us, okay” Stella told him and he nodded.
“I won’t forget”
A while later, after finding a cab for David, Stella sat in car dialing Bobby’s number.
“I talked to David and told him to sign with our company” Stella said the moment he answered.
“Really? That’s great Stella, am definitely giving you a bonus this month”
“I don’t know if Stephanie will want to sign with us but still, don’t you think you should see her? Afterall you are doing this to get her back”
“For now, I can’t show myself to her until she begin working with us” Bobby told her.
“Okay. Am glad you’ve got back your head and have decide to divorce that bitch Bianca. Just know that I am rooting for you and Stephanie” Stella said.
After a few more discussion, Bobby end the call taking in a deep breath.
Stella doesn’t know what happen between him and Stephanie years ago. She didn’t know that he cheated on her with Bianca cause if she did, she would never have work in his company and stay on with him as friends since they left college.
He has no intention of telling her and he hope that she doesn’t find out cause he needs Stella support to get the woman he love.
TO Be Continued