Flora’s Mistake Episode 6
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Flora’s Mistake Episode 6 Or Chapter Six Of Flora’s Mistake by Addy Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Flora’s Mistake Episode Six:
Final Episode
Noah was rushed into the emergency room immediately he was brought in.
His case was so critical they had to use the oxygen on him.
Flora was in a daze. She thought she was dreaming and suddenly,her eyes became clear at the damages she had done.
Immediately the doctor came out of the emergency room,Flora ran to him frightened.”Doctor! How’s my husband?” She asked in an eager voice.
“Are you his wife?” The doctor asked and Flora nodded vigorously.” See me in my office.” The doctor said and left while Flora followed behind,her heart beating hard against her chest.
Why isn’t the doctor saying anything? What has happened?
“So, Mrs Noah. You say you are that man’s wife and two you fo not know how terribly sick he is for some months now? Were you recently married to him or what?” The doctor said and Flora bowed her head in shame.
“Doctor please have mercy on me and blame me latter. Where’s my husband? What’s his condition right now?” Flora asked. She was in serious tears.
The doctor breathed in.” Your husband has heart problem and I’m afraid it’s too late to be treated. He has only forty eight hours to live.” The doctor said as Flora’s hands flew up to rest on her head as fresh tears dropped from her eyes.
Just then,the door opened and Charlene came also in her own tears.
She was coming from the emergency room after which she met Anita who told her all that happened between the couple.
“You must be so happy now, isn’t it?” Charlene said as she cane face to face with Flora who stood up also to beat her height.
“What are you talking about?” Flora shot back.
“What I’m I talking about? Flora,are you seriously asking me that? What has he ever done to you to deserve this type of life? You are such a wicked undeserving witch!” Charlene yelled in her face.
“You’ve always wanted him dead! What has he done to you!”
Flora’s hand knotted in a fist as she looked towards the doctor.” Doctor,tell this mad dog to get out of this place right now.”Flora said furiously but the doctor would say nothing.
He knew the story already…how Flora treated her husband.
“Oh really? You mean I should get out of the this hospital so you can finish him up and enjoy his wealth? I’m sorry to disappoint you..I’m going nowhere!”.
“How dare you speak to me that way?! What’s your business? I know I and my husband has our own little differences but that’s all. I never wanted him dead!!” Flora fumed.
Charlene threw her head backwards and let out a sarcastic laughter. “Little differences you call it? That you couldn’t even see it that your husband…your own husband was dying!! Little differences indeed!”
“Ladies..this is not the right time for this… that man in there is dying..”
“No doctor Elvis!” Charlene voiced out as she turned to look at him.” There is still time to save his life and God is going to help us out.
The transplant us going to take place..so therefore…..start the treatment immediately.”
Two Weeks Later…
Flora was kneeling in front of Noah in tears. He had just gotten back from the hospital with Charlene after a successful operation.
“Flora,I don’t see the reason why I should still have you in my house. The love I had for you is gone…long gone when you almost took my life. You don’t worth me Flora.
You don’t. Please……I need someone who’s going to be able to be a comfort to me and not a discomfort in this particular time.
I’ve heard enough of you and I don’t want to risk my health any further.” Noah said and stood up slowly then glanced back at Flora. ” The divorce papers are already signed by me three days ago in the hospital.It’s too late Flora…goodbye.”Then with that, he left.
“Aahhhh?!!” Flora shouted as she put her hands in her head. She grabbed Charlene’s legs as she stood up.” Please, Charlene.. please!! You are my only hope!! Please..beg him for me. I’ve learnt my lessons! I did not know what came over me!!” Flora cried as she layed before Charlene.
“Flora,I’m afraid there is nothing I can do. Tell me …..what woman in her right senses would toss away a man like Noah away?
You treated him real bad,Flora. He isn’t going to change his mind because what he takes out there in the hospital was too much! Excuse me!” Charlene Saud and followed Noah upstairs.
Flora’s tears poured out more as she heard Charlene banding the bedroom door to her hearing.
Noah was sitting on the bed,his head buried in his palms as Charlene sat next to him.
“Sir…I… think you should reconsider. I mean.. she’s your wife.” Charlene said as Noah looked at her.
“Not anymore, Charlene. That woman almost destroyed me. She almost killed me and you are telling me to take her back in as my wife?
Even in my critical condition? No, Charlene,I can’t do that. As a matter of fact I’ve forgiven her.
I hold no grudge against her but let her leave my life. She should have what to lull elsewhere.” Noah said and Charlene breathed in.
“So what do you want to do now? I mean..you can’t be left alone..you are sick..”
“Charlene..stat with me. Yes, please stat with me! You are the woman who has shown me the great love and care my wife couldn’t show. Marry me…yes, Charlene.. serious. Marry me.” Noah said, holding Charlene’s hands as he stared at her shocked eyes.
Slowly she nodded as a warm smile spread across her face, reaching out to Noah who moved forward and kissed her passionately.
At last…at last…he would be a free happy man.
“Heeyyy!! Where do I go from here! I can’t go back to my house! My mum will kill me!, Oh what a shame!” Flora cried as she carried her luggages and looked around the large beautiful living room with once more because regretfully moving out.
“An an….. madam..you dey go? Na was ohh!! Thank God oh. So person will fit test now? Ehhhh… madam iya na I don open gate. Come dey go abeg.” The gate man said laughing as Flora cried. She could barely hear the gate man as the reality before her kept on becoming real.
As she walked back to her father’s house,she cried. She gas destroyed her marriage….her home…and also she had lost a wonderful husband like Noah in a twinkle of an eye…Flora regretted her actions..she regretted being a rebellious wife and cried all the way home.