Fate Of Love Episode 67
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Fate Of Love Episode 67 Of Fate Of Love Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Fate Of Love:
???????? (If Truly We Are Meant To Be Together)????????
Jesse sits in his room and was about to lights a cigarette when Sharon enters, and he quickly threw it under the bed before Sharon could see him.
“What are you doing”. Sharon asked looking at him.
Jesse fakes a laugh.
“Nothing Sharon”.
Sharon looks at him, and his face could tell he was lying.
“You were about to smoke right”.
“Of course not Sharon”. Jesse answers shaking his head like a baby.
“Then let see if you are lying or not”. Sharon said looking around the room.
“Sharon I wasn’t smoking”. Jesse pouted out, as Sharon continues searching everywhere around his room, including the wardrobe and the sets of cardboards in his room.
Sharon was about giving up, when she saw something under the bed, and she bends down to pick.
And Jesse bits his lips looking so scared.
Sharon picks up the pack of cigarette and face Jesse.
“What this Jesse, I thought you said you weren’t smoking”.
Jesse looks at her and sighs bitting his lips and buries his head on the floor like a baby.
“Am sure am not talking to to a toy right”. Sharon half yells.
And Jesse immediately fall on his knees joining his hands together.
“Am sorry Sharon, is never going to happen again”.
“Is not going to happen again, I thought you promise me you won’t smoke anymore”.
“And that why am apologizing right, am sorry, I promise you this time it won’t ever happen again”. Jesse said with a pleading eyes.
Sharon sighs and said.
“Fine,,,,,but the next time I see you smoke again, am going to break your head”.
Jesse smiles and stands up to his feet, he wrapped his hands around her waist.
“So does that mean am forgiven”. He asked smiling.
“Why are you sure a cutie”. Sharon pouted out caressing his hair smiling.
And Jesse peck her on the lips.
And Sharon looks at him.
Jesse pulls her more closer and kiss her again, but this time it went deeply, and Sharon didn’t waste anytime in kissing him back.
Both continue kissing each other still both falls to the bed, with Jesse on top of her.
Both continues kissing passionately on the bed, and Jesse’s hands were already reaching for Sharon’s top when they heard a knock on the door.
“Mom are in there”. Alvin asked.
And Jesse and Sharon quickly seperated from each other, adjusting themselves properly.
“Yes I am Alvin”. Sharon answers from inside, arranging her hair
“I can’t fall asleep mom, can you come a sleep beside me”.
“Sure I will Alvin”. Sharon said and looks at Jesse before going out from the room and sees Alvin standing by the door.
Alvin looks at Sharon.
“Mom, why are……” Alvin was cut short, because Sharon quickly Carried him.
“You Want me to sleep beside you right”.
And Alvin nods.
“So let go and get some sleep okay”. Sharon said.
And Alvin looks at her and nods.
And both left.
As for Jesse he sits in the bed and sighs.
“Does he always have to interfere in everything we do”. Jesse muttered to himself and ran his hands through his hair.
“What!!!, You are transferring to another school”. Roxana exclaims.
“Yes Rox”
“But why Alvin”.
“Because my dad lives in Gangnam district, and our school is in Guryoung, and you know is so far from Gangnam district right, and he said he doesn’t want me to continue going to this school”
“So which school will you be transferring to”
“Empire Elementary school”.
“Empire Elementary school!!!!!, that school is for the rich, is so expensive Alvin, is your dad that rich!!!”. Roxana exclaims.
“Yes he is Rox, he is very Rich”.
“So does this means am never going to see you again”.
“Of course you will Rox”.
“But how Alvin, you now live in Gangnam district, while I live in Guryoung, you are going to a new school, while I still remain in Nova elementary school, you are no longer the Alvin I know, you are now a rich kid”. Roxana pouted out and buries her head on the ground.
Alvin sighs and made her look at him.
“You are wrong Rox, my dad might be rich, but am still your Alvin, that never going to change”.
And Alvin nods with a smile.
“Yes Rox, and am always going to visit you in Guryoung”.
“Always”. Roxana muttered.
“Yes Rox, always”.
“Piggy promise”. Roxana said bringing out her finger.
Alvin smiles and puts her finger down.
“What was that for, you don’t want to do a piggy promise with me, does that mean you are going to break your promise”.
“No I won’t Rox”.
“Then why aren’t you doing a piggy promise with me”. she pouted out.
“Because this is my promise”.
“Which is”. Rox asked.
Alvin pulls her closer and peck her on her cheek, and Rox gasps in shock.
???? ????????????????
Expect the next chapter this afternoon once the requirements are complete.
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