Fate Of Love Episode 32
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Fate Of Love Episode 32 Of Fate Of Love Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Fate Of Love:
???????? (If Truly We Are Meant To Be Together)????????
“Mom how about I go with you to the market today”. Jesse said with a smile.
“How about your job”
“Am sure Sharon is going to understand, today I want to be with my one and only mom”. Jesse said and pecks her check and Janet smiles, just as they were about to leave the house, a car packed in front of them, and Daniel came out from the car, and Jesse fums with anger the moment he saw him.
“What did heck are you doing here”. Jesse asked in anger.
“Son I….”
“Don’t you dare call me your son Daniel, you have no son”.
Daniel sighs and said . “I knew what I did in the past was wrong I shouldn’t have done that to you or your mom, and that why I am here to mend my deeds”.
“Mend your deeds you say, you so lucky I was raised properly by my mom to respect others, if not I would have given you a punch on your face right now, how dare you say you want to mend your mistakes, can you be able to take back everything you did to her, and all the sufferings she went through, because she chose to love a monster like you!!”. Jesse yells in anger.
“Am sorry son……”
“Don’t you dare call me that!!!!!”. He yells.
“Look Jesse am sorry for everything, I know I wrong you and your mom, but that why am here, am going to make up for everything, am going to help you achieve your dreams and am going to help you become rich, I can do that for you Jesse, just give me a chance and I am going do everything you want, and also help your step sister too, just give me a chance to be a dad to”.
“I rather die in poverty, than accept a monster like you as my dad, listen to me Daniel and listen good, you are not my dad, I have no father, and the next time you show your stupid face around here again, am going to kill you myself, let go mom”. Jesse said and held his mom by the hand and left, while Daniel watch them as they left, he was wrong, Jesse will never leave his mom, just to accept his proposal.
*Kings high*
Joanna sits alone inside the library sniffing back her tears looking so sad, and Liam enters the library with a smile.
“Hi Joanna”. Liam said smiling, but his smile subsided when he saw the tears in Joanna’s eyes.
“Are you okay Joanna, why are you crying”.
“Am not Liam, am fine”. Joanna said cleaning her tears.
Liam sighs and sits beside her. “No you are not Joanna, no one in this world cries without a reason, so what going on Joanna, you can talk to me”.
Joanna looks at him with teary eyes. “My brother already found his dad”.
“What do you mean Joanna, aren’t you both biological siblings”.
“No we aren’t, we are half siblings, we are from the same mom, but different dad, and now he already found his dad, and his dad is trying to win him back”.
“Aren’t you happy about that”.
“I am Liam, even if his dad hurt his mom back then, atlest he came back to look for him, but what about my dad Liam, isn’t he looking for me too, does he hate me that much to abandon to my mom, is not that am going to forgive him right way, but it would have been a little better if he is looking for me too, and wants to be a dad to me, maybe I won’t have felt this hurt, I don’t even know what he looks like and my mom has no idea where he is, am sure he doesn’t want me, that why he is not looking for me”. Joanna said and broke into tears.
Liam looks at Joanna for a while, before placing her head in his shoulder patting her.
“If he doesn’t want you, then you don’t have to long for him Joanna, that how some parents are, they never care about their children, you don’t need your dad Joanna, because you have your brother, your mom, Anna and me too, we are always here for you Joanna, you don’t need a good for nothing dad who doesn’t care about you okay”. Liam said as he continues patting her.
Nikky enters the house and sees Violet packing her stuffs.
“Where are you going Violet”.
“Am going back home”. She answers .
“So you finally accepted the fact that Jesse and Sharon are together now”. She asked with a smile.
“No Nikky, I already told you, I will never accept Jesse and Sharon relationship, never Nikky”
“So why are you going back home then”. Nikky asked looking confused.
“To take back what was once mine”.
“I don’t get you Violet”.
Violet stood up to her feet and looks at Nikky.
“Am going to take Jesse back from Sharon, she stole him from me, so am going home to take what mine”.