Fate Of Love Episode 13
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Fate Of Love Episode 13 Of Fate Of Love Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Fate Of Love:
???????? (If Truly We Are Meant To Be Together)????????
“Yes I will take the job,,,I will become Sharon’s driver”. Jesse said with a smile on his face.
“Okay then,,,,,,you are hired,,,, so when will you be discharged”. Don Roman asked.
“Today”. Jesse replies.
“That good to hear,,,,so when will you like to start your job,,,if you want you can stay for a week before…..”
“I can start tomorrow Don Roman”. Jesse answers sharply.
“Tomorrow,,,,that fast,,, aren’t you going to recover first”.
“Am totally fine Don Roman, I can start working tomorrow”. Jesse answers, but who was he kidding, he knows he wasn’t that sound, but he just wants to see Sharon again.
“Okay,,,,Jesse if you say so inform your family about your job, and I will inform Sharon about it too”. Don Roman said.
Jesse nods with a smile, he badly wanted to ask him, how Sharon was doing, but he choose to wait still he sees her tomorrow.
Anna enters Liam's room and quickly took off the Head phone he was putting on.
“Hey,,,,,Anna what was that for”. Liam said taking the head phone from her.
Anna giggles and sits beside him. “I just wanted to have some fun, but there again I forget you are not the playful type”.
“Whatever Anna,,,,,,so what are you doing here”.
“Come on Liam,,,,, can’t I pay my dear cousin a visit, and beside am so excited that you will be going to the same high school with me, atlest am always going to have a free ride”.Anna said smiling.
“Oh really Anna, is that why you recommend Kings high to my mom, so you always get a free ride”.
“of course Liam, what else will I want you to go to my school,,,,I always want the whole school to look at me when I come down from your car every morning”. Anna said smiling.
“You are so silly Anna, I should have just stayed in France, rather than coming home to Korea”.
“Come on Liam, you don’t know how happy I am to have you back here,,,I missed you so much,,,so when are you going to start,,,I badly want you to meet my friend Joanna”. Anna said smiling.
“Joanna,,, really,,are you both twins, what with the Joanna,,,and Anna”.
“That why we are best friends Liam,,, and she is so pretty”. Anna Said smiling
“And what does that got to do with me”. Liam answer rudly.
“Oh my Liam,,,,I swear you and my best friend are so much alike,,,,so rude”.
“And thinking of being rude, I meant a crazy girl today,,,, you know, she was the one who ran into the road from no where, and i even tried my best not to hit her, but this crazy girl still blames me, are poor people always that crazy”. Liam asked.
“My best friend is from a poor background too,,,,,but I assure you she is not crazy,,,,a totally beautiful girl”. Anna said smiling.
Liam sighs and looks at her. “And what does your so called Best friend have to do with what I just told you”. Liam asked.
“Am just telling you about her, because I want you both to be friends when you meet”.
“Not interested”. Liam said and puts back his Head phone,,,,, Anna looks at him and scoffs folding her hands.
“What!!!!!!, You are going to be Sharon’s driver”. Violet asked, the moment Jesse tells them about his job.
“Yes Violet”.
“Why!!!!!”. Violet asked.
“Is a job offer Violet,,,I can’t turn it down”.
“Oh maybe you just want to see that Sharon girl again”. Violet said in an angry tone.
“Of course not Violet, I just want a job, why are you getting so cooked up over this”. Jesse asked, and Violet just looks him.
“Is okay if Jesse takes the job Violet,, since his wine making is actually not working for him, so when are you starting the job”.
“Tomorrow!!!!!!, That fast!!!, But you just got out from the hospital”. Violet said,, she so getting angry by the whole thing.
“Jesse Violet is right,,you just got from the hospital, and you want to work already”. Janet asked.
“Am totally fine mom,, and beside I can’t waste time in accepting the job,,,what if he gives it to someone else”. Jesse said,, because he doesn’t want to miss the chance of always seeing Sharon.
“Okay Jesse, if you say so,,,but be careful okay”.
“I will mom”. Jesse said with a smile.
“Well,,,,, even if I say I don’t want you to become her driver,,,,,you won’t agree to it anyway, and besides Sharon is a good girl, so am sure she won’t be so bossy”. Joanna said and Jesse smiles, and Violet looks at him.
“Is that it,,,you both are just going to allow him work for her, you both are so unbelievable”. Violet said and walks away in anger.
“What wrong with Violet mom,,,she has been acting so weird this pass few days”. Jesse asked.
“I don’t know Jesse, she is your best friend,,,,so you should be the one to talk to her”. Janet said, and Jesse sighs, he was so worried about Violet’s new behavior,,,but he was also happy that he will be meeting Sharon again.
“Dad you called for me”. Sharon asked as she enters Don Roman room.
“Yes Sharon Because I want to speak with you”.
“About what dad”.
“Is about your new driver”.
“My new driver,,,,,,but dad why will I want a driver when I already know how to ride a car”.
“Really,,,, Sharon,,,,then why did you almost killed Jesse with a car”.
“That was a mistake dad,,,,,is never going to happen again”. Sharon said not liking the idea of a new driver.
“You can’t tell me what to do Sharon I already made up my mind,,I just wanted you to know,,,,, Jesse will be here tomorrow”. Don Roman said, and Sharon looks at him with shock, did her dad just call Jesse’s name.
“Did you just say Jesse will be coming here tomorrow,,,but why”. She asked anxiously,,just to know why he was coming.
“Because he is going to be your new Driver”.
“Jesse is going to be my driver!!!”. Sharon asked in shock.
“Why you don’t want him to”.
“No I really like the idea,,,,,,, hmmmmm what I mean is that is okay if he becomes my driver,,, since I can use that to make it him for landing him in the hospital”. Sharon quickly said when her dad looks at her.
“So you want a driver now”.
“I never said I don’t want a driver,,,,and beside is better if I don’t drive a car for now”. Sharon said trying to hide her excitement, and Don Roman looks at her raising his eyebrows.
TO Be Continued