Falling For Him Chapter 33
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Falling For Him Chapter 33 Of Falling For Him by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Falling For Him CHAPTER THIRTY THREE: ????
???????? (Love Under Disguise) ????
( Her David )
Aaron could be seen pacing around his room while thinking about what Andrea said a while ago.
Anthony didn’t have any scar on him and even he did, Aaron couldn’t remember him doing any surgery to get rid of it.
At that moment, a thought came to him and he left his room, heading to the storage.
Half an hour later, he was still in the storage room, searching for a box.
“What are you looking for, young master?” A long time maid, Ana ask as she stood by the door way watching.
“Thank God it’s you. Am actually looking for the purple box I brought with me eight years ago. You do remember it, right?” Aaron ask.
“You mean the box which had all your stuff from the orphanage?”
“You are in luck since it hasn’t been thrown away” The maid said, walking into the room to pull down some box till she got to a purple box.
“But how do you remember the box? You had an accident not long after you came and you lost your memories” The maid said
“I don’t know…I just…It just came to me” Aaron said and she gave a nod before leaving.
Aaron open the box to check out it’s content and it were some toys and pictures taken in the orphanage home.
He dig in further and brought out the same book Andrea had told him David made for her.
He open it and saw a written note in with a picture of a girl which no doubt is Andrea.
★ ONE DAY WE WILL MEET AGAIN ★ the note read.
If this box truly is his then he is David…Aaron thought as he took the box with him and left the storage room.
Anthony was alone in his room, trying to get his homework done when Aaron barge in.
“What’s going….”
“You bastard!” Aaron call, holding onto his shirt.
“I already know am a bastard. You don’t have to say it to my face” Anthony said in return.
“Just let go and tell me what’s wrong?” Anthony added.
“Why say you are David when you aren’t !” Aaron demanded.
The guilt in Anthony eyes totally gave him away.
“So you found out” Anthony said as Aaron let go of him.
“Am sorry, I didn’t want to lie but dad…dad made me do it. That day I overheard him talking on the phone and I told him to tell me which one of us is David and he said it was you ”
“You might not remember all this because you had an accident which took your child hood memories. You grew up at Hope orphanage and was brought here when you were ten. It was never meant to be a secret but Dad wanted to cover it up since he didn’t want you distracted by Andrea and I….”
“You what?” Aaron half yell.
“And I agreed to help since I also didn’t want you with Andrea. We lied to you to keep you away from Andrea, am sorry” Anthony apologise.
“Sorry? Your sorry doesn’t cut out for your lies. Am very angry at you but am more angry at myself for not remembering anything nor Andrea who came all the way here to look for me”
“Aaron you….”
“Not another word. Have heard enough lies for today” Aaron said and left the room.
His search for his father prove futile, he was about giving up when he heard the sound of a car.
Knowing it could only be his father, Aaron ran outside.
“Thank God I ran into you. Am thinking we could press charges against Lucy for her lies, I spoke about it with my….”
“Why?” Aaron ask, cutting him off.
“Why what?”
“Why will you throw her in jail when she was only doing what you told her. You knew I wasn’t the father of her child but you decided to fool me!” Aaron yell at him.
“Are you going to believe that wretch over the man who father you?” Ryan bellow.
“I will! Since she’s more trustworthy than the man who gave birth to me. You should have just left me at the orphanage, that place would have been better than this place” Aaron said, tears glistening his eyes.
“I do understand that you lost me when I was just a baby and that you spent ten years looking for me. You even adopted Anthony thinking him to be me but when you found me, you brought nothing but pain to my life”
“You took away my mother from me. You said she was a hindrance to my life and threaten to take me to a far away place if she doesn’t leave. She did as you said and ended up dying in a plane crash and then I met Lucy, back then she was the only one I could lean on but you made me hate her and sent her packing and once again you are doing the same thing with the one person who have always cared about me from day one” Aaron said, feeling very hurt.
“What do you think I did?” Ryan ask, feeling worried since this is the first time he would see his son cry.
“If you knew I was David then why did you lie to me? Why did you tell Anthony to pretend to be me?”
“I did it for your own good. Andrea is nothing but an obstacle for…”
“She’s not! She’s my everything dad. Just so she can keep our promise, she went out of her way to pretend to be a guy so she can enroll into sunshine high. She did it all for me dad and yet you made us think someone else is David just for your own gain, that’s cruelty”
“Aaron am…”
“Once again, you’ve failed me” Aaron said as he wipe off his tears.
He left the mansion, heading to nowhere in particular when made a call to Anthony.
“Tell Andrea the truth ” Aaron said as soon as Anthony answer the call.
TO Be Continued