Falling For Him Chapter 30
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Falling For Him Chapter 30 Of Falling For Him by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Falling For Him CHAPTER THIRTY: ????
???????? (Love Under Disguise) ????
“Why is a new guest suddenly showing up” Andrea mutter as she made her way down the hall.
She had just manage to stop herself from crying when Opal came to inform her about the change of room since a guest of Jack’s aunt was coming.
Andrea got to the room down the hall and after setting her bag pack down, she stood against the window, watching the moon while thinking about Aaron.
The door open and Aaron came into the room.
They both stood, starring at each other without saying a word.
“I wasn’t told that I will be sharing my room with someone” Aaron said, breaking the silence.
Without saying a word, Andrea pick up her bag and began heading out but Aaron took hold of her hand before she could leave.
“If you are here to stay then stay. Am not asking you to leave”
“You don’t have to cause I myself don’t want to be here” Andrea replied hotly.
Once again she tried to leave but he pulled her towards the bed and sat her down.
She watch him squat in front of her and as he pulled up her trouser to inspect her leg.
When he saw no injury, he took hold of hand starring at the little burn she got earlier.
“What are you doing!” She said, snatching her hand from him.
“Don’t you know that you’ve got to put an ointment there so it won’t leave a scar?” Aaron ask.
“And what does it have to do with you. You pretended not to see me when I got burn, so keep pretending and leave me alone” she said getting off the bed to leave the room.
But after taking her third step, she was suddenly engulf in Aaron arms.
“I didn’t mean it….everything I did back there…I didn’t mean it. It was all a plan, a plan between Jack and I. I wanted you to see just how miserable we both will be if we stay away from each other…am sorry” he said, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.
“So…Tamara doesn’t mean anything to you?”
“I only met her for the first time today. Jack told her about my predicament and she agreed to help me. You have no idea how hurt I felt seeing you fall and burning your hands. I wanted…I wanted to come to you but I…I had to make you realize…to make you see how much you love me as much as I love you” Aaron whisper into her ear.
She stood still without saying a word, hating the silence, he turn her to face him only to see the tears slipping down her face.
“Don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry” Aaron said, wiping off her tears.
“Jerk! Did you really have to go far just to prove a point. Do you know how I felt seeing you with Tamara, I thought I lost you…I thought…” She let out a sneeze, crying harder.
Aaron held her in his arms until her tears stopped.
He sat on the bed and made her seat on his laps, cradling her like his new found baby.
“So you still love me?” Andrea ask, looking at him.
“More than life” he replied, smiling at her.
“Then it’s not too late to take back what I said about being friends and to…” Her mouth was smothered in a gentle, sweet kiss which prevented her from saying more.
“I love you, Andrea. Please, be my girlfriend” he whispered against her lips.
Andrea smiled, palming his face in her hands before nodding gently.
“Yes, I will be your girlfriend ”
Outside Aaron and Andrea room, Opal and Jack did a high five before leaving the door.
“I told you things will work out” Jack said.
“You did and am happy about it but am worried about Anthony. Andrea will feel bad for hurting him” Opal said.
“Which is why she has to make things clear to him. She needs to be honest with him” Tamara said, walking up to them with her overnight bag in hand.
“Leaving already?” Jack ask.
“Of course. Now that my job is done, I better hit the road before aunt gets back. You know how much of a dictator she is”
“Thanks for everything Tamara” Opal said.
“You don’t need to thank me since I love every minute of it and also, when will you confess your feelings to her. There might not a Anthony yet but if you are not careful, you will be losing her for good” Tamara said to Jack.
“I told you it’s a secret. You better leave before I forget you are my cousin and throw you out myself” Jack warn and immediately, Tamara left.
“You also have someone you are in love with? Is she someone I know” Opal ask, watching a nervous Jack.
“She’s someone you know very well” Jack said, moving towards her.
“You. I like you Opal, very much” He said, startling the life out of the poor girl.
“You don’t have to give a reply now. Am not forcing my feelings on you but I would like it if you let me court you…will you?” Jack ask putting her in a state of more shock.
“It’s best you say no, Opal. You don’t want him breaking your heart” Ben said at the door way. Surprising them with his sudden arrival.
“What are you doing here?” Jack ask, annoyed by his presence.
“I got invited by Andrea and before I forget, I brought someone with me” Ben said as Anthony walk in.
Andrea and Aaron were both on the bed, watching TV when they heard the knock.
Andrea got out of bed to answer whoever it is but, she was surprise to see Anthony there.
“Where’s Aaron?” Anthony ask, walking past her into the room.
“What’s going on?” Aaron ask.
“You need to go back home” Anthony said.
“Lucy has return and she came back with your son” Anthony inform…..
???? TO
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