Falling For Him Chapter 15
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Falling For Him Chapter 15 Of Falling For Him by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Falling For Him CHAPTER FIFTEEN: ????
???????? (Love Under Disguise) ????
( It’s Out )
“Where did you get this book?” He ask.
“Do you recognize it?” Andrea ask hopefully.
“It kind of looks like mine or it’s mine” the guy said.
Aaron and Andrea was once again disappointed.
“Tell me where you got this” the guy demanded and that got Aaron folding one of his notes.
He stood up and began to hit the guy on the head with book.
“Does it look like yours? Do we look like thieves, get lost!” Aaron said while hitting the book on his head.
“This isn’t working” Andrea said sadly.
“It’s going to work, my Intuition has never…”
“It has this time. Let’s just leave, we are distracting others” Andrea said, leaving the library and Aaron followed after taking their things.
Aaron watch Andrea walking ahead of him, she had this sad look on her face and some how, he had this strong urge to soothe away her worry.
He hasten his pace, his hands outstretch, prepared to touch Andrea shoulder but he stop himself.
What is he thinking? Aaron thought, admonishing himself.
At that moment, Anthony walk past him, going to Andrea which he drape his arms around her.
An action which angered Aaron.
“Hey, wanna go to a party with me?” Anthony ask.
“Am not in the mood” Andrea said.
“If you don’t go then you are obviously gonna miss the fun and food and you don’t have to worry about coming back late since it’s happening in our dorm” Anthony said quickly.
“He already said he’s not interes…”
“If everything is going to be free, including food then who am I to reject it” Andrea said, cutting Aaron off.
“Great. Since you won’t be going with us, you might as well take my things back to the dorm, thanks” Anthony said giving his books to Aaron.
“See you later” Andrea threw at him as she happily left with Anthony.
Aaron got back to his room fuming. One minute she’s angry and another she’s happy to go to a party which no doubt will be filled with guys.
“Isn’t she scared to be the only girl there?” Aaron let out in frustration.
“Well, if she can go out to have fun. I can certainly have fun by myself too” he muttered as he brought out his game to play.
Half an hour later, Aaron had to admit to himself that he felt lonely.
He had no friends to invite and the only friend he has have gone off to some Goddamn party.
From his room, he could hear the music coming from the room upstairs.
He has to get Andrea out of their midst, Just the thought of her being found out makes him scared.
He left his room and took the stairs which led to the third floor.
Getting into the midst of a lot of guys, Aaron found it hard to find Andrea.
He easily spotted Anthony but there was no sign of Andrea with him.
Where could she be? He thought as he went into one of the room and there she was playing chess with few guys gathered around her.
“I win again” Andrea yell out in excitement oblivious to Aaron presence.
“I believe you are cheating. Let’s play again” the guy she beat said.
“Sure. I have to teach you some manners” she said pulling up her sleeve and it was then she saw him.
“Aaron” she called, a smile appearing on her face.
Ignoring the look from others, he went to her and pulled her up.
“We are leaving” He said.
“But I haven’t….”
“Don’t make me carry you out of here!” He threaten which got her silently following him out of the room.
It wasn’t until they were in their dorm that she turn on him.
“Why did you do that? I was having fun”
“In the midst of guys? Aren’t you even scared that someone might find out that you are a girl?” He question.
“No one will. They all believe me to be a guy” Andrea said.
“If you think that then you are a dummy!”
“Whatever. Am going back to the party whether you like it or not” She said, trying to walk past him but he took hold of her hand, also pulling out his phone to dial a certain number at the same time.
“Hello. Am I speaking to the dorm headmaster? This is Aaron Winter and I’d like to report a party being taking place in dorm 302. I will be waiting for you to do something about it, sir” He said and end the call.
“Why did you do that!”
“To stop you from going but if you still want to leave, you are free to. Don’t just blame me when you get a demerit” He said.
“Jerk” she called and walk past him into the room.
Aaron smiled.
An hour later, after all the hard work he put into the preparation. He went to knock on the door.
“Go away! I don’t want to talk to you”
“Why don’t you come out and see what I prepared for you” he said and a while later the door open.
“You prepared something for me?” Andrea ask and he gave a nod.
She walk out of the room to see what he prepared and she couldn’t help but to smile.
One the table had different kind of dish, dish which were her favorite and then at one side were different kind of video game they could play and at another angle were movies he wanted them to watch together.
“Since I cut your fun short, I decided to bring the fun here for you, do you like it? ” He ask.
“I love it but what has gotten into you. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?” She joke, hitting him playfully on the shoulder before moving towards the food.
He happily watch her devour the food and then they both played video games before watching a movie.
TO Be Continued