Dirty Affair With My Sister Chapter 25
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Dirty Affair With My Sister Chapter 25 Or Episode Twenty Five of Dirty Affair With My Sister Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Dirty Affair With My Sister Chapter Twenty Five: ????
New Year Eve ????
It was a little past 7pm when we finished dinner. I went and brought in the rest of my bags from my car. I took everything up to my room and put it away. I could see that stepmom had kept my room clean while I was away.
Everything appeared to be in the order I had left it in. I changed into a t-shirt before heading back downstairs.
Upon entering the living room, I could see that stepmom had turned on the toob and tuned in a movie on one of the Cinemax channels. She was lying on the sofa and I went and flopped down over in the recliner, which sits beside the sofa – only separated by a side table.
I didn’t really pay attention to the movie. It was just another chick flick like my stepmother watches while relaxing. There were a couple of hot love scenes that had me antsy to witness with my mom so close by. I was certainly stimulated from watching the nudity and intense sex in the scenes.
This made it hard to take my mind off of her. She was so close and she looked so good. If she weren’t the woman that nurture me since am young there is no way that I would have thought she was 40 years old. She had flipped off her shoes and she looked very comfortable lying on the couch. She only moved a few times to take some sips of her wine.
Stepmom lay quietly until I couldn’t really tell whether she was asleep or awake. I remembered seeing her nude form back at Christmas. Damn, I was getting hard thinking about that night. She was so hot when she was standing there, that night, with her robe open, then later that night seeing her in that bathroom mirror. What a wonderfully voluptuous body. I couldn’t help checking her out.
It was 9pm when the movie was over. That set her in motion, she slowly sat up and stretched. Raising her arms above her head, she yawned and told me, “Honey, It’s been a long day. I’m going to hit the sack.” She rose from the sofa and headed around the corner to the stairwell, which leads to her room.
I knew one thing; I was feeling horny as hell. I couldn’t wait until Vivian got home the next day. My cock hadn’t been wet in over 2 months and it was getting to my head.
I heard Bellori come in at 11pm, but she didn’t come down to see me. I figured that she probably had a long day and since she was going to be getting up rather early, in the morning, that she probably was going straight to bed. That was no biggie, because we weren’t super close or anything any way.
Bellori didn’t go to college. She’s smart, but she went straight to work out of high school. I think she makes pretty good money and is headed towards management already. I know she was pretty good at barking orders at me when we were growing up. I guess that was excellent practice.
I went upstairs and grabbed some pillows and blankets around 11:30pm. It was a little chilly downstairs and I wanted to cover up, while lying on the sofa. All the lights were out so I assumed that everyone was asleep. When I got back down to the basement, I threw the pillows and quilt on the sofa and then I stepped outside to finish my joint. It was a little nippy outside, so I didn’t stay out there very long. I just couldn’t have the house reeking of weed.
When I went back inside, I lay on the sofa and bundled up. I had a very good buzz going. I felt great. I was out of school and home for spring break.
I had nothing to do for the whole week. I planned on lying around the house, smoking a little weed, staying up late, and vegging out.
During school I usually tried to be in bed by midnight. It was early to bed and early to rise. I had a schedule to keep and I was successfully adhering to it so far. I had a plan this week too. It was to have no plan. I wasn’t going to head to bed until I felt like it, which would end up being very, very late.
I am not sure if it was the sound or the movement of a shadow out the corner of my eye, but I jumped when I realized someone was standing just in the doorway of the great room
TO Be Continued