Chioma The Village Girl Episode 35
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Chioma The Village Girl Episode 35 Or Chapter Twenty Of Chioma The Village Girl Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Chioma The Village Girl Episode Thirty Five:
‘’What did you say???’’ Paulo asked again
‘’oh nothing, did I say anything??’’
‘’no you didn’t….. jake tell me do you like her’’ Paulo asked shifting close to jake
‘’why do you ask such a question???’’
‘’you know ever since we started lectures, you always put all your attention on her’’
‘’hmmm well let me tell you the truth, chioma was was was my girlfriend’’[jake stammered]
‘’wow interesting so gist me’’ Paulo insisted.
‘’ok we started dating in ss2 then something happened due to that stupid anita then the relationship somehow slipped away’’
‘’who is anita?? Wow the story is getting more interesting ride on’’’ Paulo said in anticipation.
‘’Hi ada’’ she said with a charming smile
‘’chioma baby whatsup na, you are looking sweet’’
‘’thanks sweetheart pls do you have that bio 105 textbook that we were asked to buy’’
‘’nope, am yet to get mine but I think its only jake that has the book. He bought it yesterday after the class’’
‘’wait which of the jakes’’
‘’ahn ahn how many jakes do we have’’
‘’you mean the one right there’’ chioma said pointing at jake’s direction
‘’yea’’ replied ada
‘’am not going to meet him, don’t worry forget the book’’
‘’but why?? Is there anything wrong going to meet him??’’ ada asked curiously.
Jake over heard there discussion, he immediately took the book out of his bag and headed straight to the direction of the girls ……
‘’hi chioma’’ jake greeted with a broad smile
‘’hi’’ she said forcefully with a frowned face
‘’am sure you need this ‘’ jake pointed the textbook towards her
‘’and who the hell told you I need this stinking book of yours??’’ chioma asked while jake puzzled
‘’erm I thought you were asking ada concerning the book’’
‘’hold your book I don’t need it rubbish’’’ chioma hissed and walked away
This was a disgraceful moment for jake as everyone in the lecture hall were looking at him, some were even laughing and hailing chioma for her right attitude. After about three minutes of standing, jake took courage and went back to his seat as Paulo laughed the hell out of him.
‘’hahahahahahahahahahahaha, guy that girl didn’t act like someone who knows you before’’
‘’paulo will just shut up’’ jake scolded moving his mandible.
The lecturer they were having finally came and they had the awful looking test before everyone dismissed …. At exactly 4pm jake was done with the days activities so he decided to go home and rest abit.
Not up to thirty minutes he laid down to sleep his phone started ringing and he pick up immediately
‘’jake you just abandoned me’’ the caller said as, jake immediately checked who was calling and it was jane.
‘’oh baby, I didn’t abandon you, just that you know school activities’’
‘’hmmm really or you are with another girl??’’
‘’cmon, you and I know I can’t leave you for another girl’’
‘’that’s my love, you know if you leave me, you will surfer for it, you took my v!rginity and started spoiling me at an earlier age’’ she said with soft tune while jake jerked, kept silent for some moment before responding.
‘’oh yea that’s true, you know I cant do that… so when next can we see again’’
‘’this weekend is cool by me’’
‘’nice, we would meet at dextro guest house’’
‘’ok bye love’’
‘’bye dear’’ jake said and hanged the call
‘’s–t whats all this jane is saying, me spoiling her but I never intended dating her, she was the one who came after me… but whats with girls and v!rginity stuff, a guy who broke your v!rginity is a luckly guy for eating the big meal first and that’s all’’ jake spoke out gently as many things ran through his mind.
Suddenly a knock came and the door fleeped open, emeka entered the room and shut the door
‘’guy howfar, why are you in this mood??? Is anything the matter’’
‘’[heavy sigh] guy chioma disgraced me today’’
‘’what happened??’’
‘’you know that I still have feeling for chioma, she is the only girl I truly love, am not after her for use and dump, I want to be with chioma’’
‘’guy why you like super story like this oga tell me wetin happen’’
‘’today in class I was the only person who bought a biology text we were asked to buy yesterday so I overheard chioma telling ada if she knew anyone who has bought the book so I took the book to her in the sense that I wanted to still show her that I love her and she disgraced me right there’’
‘’s–t jake you are stupid, forget chioma and move on with your sweet life, there are many bae out there better than chioma oga wise up na’’
‘’she is still my heartbeat, I love her’’
‘’after she had disgrace you, jake you know what I need to make you forget about chioma and move on… mind you the birthday party starts by 10pm hope you are fully prepared, hold at least two games boy’’ emeka said changing his dress while I looked at him in disbelief
Kimkom wasn’t my driver anymore, nothing trespassed between us but I just had this feelings and urge to learn how to drive which I did and am now good at driving. 9:45pm I was on the wheel and emeka sitting in the front passenger seat, we were on our way to becca’s birthday party at kubis lodge. I ignited the engine of my Honda pilot and drove away.
10;23pm sharp we were at kubis lodge, everywhere was glowing beautiful and sexy girls all about and handsome dudes. Emeka and I gradually made way into the hotel, the swimming pool was really busy and crowded with all sort of a-s… ‘’s–t men this is hell’’ jake spoke out to emeka
‘’so where is the party hall exactly’’
‘’hahahahahaha I told you tonight is gonna be exclusive, its becca’s birthday the happening girl in campus
‘’chai, oh this is amazing’’
‘’you see why I said you should come with at least two game boy’’
‘’men, but do you think there is space for that??’’
‘’why talk like a novice, there is always some room at the back of a hotel for quicky’’
‘’hahahahahaha emeka you are a genius in bad games’’
‘’bro you can’t blame me, nature is very sweet’’
‘’in that disco hall right there’’ emeka pointed at an entrance glowing with different colours and pop music blasting and colliding in every wall of the hall
‘’wow, bro lets get down to business’’ jake rubbing his hands together
Emeka and i entered the disco hall oh I felt like fainting different as$es were just twerking, dancing and str!pping.
‘’would you like to have anything ‘’ a guy who looked like a bartender asked
‘’a bottle of elliot and two glasses’’ emeka ordered
We kept watching, before you knew it I started dancing to the beat gradually shaking my head and started moving my legs. Our orders were brought, I tried giving the guy some cash but he said the bottle has been paid for so I just gave him a thousand naira note to hold himself and he thanked me and walked away.
I quickly opened the Elliot and introduced into one of the glass, I tried reaching emeka but he was already far rocking one fat girl with huge a-s ‘’d–n’’ . I was still sipping from my drinking when I saw a lady bent low in front of me and started shaking her a-s vigorously. Men this girl was good at that I must confess and I was already getting hard but to my surprise, the person turned and it was anita.
‘’s–t’’,, she came closer to kiss me while I hesitated ‘’free me now or am going to do something crazy’’I whispered
‘’come on jake, I think this is the right time for us to make up,’’
‘’make up with who?? Free me now’’ I said with an angry eyes
‘’ok lets get to the back of the hotel’’ she said while I pushed her away and walked out of the hall
Imagine anita, why didn’t I even tell the tigers to kill her I thought immediately I got to where my vehicle was parked . I was still thinking when I heard a soft voice from behind
‘’hello youngman’’ the voice brought me back
‘’hi goodevening’’ I said facing a dark beauty’’
‘’am nana, a 300level business administration student of the university of Nigeria’’
‘’oh, am jake 100 level medical student same school’’
‘’I know that already, you are the reason I came here tonight’’ she spoke out giving a guy behind her orders to give her some privacy
‘’how, I don’t understand’’
‘’ermm why don’t we just find a good place to talk’’
‘’ok I have no problems with that’’
We walked majestically into the main hotel and located a place to seat. We were half seated when we started hearing sounds of heavy gun shots
‘’poooooow,pooow,pooow , craaaaaa,craaaaaaaaaaaa’’
‘’what is happening??’’ nana asked with fear while ‘’welcome jake’’ she said giving me a warm hug.
TO Be Continued