Chella The Sex Freak Episode 3
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Chella The Sex Freak Episode 3 Of Chella The Sex Freak by Teni Vibezz Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Chella The Sex Freak EPISODE THREE: ????
“But Cynthia, we are in class” I blurted out.
I was confused and surprised at this moment, because the way she was holding my dïck, if anyone look into our direction, we would be caught red handed.
“It Is not my business” she whispered sarcastically, “have you forgotten I was on my own, and you started looking for trouble”
“What trouble Cynthia” I whispered back “or were you not enjoying it?”
‘No, its now I want to enjoy it, you can’t leave me high and wet” she answered
“But” I was about to reply when our teacher’s voice interrupted.
“‘You two stand up”.the voice of the teacher rang in my ear as he interrupted what I was about to say.
“Me” I asked pretending as if I wasn’t the one he was calling.
“Yes you and Cynthia” his voice boomed again as Cynthia removed her hand from my dïck and putting on an innocent face.please note this story is written by TemiVibezz Stories
I was now sweating seriously because I thought we had been caught by the teacher but almost, I mean he almost caught us.
“Am I boring you guys” he asked
“No sir” we chorused together
“So why are you guys trying to turn my class to a market square or an avenue to discuss your business” he asked
“Sir, I was trying to help her with some calculations” i answered visibly relieved that we hadn’t been caught.
“You Cynthia, if you have any other question, ask me directly and stop interrupting my class”.
“Yes sir” Cynthia answered a bit relived, though still scared.
He then asked us to sit down while he went back to his teachings.
I was so happy that I made sure there was enough distace between me and Cynthia.
“Cynthia are you okay at all,”. I asked after the class was over,
“Or you can’t be patient enough till the class is over” I continued.
“Don’t start what u can’t finish” she retorted back “small boy”.
“Me small boy, wait and see.”
“What will you do”
” Wait and see”.
The next day came quite boring, I was now confident of fückïng Cynthia but the problem was where will I fück her.
All the effort I made for her to come to my house didn’t work at all.
That morning, a new boy Jesse was introduced to the class.
This Jesse was quite different from the other ones you know, He was so handsome that girls started flõcking around him including Cynthia and he was quite older and matured.note this story is written by TemiVibezz Stories.
As time goes on, we boys started getting jealous of Jesse because he had found his way with the girls in our class, he was somehow funny and smart and this made the girls loved him.
Since all my Crush in the class started flõcking around this newcomer, I just had to focus more on my studies and this made me always unlease my früstrations on innocent Praise at home.
S3x with Praise was now almost becoming my daily routines, to the extent I was quite getting bored of her, we now had sèx everywhere including toilet,, bathroom,, kitchen and once we had sèx in her parents matrimonial bed when they were not at home.
One morning in school, Jesse came to me and begged me to help him with his assignment
“Tell Cynthia to help you bro” I answered sarcastically
“Bro, I don’t want to belittle myself ,,,he replied “how can I ask a girl to help me with my homework”.
“But she wouldn’t mind” I answered
“Bro, will you help me or not?” he asked,
“Am quite busy” I responded
“I will pay you back, I can help you fück Cynthia” he said trying to get me.
“I can fück Cynthia if I want” I answerd “And I don’t need fückïng help.
“Well we will see about that” he responded as he walked out on me.
The next day, I came to school and found out that Cynthia was not in her seat, only for me to turn around and saw her in Jesse’s sit.
“Is that your new seat”, I asked jealõusly
“Yes” she replied.
“Okay” I said as I turned away angrily.
Our first period was going on smoothly as the English teacher was teaching.
“A synonym can be defined as words as, Cynthia, what’s the problem”
Everybody turned and we could see Cynthia’s head down on her desk
“Am having a bãd headache” she answered raising her head.
“Oh sorry” the teacher said and went back to her teaching.
After some time when we were on the last period before closing hour, someone trew a folded piece of paper beside me, I picked it up and opened and I saw written bodly
I turned around and saw Jesse blinking eye at me, Cynthia was still head down on her desk. Jesse signalled me to look under their desk and to my uttermost surprise , I saw Cynthia being fingered by Jesse.
I can now see the reason for her bãd headache.
I raised my head to see Jesse whispering the words “I told u so”.
At that instant I felt like strangling him, and from that day I noticed Cynthia started avoiding me.
It was a particular sport day, and we boys usually go to a nearby football field to play football . On that day while playing, one of us mistakenly kicked the ball so hard that it flew over the fence of an abandoned compound that had the gate locked.
“Guys how are we going to get another ball now” one of us asked
“The solution is to go back to school” I answered
“You guys should come and collect ball” Jesse said smiling.
“My house is close by” he continued.
“Is like one of us would follow him and bring the ball” Another guy said.
“Let Chella follow me” Jesse said.
On our way to his house, I was wondering how Jesse who I haven’t seen play football had a football at home.
“Guy how come you have ball, but you don’t know how to play”.
“Is it until when someone have ball before he can know how to play”. he asked me back smiling mischievously.
I knew something wasn’t right about this whole thing but I kept quite. We soon got to his house.
“Guy go to the backyard and take the ball ” he said as he went into the house while I went to the backyard to get the ball.
So on my way to the backyard, I stopped as I heard a familiar voice from a window I passed by.
“Who was that” a female voice I guessed was Cyntia’s asked from inside the room.
“Is a friend from the neighborhood” Jesse answered.
“Okay please be fast, its getting late and I want to go”.
it was definitely Cyntia’s voice as I paused near the window listening.
“You won’t go until I’m done with you,” Jesse answered
“Now get on your knees”.
There was a moment of silence, then Jesse opened the window and signalled me to come, he put a finger to his lips as a sign for me to be silent.
As I tip-toed to the open window, I saw Cynthia naked and facing adjacent wall making it difficult for her to see me, Jesse got naked and I could swear that my dïck was bigger than his own, he then went over to where Cyntia was kneeling and commanded her to sūck it.note this story is written by TemiVibezz Stories.
It all felt like watching a live porn movie, I couldn’t think of anything that can be arousing than watching two people fückïng in front of me.
After she finished sûckïng his dïck, she now stood up and positioned her àss in a standing dõggie style still facing the wall as I got a clean view of her pūssy from the window, it was so pinkish and clean.
That view was soon blocked by Jesse’s dick entering her as he started fückïng her.
This guy was one hell of a fūcker.
“Fūck me harder fūck me hard” Cynthia was screaming as Jesse was fückïng her dõggy style.
I soon started rubbing my dick unconsciously…
“Ohhh ahhhhhh ahhhhh” Cynthia kept môãning “I love you” i will do whatever you want” “I will never leave u” were some of the fãke promises Cynthia was making as Jesse increased his strokes.
I was on the verge of cûmmïng when I heard a sound from the gate, I immediately ran to the gate and found my friends there.
“Guy where is the ball” one of them asked
“He said his siblings took the ball out ” I answered back
“What are you guys now doing since” one of them asked again.
“I’m waiting for him” I replied “but he is busy so let’s start going”.
I don’t even know If Jesse and Cynthia heard the noise at the gate and they didn’t seem to care.
On my way I couldn’t take off the scene of Jesse fückïng Cynthia from my head, my dïck was just erēcted almost all the way home, as i ran home I knew I had to feed my dïck.
when I got home, my mom wasn’t back, so I invited Praise over and we had a great fück session with the image of Jesse and Cynthia still in my head……..
The next Monday at school, Jesse came to meet me during break.
“Boss so you are this bad” I hailed “”.
” Guy just take it as normal” he replied “let’s be good friends ,, you are my guy”.
“Okay, no problem Boss”
“Am even done with Cynthia , if u want to fück her, just tell me”.he continued “I have another girl I want to fūck”.
“No problem Boss”. I replied
As we dispersed to our class after the break, I couldn’t help wonder how he could be done with Cynthia all of a sudden.”This guy is seriously a playboy”. I thought.
I went back to my class to find Cynthia back at my seat.
“Are you back” I asked
No response
Cynthia had a sad and moody look all day and I soon found out why, Jesse was busy with another girl named Linda
Linda was another busty girI in class, she is not as beautiful as Cynthia but I tell you she is bigger in bõôbs and àss.
I was at my sit seeing what was really going on between Jesse and Linda.
They will start laughing unnecessary and my best guess was he was fīngering her, they play together and they make a lot of noise in clas.
I walked up to Jesse one morning
“Guy the way Cynthia is looking at you now adays, hope she won’t harm you”
“She can’t” he said laughing “I have cast a spell on her, and I have her under my control”.
“But as you are fückïng Linda won’t she ibreak up with you now” I insisted
“She won’t, not until I tell her to” he answered.
“How are u so sure of urself like this” I asked does she normally do everything u ask?? I argued
“Don’t worry, tomorrow I will tell her to come to school without pånties let’s watch and see” he concluded
I was very sure Cynthia won’t listen to him, “How will she come to school without pånties” I tought.
The next day, I went up to him
“Well”…. I started
“I don’t know yet o, check for urself” he replied
“But how,,,I haven’t touched her for a long time now and I doubt if she will let me” I concluded,
He looked at me smiling.
“Bro is like you don’t know me, you can fūck her today if u want” he said
“But you know that’s not possible ” I said
“Relax” he replied
During break period, Jesse took me to an uncømpleted building which was normally deserted and gave me a cõndom.
‘What is this for” I asked, with millions of thoughts running through my mind.
Does this mean am going to fūck Cynthia right now I wondered.
“well go to the back of the building” he said.
Then I went to the back and met Cynthia sitting down with her head bent. Then I went back to Jesse
“Guy!!!! You are incredible, but how? I asked
“Never mind” he replied “just be fast about it”.
“But what if someone comes” I asked
don’t worry,,,I got u covered he answered as he sat down near the entrance of the building.
I went over to Cynthia and her head was still bent.
I tried talking with her but she wasn’t forthcoming, then I tried another thing.
“Stand up” I commanded
and she stood up without saying anything.
“Turn around and bend down'”.
As she obeyed, I lifted her skirt up and Your guess is as good as mine, she wasn’t wearing any panties