Celebrity Playboy Chapter 15
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Celebrity Playboy Chapter 15 Of Celebrity Playboy by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Celebrity Playboy CHAPTER FOURTEEN:
???????? (Love In Trouble) ????????
“You have no idea what I’m gonna do to you, little trouble” He whispered, and her ears itched.
Kenzie is not random. Everything he says, he does.
She was releasing low whimpers, the threads of her hair dangling below her head as his heavy steps led them farther and farther from the forest.
Will he really have her on his bed?
She has never had sèx before, and she has never seen a man’s nakedness…
Ok fine, she saw it a few times when Penny made her watch porn out of curiosity, but that’s not the problem right now.
After fuçking her, he’s gonna kill her? Like plant a bullet in her head?
That thought made her start struggling on his shoulder, but her struggles are tantamount to an ant’s.
He’s got a strong hold on her, and her whimpering grew till he arrived at the cluttered park.
He opened his car door, literally throwing her inside.
“Kenzie i can exp…
Before she could finish, he got a duct tape from nowhere and slapped it on her mouth, making it impossible for her to talk.
He wrapped the tapes around her wrists too, tying them together so she couldn’t move.
She was helpless as he got in the car with her, driving roughly out of the place.
She could do nothing, just staring at his enraged eyes as he drove, far into the city.
He always looks mad anytime he’s with her, but this one is extraordinary, and she’s wishing he really won’t do as he promised in the forest.
She began trembling till he pulled up in front of the warehouse.
He threw the door open, stepped out and bundled her on his shoulder again.
She felt kidnapped as he took her into the house, and he dropped her in the wide party room.
There’s no one in, but there are signs of party.
Broken alcohol bottles, unbroken ones lying on the tables, cigar stunts and vape pens all-over.
In a whim, he snapped the tape from her mouth, and he removed the one on her wrists too.
“I know it was stupid of me to follow you but…
“Hold the table” he cut her off, and her eyes widened madly.
“Wh-what! Are you really…
“Hold the table, Hazel” he muttered, his eyes turning redder.
“I didn’t…
“Now” he muttered primally, and she bit her lip hard before turning, holding the table tight and awaiting what’s gonna happen.
There are several empty bottles on that table, and her throat ran dry.
Is he gonna be killing her with those? Will he jam them on her head and…
Her thoughts were interrupted when he pulled down her trousers from behind, and they fell low on her ankles.
Cold air hit her heart -shaped butt, and she held the table tighter, hoping he won’t take of her panty too.
She felt her skin growing goosebumps, and her mouth opened slightly.
“What are you… doing?” She mumbled, but that was replied with a spank on her @ss, so loud and painful.
“Ahh!!” She screamed, clenching her thighs immediately, and her hold on the table tightened.
Two of the bottles on top of it fell, shattering loudly.
“Count” his deep voice came, and he gave her the second spank on the same spot.
“Fûck! Two!” She cried out, biting her lip again as the sting went straight to her middle.
Her @ss became so sensitive and red.
The third spank came, still on the same spot, and she felt herself throbbing as the stings cracked in her core again.
“Three..ee” she whimpered, and she received the fourth one immediately.
“Ouch!! Four!” She cried.
Fire danced on that part of her skin, and she bit her lip deep, so deep that she bled slightly, the throb between her legs getting much unbearable.
“You’re a brave @ss, and it’s so fuçking attractive, do you know that?” He finally spoke, giving her the fifth one.
“Five!…fi-ve” she stuttered, blinking back her tears as wetness finally pooled in her core.
Does she like pain this much? Why is it making her soaked?
“But yunno…. When braveness is excessive sometimes, it becomes stupidity” he said, the heat of his words filling the room as he spanked her again.
“S-six… please…” She released a half-moan.
Another spank.
Spank again.
“T…en…” She staggered on the table, and all the remaining bottles fell, creating more mess on the ground.
Tears came out of her eyes, but she quickly wiped them, determined to not let him see them.
Sweat shawled her skin, her butt stinging so much, and her legs shaking on the ground as she faced him.
She made to pull her trousers up…
“Not yet, we’re not done” he said.
“No…i don’t want to do that with you” she shook her head.
“Then you should have had a second thought before deciding to sneak into the initiation. Are you daft?” He seethed.
“Stop calling me daft” she sniffled.
“You are, and your damn naivety is getting on my last fuçking nerves cos you don’t even seem to know right from wrong. Not that i fuçking care, but if it was Miguel or Lord Steel who caught you, you’d be dead by now, and I’m fuçking sure you’re thinking Amber’s sudden interest in you is genuine when even i can see through the deception. You trust everyone like a dog and it’s…
“Stop it!!!!” She screamed out, and he scoffed, his stiff shoulders dropping as he watched her shift back from him, pulling up her trousers and zipping it.
She’s trying so much to hold back her tears, it’s so obvious she doesn’t wanna break down in front of him.
“I know. I’m stupid and dumb and daft like a dog, thanks for the reminder, and i hope you find someone who can tell you how arrogant and vain you are one day. I hate you so much Kenzie” she muttered, running out of the warehouse.
Kenzie didn’t try following her…he pushed the table down angrily with his boot and his phone buzzed in his pocket.
He retrieved it and saw it’s Eminem calling.
“Hey homie” he picked.
“Heard she’s a girl, tell me she’s dead already” Eminem said.
“Any dark club suggestions?” Kenzie replied, avoiding the question.
“Of course I’m always the right plug!” Eminem grinned.
“Meet at the warehouse” Kenzie replied and hung up.
He stepped out of the house, and he smirked when he saw Hazel getting into a taxi already.
He went back in.
Hazel was already in tears even before the taxi driver stopped in front of the estate.
Thankfully, she brought some change with her, so she payed the driver.
“No need to pay, I hope you get better with whatever is making you cry” the man replied kindly and drove away.
Hazel wiped her tears, but new ones came out as she walked slowly into the estate.
As the cold breeze from the trees assaulted her skin, she began shaking sickly, her legs trembling at each step she takes.
Is it crazy that Kenzie’s words from earlier poked her like thorns, and she’s currently bleeding inwardly?
Now she hates herself so much for sneaking into the initiation with them.
“Hazel!!” Maria came running.
She has been waiting for her together with Lee.
“Mum” she sniffled, and Maria held her face immediately she got to her.
“What’s going on baby? Where did you go and what’s up with the tears?”
Hazel couldn’t reply, so Maria took off her own jacket and covered her with it together with the cardigan on her body.
“Stay well!” Lee shouted after them as Maria started taking her in.
“Thanks, Lee” Maria replied, and he sighed.
“What happened to her?” He muttered, but then another car drove in, conveying Natty and Miguel.
They stopped the car beside her, and his face brightened.
“Welcome back! The estate was boring without you all. Where do you always go at nights?” He blinked.
“What are you doing here?” Natty asked with a slight smile.
“I waited for Hazel with Maria. She arrived some minutes ago though, but she was in tears. Looks like something happened to her” Lee explained.
“Something happened to Hazel?” Natty’s eyes widened, and before Lee could speak again, she was already running to the annex.
“But…wait… Nat… oops!” He said funnily, facing Miguel who’s expressionless.
“Do you have a problem with smiling? I’ve never seen you do it” he said.
Miguel ignored him, got in the car and drove to the garage.
“Oops!” Lee said again, facing the gate.
“Where is Emi and Ken by the way? Are they making trouble somewhere?” He muttered.
Eminem suggested this place, and Kenzie had to settle for it since it seems like the easiest to find on their GPS.
The club has only dark-red lights on as expected, and every single lady in there is naked, they work for the club.
Breàsts are bouncing, and @sses are jumping, several pu$$ies on display for sins in the dark.
Kenzie and Eminem registered for a session, and they were requested to put down their kinks to know the type of ladies to be arranged for them.
Eminem put down EROTIC DANCE, and Kenzie put down three things…
He really needs to get himself high on pu$$y and soak himself in the smell of sèx tonight, else he might go fuçking crazy.
They were given their room number and keycard.
Eminem opened the room door, and they met two naked sluts awaiting them on their knees.
They’re blindfolded, clean-shaven, and too appetizing.
“Shall we?” Eminem faced Kenzie with a grin, walking to his slut.
He pulled off her blindfolded and was greeted with blue seductive eyes.
“Get up, show me what you got” he winked, and she immediately stood.
She began dancing on his diçk.
A minute into it, she was already dripping.
Meanwhile, Kenzie’s slut began touching herself, pressing her bööbs and sucking herself into her mouth.
She was rubbing herself on the tiled ground as she did, and she was moaning wetly…
There are whips and tapes and toys on a tray not far from her, waiting to be used, but…
Is it weird that Kenzie’s mind isn’t with her right now?
He’s addicted to focusing, but right now he can’t.
One particular girl who’s obsessed with colour green is all he could envision…the dumb one who loves getting on his nerves…
He shut his eyes, but it even got worse.
Well… fûck this!
He left the room, walking straight out of the club back to the car.
Immediately he arrived, he got Amber’s text.
Amber: How about I give you what you want tomorrow? You wanna fûck me? Then do it. I’ll invite you to the venue and I promise to show up this time.
He turned off the phone, and Eminem came in shortly.
“What was that inside? You didn’t touch your slut. It never happened before” he said.
“Just drive, Emi” Kenzie replied uninterested
“Chill, captain” Eminem chuckled, awakening the engines before driving into the road.
Hazel was surprised to find a bowl of warm porridge beside herself when she woke up.
She took it and quickly started eating like she’s starved.
Her phone dinged, and she unlocked it to see a text from Cole.
Cole: Morning, beauy. How was your sleep?
She dropped the porridge and typed back.
Hazel: Am I stupid like a dog?
He replied almost immediately.
Cole: Says who? You’re literally the smartest girl alive, Hazie, and pretty too.
She smiled widely.
Hazel: Thanks, and good morning. I slept well.
Cole: Can we meet tonight? Please?
Hazel: I’ll think about it.
“Baby” Maria came in, and she dropped the phone.
Maria felt her temperature, sighing in relief afterwards.
“Now are you ready to tell me what happened last night? You cried yourself to sleep again” She asked.
“Cheeks, i came last night but you were already asleep” Natty walked in that moment, sitting beside Hazel.
“What happened last night? Why were you in tears? Mm?” She asked, stroking her hair gently.
“Nothing” Hazel replied.
“Exactly what she has been saying” Maria spoke.
“She’d speak up, leave it to me” Natty replied, and Penny rushed in.
“Cheeks you’re not dressed? Today is the band comeback photoshoot did you forget?” She gasped, and Hazel pushed the porridge plate away.
She jumped down from the bed and rushed into the bathroom.
Natty’s eyes caught the iphone on the bed, and she immediately recognized it as the one Kenzie told her to buy.
She left the annex, and she was on her way to the main mansion when she came across Hugo.
“Morning, sir” she greeted cheerfully.
He looked at her for a minute before nodding. “Morning, pretty”
He smiled slightly and continued his journey to the garage with his guards.
Natty shrugged before entering the mansion.
Penny is standing outside the annex, waiting for Hazel to come out.
She’s staring at her account balance on her phone screen, and the millions is making her go crazy.
2 million dollars is surely not a joke…her family will live fine for the rest of this year.
She quickly turned off the screen when Hazel came out, dressed in a coquette style floral gown and flat shoes.
“I’m done” she smiled, and they left for the garage.
Surprisingly, they met a driver waiting in the Escalade.
“Madam was told to drive you” the driver said.
“Ow! She’s so kind” Penny quickly jumped into the car, and Hazel turned back.
TO Be Continued