Celebrity Playboy Chapter 12
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Celebrity Playboy Chapter 12 Of Celebrity Playboy by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Celebrity Playboy CHAPTER TWELVE:
???????? (Love In Trouble) ????????
Kenzie drove into the iron gate, and immediately he brought the car to a stop, the empire guards surrounded it.
He came out with the rest of the guys, and the guards stepped back.
“Where’s Lord Steel at?” He asked ruggedly.
“The storeroom” they replied, and Kenzie led the guys in.
The wide empire is surrounded by hemlocks, and on each tree, there are at least five guards.
The smell of cider mixed with the smell of smokes, creating a eerie atmosphere.
There are armed guards standing on each door they walked through till they got to the storeroom.
There are hundreds of slave workers bagging drugs in there, and they’re all under the supervision of Lord Steel himself who’s sitting at the topmost part of the stuffy room like a god.
The most notorious criminal in the country, leader of The Devils.
He’s a bulky man in his early fifties, wearing a black hat and a fitting suit. There’s a fat tobacco pipe between his big lips.
“I got the news of your deeds, Kenzie. You hurt my daughter” his thick voice rang around the room as the four assembled in front of him.
“Is that forbidden?” Kenzie replied with his brows raised, and he chuckled darkly.
“Nothing is forbidden for you, spawns. Hurt whoever you choose to inflict pain on, I’m only concerned about my goods and your loyalty. Are y’all ready for the initiation tomorrow? There should be no commas” he said.
“Yes, boss!” They all bowed except Kenzie who kept his head up.
Lord Steel grinned crookedly.
Katherine came in to meet Cole sitting in the living room calmly, and she immediately threw her bag down.
“What do you have to say to me? An apology on your knees?” She said arrogantly.
“And why would I apologize?” Cole stood.
“Why wouldn’t you apologize? You dumped me in the middle of a dark road Cole! I only corrected you with the slap so I see no reason for your unnecessary anger!” She fired.
“Corrected me with a slap? How does that sound in your ears Kathy! Who does that! You think you’re free to treat me like a slave just because your father strengthens my father’s company? Is that it? Let me tell you something new, before we started dating, I and my dad were doing well without your father! We were rich without you and letting you go won’t mean anything to us!” He slammed, and her eyes widened.
He turned his back and began striding upstairs, but she quickly went after him.
“No…no Cole. I’m…I’m sorry it’s all my fault I admit…I shouldn’t have slapped you…I was wrong ok?” She blocked him on the stairs, and he sighed as she held his face.
“Ok? I was wrong, please forgive me” she hugged him, and he folded his fists, unable to hug her back.
It’s 8am, and breakfast will soon be served.
Everyone is settled at the dinning room except Kenzie, and Anna sighed out
“He’s not gonna eat again? What exactly is going on with him?”
“Where is he?” Hugo asked.
“He’ll join us. He made it clear that he’d be eating this morning” Natty replied, then Maria came out of the kitchen with Hazel, holding trays of food.
They were in the middle of serving everyone when Kenzie came in nonchalantly, his poker face on.
He was looking uninterested as he advanced, but that changed when his eyes landed on Hazel.
He stopped on his tracks.
She’s wearing one of the bum shorts Natty gave to her and a green singlet.
It’s her first time trying out shorts, but Maria said it looks good on her, and Anna even complimented it, so she feels good with it.
Kenzie couldn’t look away for one minute straight. Ok two minutes….
Maybe three???
He didn’t count, he just kept staring, and Hazel felt heat crawling to her cheeks immediately.
Why the hell is he looking at her that way???
Natty smiled slightly when she saw what’s going on, and Eminem did the same.
Miguel remained his stoic self, and Anna wondered why when she noticed.
Hugo and Lee were looking confused.
Hazel gently bit her mouth wall, dropping the last cutlery in front of Hugo
Maria quickly covered her, and Kenzie finally was able to look away.
He joined the table, and when he tasted his food and felt the salt on his buds, he ate more and more.
Anna smiled widely.
“This morning is a good one” Eminem chuckled.
“Tell me about it” Natty agreed.
Hazel arrived back at the annex with Maria and got a call from Penny.
She rushed to the gate to meet up.
Surprisingly, she’s with Hope, the third member of the band.
“Hey, you look good in the bum shorts!” Penny beamed, but Hazel didn’t even have the time to look her way.
“Hope?” She said, still looking dumbfounded.
“Welcome to the band” Hope smiled brightly, and Hazel gasped.
“Yeah babes. Amber decided to take us in, and she’s willing to apologize for what happened yesterday if you come to her place later today” Penny chirped.
“Just like that? We got in… just like that?” Hazel said unbelievably.
“You’re good. Your voice and aura reminds me of Erika. Can’t wait to be on stage with you” Hope widened her arms, and Hazel hugged her.
“I’m so thankful and I seriously wasn’t expecting this. I don’t even know what to say” she said happily.
“Just stay good, Penny will bring you to Amber in the afternoon” Hope replied, and Hazel broke the hug to nod.
“Sure, I’ll see you”
Hope left with Penny, and Hazel was about to rush back in excitement when Cole’s car drove to a halt, and her eyes brightened.
“Hey you look happy this morning, and fuvk! You look sèxy in your shorts” he fawned as he came out of his car, and she shocked him by hugging him willingly.
It’s even so tight that he couldn’t breathe.
“Hazie” he smiled, hugging her back.
“I got accepted into the band!!” She squealed, wanting to break the hug, but he held tight, inhaling her scent.
“Congratulations, are we gonna be seeing you on screen soon?” He said, finally releasing her.
“I think so…why are you here?” She blinked, still smiling.
“I’m on my way to see my mum, thought I could see your face before seeing her” he replied.
“Then run along, don’t keep her waiting” she nodded, and he immediately sneaked a kiss into her hair.
“I’ll call you” he told her before entering his car.
He left, and Hazel finally ran all the way into the mansion.
She couldn’t wait to break the news to Maria, but Maria is still busy at the main mansion, so she decided to wait.
She grew impatient and started looking for things to get herself busy, then she remembered the game on her phone.
She went into her room to get it, but shockingly, she met Kenzie inside already, sitting on the edge of her bed with a predatory look in his eyes.
He looks mad again, but she doesn’t give a damn this time.
“What are you doing here?” She questioned.
“You must have thought I was joking when I said Cole isn’t allowed here anymore. A big mistake” he replied, picking his words meaningfully.
“And I can remember telling you that he’s my friend and I can’t possibly push him away cos you don’t like him!” She snapped.
“Do you have a stupid crush on him? Big enough to wear that in front of him?” He stood, his height swallowing her whole as he stared at her bum shorts.
“So what if i have a crush on him? And what’s so bad in wearing bum shorts? Other girls wear it I’m not the first” she replied.
She went for her phone on the bed immediately, but before she could get it, he already grabbed it.
“Did that arsehole get you this?” He raised it up with tippy fingers and a murderous look in his eyes.
“Kenzie… No” she fidgeted, but it wasn’t enough, cos he smashed the phone on the wall, and the pieces scattered across the room.
Hazel let out a deafening scream, her body trembling as she watched the phone green pouch which landed in front of her.
“You bloody, sick psycho! I hate you!!!” She yelled, and in the next minute, he was already with her.
He easily grabbed her wrists, and tears shimmered in her eyes as he slammed her back easily on the wall, trapping her arms above her.
His intoxicating spicy scent and energy surrounded her as she tried to fight back the tears.
She’ll never cry in front of him, never.
“Why are you doing this to me? Kenzie…why?” She sniffled.
“I have not even started, sweetheart.” He muttered to her face.