Blame It On The Pain Episode 60
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Blame It On The Pain Episode 60 Of Blame It On The Pain by Authoress Zion Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Blame It On The Pain SIXTY:
Ricardo and Tyrone stand up. “We can run that over to the pharmacy for you if you want.”
“Thanks, guys,” I tell them before they leave.
Momma ksses my forehead. “Well, I have to run to the ladies room. You gonna be okay, sugar?”
“I’ll be fine, Momma Thank you.”
When she leaves, Jackson envelopes me in his arms. “Don’t scare me like that again.” He closes his eyes. “I swear, my heart stopped.”
I want to kss him so bad, but I don’t want to get him sick. “I’m sorry. I thought I was fine. I hope I don’t get you sick.”
“Nah, I’m strong like bull.”
“Thanks for offering to take care of me. But honestly, I’ll be fine. I’m sure Shane will check on me.”
“Nope in my bed is where you will be. Where Momma and I can nurse you back to health. Speaking of nurse’s…where is she?”
I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat and I look up.
“She’s right here,” a woman with long blonde hair, who’s wearing pink scrubs informs us curtly.
Jackson makes a face and I know what he’s thinking because I’m thinking it too.
The nurse looks a lot like me. She’s about 10 years older than me, but she has the same build, similar features, my natural hair color, and even the same eye color; although hers are more of a brown hazel rather than green but still, it’s eerily similar to mine.
It’s like I jumped into a time machine and pressed ‘future.’ I’m suddenly struck with the feeling of wanting to apologize for any troubles that she might have endured in her nursing career due to my sx tape.
Then I look at her name tag and see the name staring back at me. I almost pass out again.
“Oh, god,” I whisper. Jackson immediately looks concerned.
But I’m too distracted when the nurse gives me a cold smile. “Yup. I’m the woman whose husband you stole. You little adulteress whore.”
The brick on my chest practically caves in with that statement.
Jackson stands up and scowls. ”First off, don’t ever call my girl a whore again. Or I’ll be lodging a complaint with the hospital.
Secondly, I’m positive that Alyssa isn’t responsible for whatever problems you have with your husband.”
She puts her hands on her hips and glares at me. “Clearly your new boyfriend knows nothing about who you really are.”
My stomach heaves because as much as I don’t like it. This woman is right and I do owe her one hell of an apology for my transgressions. I can’t put everything on him.
I open my mouth to start, but Jackson takes a step closer to her. “I don’t know who you are, lady. But I do know exactly who she is. Now I’m only going to tell you this once—leave.
Because when the sassy Southern woman, otherwise known as my Momma, comes back in here and hears you speaking to Alyssa this way. Trust me, you’re going to wish you had.”
I somehow find my voice. “Jackson, stop. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this, she has every right to be furious with me and call me those names. You don’t know who she is.”
Jackson’s eyebrows shoot up. “Who is she?”
“She’s Ford’s wife.”
TO Be Continued