Blame It On The Pain Episode 55
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Blame It On The Pain Episode 55 Of Blame It On The Pain by Authoress Zion Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Blame It On The Pain FIFTY FIVE:
I stand outside and watch Alyssa through the glass window of the bar.
Everyone, including Momma, is there waiting for me to arrive, but I’m enjoying just watching her for a few moments.
After Breakfast, I walked Alyssa home and I went to the gym. After our workout, I told the guys to head to the bar first and said I’d catch up in a little while.
I needed the time to think.
I have no idea how to go about the situation regarding Alyssa and her apartment at the bar.
I would ask her to move in, but that would only make it that much easier for her to find out about DeLuca.
And I don’t care how much of an asshole it makes me, there’s no way I’m telling her about him. He not knowing will keep her safe.
She’s got a bit of a wild streak at times and I don’t know how she’ll take finding out about everything.
But one thing is certain, if she does anything to DeLuca…he will have no problem retaliating by having her ki lled or doing it himself.
I just can’t take that chance.
The only reason I’m not more freaked out about her showing up at the club last night is because of her new hair color.
I’m hoping that DeLuca won’t realize it was her…even though I know it was a big fight for him and he’s checking out the footage.
Ironically enough, it was seeing Alyssa there that helped me win that fight in the first place.
My opponent was the toughest one I ever faced at the club. There was a couple of times I thought I was going to lose.
Luckily, I looked out in the crowd and saw Tyrone doing the praying possum. As silly as it sounds, I knew that was his way of giving me advice.
When he was a kid and got bullied on the playground by some racist pricks, he used to drop and ‘play dead’ in the middle of a fight, just like possum’s do.
It threw the bully off for a moment and Tyrone would use the opportunity to sprout back up and defend himself.
I saw the karate chop at the very last second and tucked my chin. His hand slipped and I swear, he just missed my carotid artery.
However, the headbutt that he dealt got me bad. Bad enough where I did go down and I wasn’t sure I was going to make it back up again.
I was temporarily knocked out, but I heard Alyssa’s guttural cries and I thought someone was hurting her.
With strength I didn’t even know I possessed, I managed to get back up.
I was relieved to see that she was okay, but I was beyond pissed that she was at the fight club.
I used that rage as fuel to win the fight. Without her, I don’t know if that would have happened.
Just like I don’t know what will happen or how to go about her apartment situation.
I could ask her to move in, I’m sure Tyrone would be fine with it…but then I’d have to tell her about DeLuca…and she most definitely won’t be fine with it.
I could always lease her an apartment. I’m not a millionaire or anything but I do have a decent chunk of change saved up from fighting the past few years.
I could put it toward that…but something tells me Alyssa won’t go for that.
Not to mention, that somewhere down the road; I figure in the next few years or so…she will want to take the next step and move in together. She’ll also want to get married and have kids.
I want the same things, but I still have another 6 years and change left in my contract with DeLuca.
And that’s only if I continue to win at least, 99% of my fights, which in and of itself is a whole new set of problems.
The problem isn’t that I’ll be 33 by the time I’m done. That’s still young enough to enjoy the rest my life without feeling like I’ll be missing out on anything like having kids and starting a family.
The problem is, and every great fighter and athlete know this…you just can’t stay on top forever.
You h it your prime and only go down from there. Right now I’m 27…but I’d be an id!ot to think there won’t be someone younger, tougher and stronger for me to compete against in the next 6 years. Someone who could end up taking me down.
I know that’s why DeLuca makes the stipulations that he does and makes the contract for as long as he does. It really is making a deal with the devil.
I rub my temples and try to focus my thoughts back on the here and now. I watch through the glass as Alyssa hands Momma a shot and Ricardo and Tyrone start doing a countdown.
I laugh when she tilts her head back and makes a face like it’s horrible. Tyrone hugs her and yells, “Roll Tide!” while everyone in the bar cheers.
TO Be Continued