Blame It On The Pain Episode 30
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Blame It On The Pain Episode 30 Of Blame It On The Pain by Authoress Zion Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Blame It On The Pain EPISODE THIRTY:
He stared at me for what felt like forever, finally standing up from his desk after a full 5 minutes had passed.
His gray suit was immaculate, and even though a few lines creased his forehead with age, it only made him better looking.
“You cut your hair,” were the first words he uttered. “It suits you. I like it. Makes you look more mature.”
I gave him half a smile. “Most newscasters have shoulder length hair. I figured it was time to conform.”
He nodded. “Did you get here okay?”
I held up the keys to the BMW. “Yeah. Thanks to a certain special agent I know.”
Nothing shocked me more than when I had received the title and a set of keys to his BMW in the mail, along with directions telling me where I could pick it up.
On his wedding day, no less.
Not wanting to acknowledge that statement with words, he gave me another nod.
I wrung my hands and looked around. “I like your office.”
“Yeah, I have the promotion to thank for that. It seems the higher up the chain I go, the less field work I do.”
I smiled, until I spotted a picture of him and my father on his desk. His eyes followed mine and he looked away.
Figuring this moment couldn’t get any more awkward, I decided, to go for the gold. “How’s Penelope?”
“Fine,” he responded curtly.
He seemed different now. Colder. “Is everything okay?” I asked.
He cleared his throat and walked out from around his desk. “I guess I’m just trying to figure out exactly why you’re here, Alyssa.”
I stepped back as though I’d been pun¢hed. “You really have no idea why I’m here right now?”
The sx tape had gone viral, my stepfather had lost the election, and my mother had officially disowned me.
I had no one else to turn to. All roads led back to him.
“I guess you haven’t been on the internet in a while but—”
“I saw the sx tape!” he screamed loud enough to make me jump.
Not waiting for a response, he continued. “Like I said, I’m having trouble figuring out why you’re here.”
I swallowed hard. “John won’t help me and my mother’s turned her back on me.”
“Okay?” I scoffed before my voice started cracking. “You’re all I have left, Ford.”
I took a step toward him and he lifted his chin. “What exactly is it that you want from me, Alyssa?”
“It happened without my consent—”
He cut me off. “Are you insinuating that he rapped you? Because it looked like you were a willing participant.”
“No. What I meant was that I had no idea he was filming it. I never agreed to that.”
He narrowed his eyes. “But you agreed to spread your l egs for him?”
Before I could interject he added, “Like some kind of wh’re.”
I heard that word from a lot of people after the sx tape le aked, including my own mother. But hearing it from his mouth made something inside of me snap.
He held me against him. “Shh.” He took out a tissue and wiped my face. “Stop crying.”
“I c-can’t. You promised you would always be there f-for me.” I took a deep breath. “I need your help, Ford.”
He kssed my forehead. “What are you willing to do for it?” he whispered.
He put a hand on my shoulder and pushed. I backed away from him, closing my eyes in disbelief.
I looked up at him when I heard the sound of a belt buckle being undone. “No.” I shook my head. “You can’t be serious.”
I had always thought about being intimate with Ford, but not this way. Never like this.
He smirked. “What’s the matter, Alyssa? You can fk some guy on video but not me? The man you claimed to love. The one you promised to wait for?”
“I-I. You got married. You chose her. You said we shouldn’t talk anymore,” I stammered.
He leaned into me until I fell against the wall. “I was trying to do the right thing,” he whispered before he kssed me.
Our mouths tangled and his hands pulled at my clothing. “What are we doing, Ford?” I panted as he kssed my ne¢k.
He pulled back. “You were supposed to be mine.”
I reached for the buttons on his shirt and he lifted my sk irt. “I am yours.”
Before I knew it, my Iegs were wrapped around his wa ist and he was ent ering me with a loud grunt as I m0 aned.
“Yeah, you like that?” he asked
I could only nod, my body too far gone to form actual words.
Until his next statement. “Of course, you do. You little sIut.”
My eyes opened wide and I stopped moving. “Wha—”
His hand slammed over my mouth and his eyes darkened. “You heard me. You lost all your value and appeal the day you became nothing but a wo rthless sI ut. You only did it to yourself, Alyssa.”
Tears sprung to my eyes with his cruel words as he continued thru.sting and taunting me. “I loved you. I was supposed to be your first, your only. Now you’re tainted…ruined.”
He grunted his release and threw me to the ground. “Turns out you weren’t that good of a fk after all. Figure your own way out of this mess, Alyssa. I suggest you continue to wh’re yourself around because that’s all you’re good for. Now, get out of my office.”
His hands remained clenched at his sides and he took one final look at me. “Your father would be ashamed of you.”
I quickly gathered my clothes off the ground and left.
After making my way out to the hallway, I reached up and felt for my necklace. With shaky hands, I tugged on it until it ripped free and fell.
It was then that I realized.
There are a thousand ways to break a girl…but it only takes one to klI her.