Birthday Present Part 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Birthday Present Part 9 Of Birthday Present by That Girl Safen Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Birthday Present Part Nine:
“You remember her right?”
“What has she got to do with this?” I asked even though I knew Nimi had a lot to do with the necklace.
“Nimi was a born witch, she was destined to do great things but she didn’t want to go through that part. She didn’t want to worship any deity or partake in witchcraft, she was under a lot of pressure from my parents so she ran away from home. I was the only one that knew where she went.
“She did petty jobs to survive and I also sent her money when I had but I wanted her to follow her destiny as bad as my parents wanted to so I stopped sending her money hoping she would come back, but she didn’t.
“In her stubborn quest for survival she started working for you as a maid. You were horrible to her and she told me. I begged her to come back home but she feared that if she came back she would be lured into following the path she didn’t want to follow. So she endured all your nagging, all your insults, you called her poor on several occasions which was a blatant lie. My father was a chief from where we came from we didn’t beg for nothing.
“She endured everything until one day you crossed the line. You arrested her for stealing”
“But she stole from me” I shrieked in a desperate attempt to defend myself. She was exaggerating my actions and it wasn’t fair to me.
She leaned forward, the smile she had while narrating her story was gone.
“Look around, do you see anybody apart from us?” She asked in quiet anger.
“No but the point is–”
“–The point is that you should stopped lying to yourself. Nimi didn’t steal from you. You accused her ignorantly and did nothing when you found the supposed lost item days after you arrested Nimi but your ego and pride didn’t let you withdraw the arrest, so you left her there to die because according to you she wasn’t worth breathing the air that you breathe.” She said at once in one angry breath.
I couldn’t think of what to say to save myself from such petty accusations.
“Listen” I stood. “My daughter is in danger and I want whatever that was done on her to be reversed” I said as menacingly as I could.
She leaned back into the couch, a sinister smile playing on the edge of her lips, she seemed to be enjoying the state she’s cornered me into.
“As I said at first I have to thank you for your actions. My parents refused to help with her release, she had become the black sheep in our family and she was as good as dead to my parents. I don’t know what happened to her in the cell but one day she called home and said that she was ready to become a witch. My parents were excited about this and they worked for her release.
“The moment she was released she started practicing the art with only one mission to teach you a lesson” she hissed the last part.
“I might have acted harshly towards her but why she shouldn’t have possessed my child. Where is she I want to speak with her.” I demanded
“Nimi died early this year” She announced as she stood.
“But how?” I was confused and nothing made sense in my head. I assumed Nimi would be somewhere controlling Hephzibah but now I couldn’t come up with an explanation.
“I told you Nimi was a born witch coupled with the fact that she went an extra mile to study the art, along the line of studying from a Sangoma she came across an ancient practice in which a person could posses an object. It was a difficult process that needed patience a little mistake could cost a life and that was what happened to Nimi, she died during the process. I traced your house and lucky for me it was your daughter’s birthday so I just slipped in dropped my gift and went on my way” she looked at me.
“So in a way Nimi is alive in your daughter” she finished.
“Please” i knelt down, her eyes followed me mockingly. “I’ll do anything just forgive me and save my daughter” I pleaded.
“even if I wanted to help, I could do nothing because by now Nimi must have fully possessed her so go and face the consequences of your actions” she opened the door.
” You have to leave now” she ordered.
I pleaded and begged with everything that I had but she refused to listen which resulted to her fiercely shoving me out of her house.
“If I were you I would rush home now wait for everything to be over” she closed the door in my face.
I didn’t understand what she said but the only sane thing to do was to go home and find another alternative. I didn’t have much time left and I feared that Nimi must have fully possessed her.
I rushed home and was surprised to hear screams ringing throughout the house.
The maids stood at the foot of the stairs and they scampered when they saw me. I wanted to tell them they didn’t have to run but curiosity took over me and I went up the stairs two at a time.
The screams were coming from Hephzibah’s room. I went in and met a full war.
Hephzibah was sitting in the middle of the room with her legs crossed and hands of her ears, she was screaming as the Pastor casted and binded.
TO Be Continued