Birthday Pool Party Chapter 33
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Birthday Pool Party Chapter 33 Of Birthday Pool Party Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Birthday Pool Party:
From where we left-off……………..( Words aren’t enough. I walk up to David and slap him across the face as hard as I can. “You fucking ASSHOLE!” I shout loudly.
All conversation around us stops as students watch David stagger and hold his face. “Ah!” he shouts, “What the fuck was that for?”)
Now let’s continue with the story……………
“You know what you did!” I shriek, tears streaming down my face.
“No, I really don’t!” he shouts. Then he notices Lexi’s face. The way she looks at him with disgust makes it obvious. She knows. She knows he paid Keith to fuck her up the ass. David visibly deflates as he looks between Lexi and I.
I grab Lexi’s hand and the two of us walk into the building. I hear David call after us and tell us to wait, but we keep walking. David catches up to us just as we enter an empty classroom. We are continuing this conversation, but David is not shouting the truth out to the entire school.
“Kayla, what the fuck!” he shouts out.
“Seriously?!” I scream back at him, “You know what you did! And you aren’t telling the entire school!”
“Not telling them what?” he asks, still pretending to be innocent. I saw the look he had in his eyes before though, he knows. He knows we know.
“That you cheated on me!” I shout, “You had anal sex with Lexi!”
“Did she tell you that?” he asks with a sneer, “She’s fucked so many guys, how the fuck would she even remember whose done her and who hasn’t?”
I see Lexi stiffen out of the corner of my eye and rage once again fills me. “Fuck you, asshole!” I shout as I slap him again, “We’re through!”
“Did she tell you I fucked her?” he asks.
“No, we saw the video your buddy Keith made!” I scream through my tears. Hopefully the closed door muffles my voice.
David’s face falls for a moment, before he sneers at us, “So, I fucked the cum dump? So did every other guy in town!”
“You cheated on me!” I screeched, “And Lexi didn’t even know you paid to have sex with her!”
“Whatever.” David rolls his eyes, “She never said no, she always enjoyed it.”
“Always?” I ask, “You did this more than once?”
“Does it matter? You’re breaking up with me either way.” he says.
“That’s true. Get lost, asshole.” I say through the tears. Lexi has remained silent the entire time, but I know she is crying as well.
“At least I won’t have to pretend to love you anymore.” David says cruelly before turning and opening the door. He exits the classroom and slams the door behind him, leaving Lexi and I standing there in shock, tears streaming down our faces.
Lexi and I turn to each other and immediately hug. Tears stream down each others faces as we hold each other and sob. Lexi rubs my back as I grip her head in my hand and sob into her shoulder. David really is a completely different person than I thought he was.
He never loved me. David never loved me. I can’t help but think back to everything we’ve done together. I gave him road head. I bent over for him. I sent him nudes. I swallowed his cum. I let him cum inside me. I let him cum on me. I let him fuck my tits. I begged him to fuck me! Holy shit, why did I spread my legs for him? I can’t breathe.
I release Lexi and run over to the trash barrel next to the teacher’s desk. Bending over it, I throw up into the trash. Lexi is behind me in seconds, rubbing my back and holding my hair out of my face while I’m sick. I puke my entire breakfast into the trash barrel as I heave.
Spitting the last of my vomit into the trash, I gather up the bag and walk with Lexi to the bathroom. I throw the trash bag into the big barrel and we each wash our faces. I take a sip of water from the sink to clear my mouth and am spitting when my three closest friends walk in. Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia all burst into the bathroom.
“There you are!” Hazel shouts out as she runs up to me.
“Everyone’s talking about you hitting David!” Ashley says.
“What the fuck is going on?” asks Marcia.
“David cheated on me.” I say before bursting into tears again. My three friends all crowd around me and start asking questions all at the same time.
“Guys, give her some room to breathe!” Lexi says.
I’m so grateful for Lexi, I’m feeling so overwhelmed, but I know my friends mean well. The three of them step back and look at me with concern. I’m lucky to have such good friends. Looking over at Lexi, I see her nod slightly and I understand right away; Lexi would be okay with these three knowing her secrets.
“There’s no time now, how about you three come over after school and we’ll talk about it?” I suggest.
“We’ll tell you everything.” Lexi says.
“We? You’re involved somehow?” Ashley asks, confused. Obviously she has no way of knowing that David cheated on me with Lexi.
“We’ll explain later, I promise.” says Lexi as she rubs my back reassuringly. “Bring your bikinis and we’ll sit in the hot tub and chat.”
“Okay, deal.” says Marcia.
“We’ll be there.” Hazel promises as Ashley nods.
“Until then, let’s just comfort Kayla and help her get through the day, okay?” Lexi asks. All three of them readily agree.
My four best friends stay glued to my side the entire day. As much as possible, anyway. We don’t share all the same classes so there are some times when I’m alone, but for the most part, I have someone with me at all times. Usually multiple someones. Which is good, because the day is brutal.
Several acquaintances stop me and ask what the fuck happened. I give the standard answer, that David cheated on me and we broke up. Everyone is shocked, since it has always been believed that David and I were the perfect couple. Still, most people are supportive and call him an asshole for cheating on me.
Only David’s closest friends really stand by him. One of them, apparently, is Keith. I had no idea the two of them even knew each other until last night. There is a tense moment when Lexi and I walk by David and Keith in the hallway. David is showing Keith something on his phone and they are both laughing. Keith looks up, sees us, and sneers. He then elbows David to get his attention. David looks at me and chuckles. I just roll my eyes, give him a disgusted look, and keep walking with my arm looped through Lexi’s.
Somehow, I make it through lunch and all my classes. The school day is over at last. I toss all my books into my backpack and walk back to Lexi’s car with her beside me. We throw our backpacks in the back seat and climb in front. The other three will be driving home in their own cars to get their bikinis before coming over to my house. Our house. I once again burst into tears on the drive home, but Lexi is here to comfort me.
Dad meets us in the foyer when we return home and hugs us both tightly. We tell him the day was rough and we are glad it is over. He then offers to make us something to eat so we can sit down to watch a movie. Lexi and I tell him that Hazel, Marcia, and Ashley are all coming over and us girls are gonna sip on some wine coolers and chat in the hot tub. Dad understands, and is especially supportive when he finds out Lexi is gonna tell the girls everything. He kisses Lexi and I, then heads to his office to get some more work done.
The girls stagger in during the next hour or so and the five of us head into various guest rooms and bathrooms to get changed. We all ended up wearing our usual bikinis. I’m in a black suit and Lexi is in light blue. Blonde Ashley’s big tits are on display in her yellow bikini and the brunette, Marcia, is in white. Finally, tan Hazel looks stunning in her green bikini with her long brown hair in its usual ponytail.
We grab some wine coolers and head for the indoor hot tub. I start the water and we chat about our days while waiting for the water to heat up. Then we climb into the hot tub and relax. For a little while, no one asks me about what happened and we just sip on our drinks and relax. Eventually though, patience runs out and Ashley broaches the subject.
“So,” Ashley begins, “what exactly happened?”
Lexi and I share a look before she speaks up and says she should start. The other girls listen with rapt attention as Lexi tells her story. She begins with how she met Keith and lost her virginity to him. Then she explains how he would give her pills and get her drunk so his friends could use her. She also mentions sending nudes to Keith, and him recording several of their encounters. Everyone is shocked when Lexi describes being gang-banged by the opposing football team so that they would throw the game and Keith could make money gambling.
The story continues and Lexi tells about meeting my dad. How he made her feel like she was actually worth something as a person. Lexi explains that she ran into Keith not long after that and he tried to get her to fuck him. Thanks to my dad, she had the strength to refuse. In revenge, Keith sent the pictures and videos to her parents. Lexi got kicked out of the house.
“That’s why you moved in here so fast!” Ashley exclaims, “It all makes sense now!”
“Yes, Kayla and Steven have been amazing. I owe them everything.” Lexi says.
“As much as we appreciate you being comfortable enough to tell us this,” Marcia begins, “what does this have to do with David cheating?”
“I think I know.” Hazel says, looking sick. “He’s on one of those videos, isn’t he?”
“There’s a video of Lexi on all fours while Keith fucks her face and David fucks her ass.” I answer so Lexi doesn’t have to.
Ashley, Hazel, and Marcia all gasp and clasp their hands to their mouths. I start crying again and have to wipe away my tears. Lexi puts an arm around me and squeezes my bare shoulder reassuringly. I take a sip of my drink and try to relax.
For several minutes, we continue discussing what happened. The girls all call David a cheating asshole, and other colorful names. Lexi seems to be very relieved that no one blames her for what happened. They understand that she was barely aware of what was going on half the time. I’m glad Lexi is one of us now.
The five of us chat and nurse our drinks. Sadly, we have school tomorrow so we can’t get drunk, but we can at least enjoy our time together. We talk and laugh, and after a time, I actually start to forget my sorrows and giggle at a joke Ashley tells. The hot, bubbly water is relaxing and the company is even better.
“Hey girls, let’s get topless!” Ashley eventually suggests.
“What? Why?” Marcia asks in confusion.
“Why not?” Lexi interjects.
“Because my bikini top is chafing.” Ashley says as she shrugs her shoulders.
“It’s those giant knockers of yours, Ash.” Hazel responds, sticking out her tongue.
“Whatever.” Ashley rolls her eyes before leaning forward and reaching behind her back to untie her bikini top. A few moments later, Ashley places her top on the edge of the hot tub.
Lexi, Marcia, and Hazel immediately follow, and remove their bikini tops. I, however, stay in my top. I don’t have a problem being topless in front of my best friends, I’m just not in the mood, I guess. I was able to laugh a little, but overall, I’m still depressed and angry about David.
“C’mon, Kayla,” says Lexi, “let the girls out!”
“Yeah,” Hazel adds, “set the ta-ta’s free!”
Their words bring a small smirk to my face and I acquiesce. Reaching behind my back, I untie my top and shrug my shoulders forward, freeing my breasts. I place my bikini top on the edge of the hot tub and settle back into a comfortable position in the bubbly water. Ten breasts are now bobbing in the hot water, hard nipples on full display.
“I bet Kayla’s dad wishes he were here right now!” Ashley says with a giggle, her massive tits lightly jiggling on her chest.
“Oh, I’m sure he does!” Lexi says as she gets out of the hot tub and walks over to the table. Picking up her phone, Lexi makes a kissing face at the camera and takes a topless shot. We all giggle and cheer her on as she sends the photo to my dad. Yes, even me.
A minute later, Lexi’s phone buzzes and she giggles “He asked what’s going on down there!”
We all laugh and I find myself speaking before I even realize it “Go ahead, invite him to come down!”
My friends all look at me in surprise. “You realize you’re topless too, right?” Marcia asks.
“Yes, I realize that.” I say, before cupping my own boobs. “Nothing he hasn’t seen before.” I shrug.
“Go ahead, invite him!” Hazel says.
“Yeah!” Ashley agrees.
“Okay, okay, I’ll text him!” says Lexi with a smile. She’s clearly glad her boyfriend is gonna be in for such a treat.
I can’t believe I’m not nervous at all. He’s seen my tits before, and whatever, right? They’re just tits. It’s not like we’ll be touching or anything, and I’m not the only one with my boobs out. He’s my dad, unlike David, he actually does love me.
“He’s on his way!” Lexi chirps before setting her phone back down and getting back in the hot tub.
A few minutes later, my dad shows up wearing his swim trunks and holding a beer. “Woah.” is all he says as he looks at the five of us.
“Well, don’t just stand there gawking!” Lexi says, “Come join us!”
“Yeah, hop in!” Ashley says with a winning smile. Dad’s eyes lock on her massive tits.
TO Be Continued