Birthday Pool Party Chapter 21
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Birthday Pool Party Chapter 21 Of Birthday Pool Party Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Birthday Pool Party:
From where we left-off…………….. (I also text my dad that I’m okay and will be home soon. It only takes about fifteen minutes to reach the convenience store near his house. Heading into the store, I buy a drink and take it outside to wait for my ride. The Uber driver arrives and I hop in the car. I notice the mid-twenties guy checking me out in the rear view mirror the entire ride back to my place.)
Now let’s continue with the story……………
Based on the fact that I’m wearing a little black dress on a Saturday morning, I’m sure he figured out that I got fucked last night. I just hope he can stop imagining me fucking and sucking him long enough to keep his eyes on the rode. His eyes do go wide when he sees that my home is actually a mansion on a private road. I leave him a nice tip and then head inside.
My feet are sore, so I remove my heels and walk barefoot across the foyer. Damn, I must look like a slut; sneaking in on a Saturday morning, wearing the same dress I had on last night, and holding my heels. I walk through the dining room and freeze when the conversation stops.
I look over and see Dad and Lexi eating breakfast in their robes. Lexi’s hard nipples denting out the fabric of her robe prove that she is not wearing a bra. The two of them clearly had been deep in conversation when I walked in and stopped at the sight of me.
“And where have you been, young lady?” Dad asks in a teasing voice.
“Don’t recognize the walk of shame, old man?” Lexi asks in response as she smirks at Dad.
“I recognize it!” Dad says, pretending to be offended, “I was being a smart ass.”
“I guess that’s better than what most parents would do if their eighteen year old daughter staggered home in the morning looking like she just had her brains fucked out.” Lexi giggles as she looks at me.
“I do not look like that!” I insist, “I fixed my sex hair!”
“Ladies, ladies.” Dad says with a smile, “Like I’ve said before, there are things I just don’t need to know.”
“So, you don’t want to hear how good it was?” I ask as I give him a teasing wink.
“It definitely looks like you had a fun time.” Lexi says, “Are you even wearing panties?”
I’m shocked when I have to resist the desire to flash my dad and Lexi my bare beaver. The urge soon passes and I place my heels on the floor by the table as I sit down, dropping my purse on the table beside me.
“That’s none of your business, Lexi” I say, sticking my tongue out at her.
“That’s a ‘no’.” Lexi says to Dad.
“I’m aware.” Dad says in a deadpan voice.
I serve myself breakfast as Lexi and Dad continue eating. We make quiet small talk between chewing and drinking as the three of us enjoy a Saturday morning together. Eventually, it occurs to me that Lexi is also an eighteen year old girl and she didn’t stagger home on a Saturday morning.
“Your parents think you’re spending the night at a friend’s?” I ask Lexi before taking a sip of juice.
Lexi’s smile immediately fades from her face and she looks like she’s about to cry. Dad reaches out and places his hand on top of hers. I watch as he squeezes her hand reassuringly and she looks over at him and smiles weakly.
“Something I said?” I ask in confusion.
Dad and Lexi exchange a look before Lexi turns to face me “Keith sent pictures and videos of me having sex to my parents. They kicked me out.”
I gasp, my hands immediately covering my mouth in shock. “Oh my God, Lexi!” I cry out.
Standing up, I walk around the table to her and throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly. Lexi smiles and grabs my arm as she turns her head slightly so it touches mine. I hold her for about thirty seconds before letting her go and returning to my seat.
“What are you going to do?” I ask.
“About that…” Lexi trails off, biting her lower lip nervously.
“We decided that Lexi should stay here for awhile.” Dad says with a smile.
“Oh!” I exclaim. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, Dad and Lexi fell for each other pretty fucking fast. I am worried about how David will react to this, but Lexi is my friend and she needs a place to stay. She’s eighteen. There’s nothing wrong with this. “Sounds good to me!” I smile.
“Really?!” Lexi cries out happily. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome.” I reply.
“I’m so glad you two are friends now.” Dad says with a smile.
“Me too!” I say, “You know what we should do, Lexi?”
“What?” Lexi asks.
“We should invite my some of my friends over and use the pool tomorrow.” I suggest, “No guys, I’ll text David that I can’t hang out tomorrow. No pressure of guys around, just us girls getting to know each other. I want them to be your friend, too.”
“I’d love that!” Lexi chirps excitedly.
“Another pool party?” Dad says with a smirk. “I do like bikinis.”
“No bikinis for you, pervert.” I smirk, “This is girl time!”
“Ugh, fine, fine.” Dad smiles. “I do think that’s a great idea, Kayla. I’ll entertain myself tomorrow, you girls have fun.”
“Oh, I just realized.” Lexi says with a frown, “My bikini is at home.. well, my old home.”
“I’ll take you back to your parents'” I offer, “We’ll pack up your stuff and move you in here.”
“Really?” Lexi asks. “I don’t have much, mostly just clothes that I’ll wanna bring.”
“Do you want me to come?” Dad asks.
“How about just us girls, Dad?” I suggest.
“Yeah, I don’t think my parents would be happy meeting my forty year old boyfriend.” Lexi says with a forced giggle.
“Probably not.” Dad agrees, “Although, they wouldn’t know I’m your boyfriend! Still, I agree, you two go and bond. Take my car, it’s bigger. Do you have a suitcase?”
“Oh, no. I don’t.” Lexi says.
“We can just take mine.” I offer.
“Thank you so much, Kayla.” says Lexi, “You’re a good friend.”
The three of us finish our meal while making small talk. I take out my phone during breakfast and text several of my female friends, inviting them over to go swimming tomorrow. I also text David and let him know that Lexi got thrown out of her house and will be staying with us. Lexi seems to be in a good mood, despite having been thrown out of the only home she’s ever known. I can’t imagine. I’m lucky my dad is such a kind man.
Lexi and I get dressed, then grab my suitcase and bring it out to my dad’s car. I check my phone and see that all of my friends have sent me a text back. Ashley, Hazel, and Marcia all agree to come over tomorrow. I’m actually glad only three people said yes, this way it’ll be easier for the group to get to know Lexi better.I’m actually glad only three people said yes, this way it’ll be easier for the group to get to know Lexi better. We hop in the car and I start the engine. Before I can drive off, I get a text back from David.
David: She’s living with you?! What the fuck? She’s eighteen! Your dad is forty!
Kayla: We’ve been through this David, it isn’t your relationship. Drop it.
I put my phone away and start the drive. Lexi and I make small talk on the way there, just enjoying each others company. Understandably, Lexi gets more and more anxious as we get closer to her former house.
There is one car in the driveway at Lexi’s old house, and she confirms that it belongs to her dad. Her mom’s car is nowhere to be seen, so only one person must be home, Lexi’s father. We both hope he is napping when we enter the house. No such luck.
“What are you doing back here?” her dad asks Lexi from his spot on the couch.
Lexi just mumbles and looks down as tears form in her eyes.
“We’re here for Lexi’s stuff.” I say firmly.
“And who are you?” he asks me.
“Someone who actually cares about Lexi.” I respond.
He just snorts, takes a sip of beer, and goes back to watching television. Lexi looks like she is about to cry. Her dad doesn’t yell at her or call her names, he just writes her off and ignores her. It’s so sad, how could anyone do that to their own daughter?
Lexi and I take my suitcase to her room. We spend the next forty-five minutes packing up everything she wants to bring with her. It isn’t much, just some clothes and a few personal effects. Almost everything fits in my large suitcase. The rest is placed in a second overnight bag that Lexi found in some of her old stuff. All her furniture will be left behind, including her television.
I get another text from David when we finish packing.
David: Fine. Whatever. Pick you up at 7:00PM tonight?
Kayla: Fine.
Her dad doesn’t say anything as we walk by him and Lexi leaves his house for the last time. Tears are in her eyes as we pack the suitcase into my dad’s trunk. We then toss the overnight bag in the back seat and get in the car to head home.
“How are you doing?” I ask.
“Fine, I guess.” Lexi shrugs. “I’m just lucky your dad gave me a place to stay.”
“We would never make you live on the street.” I insist, “You have a place with us, even if you weren’t with my dad. You’re my friend.”
“It’s nice to have a real friend.” Lexi says, then after a moment’s thought, “And a boyfriend.”
“It is.” I say.
We drive in silence for several minutes before Lexi speaks up again. “I’m glad the car’s in my name, so they can’t try and take it. I’ll probably need a new cell phone plan though. I don’t have any money.”
“Let’s talk to my dad real quick.” I say as I place my phone on the dash and call my dad. He answers after a few rings and I put him on speaker phone. We explain the situation and he agrees to the same terms I get; he pays the expenses and an allowance, Lexi and I both get good grades. Dad says that he’ll use my car and meet us at the store to add Lexi to our cell phone plan. We both thank him and hang up.
“Your dad really is amazing.” Lexi says with a smile.
“Eh, he’s alright.” I say sarcastically.
“We said ‘I love you’ last night.” Lexi admits with a blush.
“Really?” I reply, “I’m so happy for you!” I really am. Lexi and my dad both deserve to be happy.
“Thank you.” says Lexi. “I want to do something nice for him, considering everything he’s doing for me.”
“Oh? Like what?” I ask.
“Well, I have an idea…” Lexi trails off.
“You can tell me, we’re friends!” I insist.
“You know how I’ve been hinting at a threesome with Hazel and your dad?” Lexi asks.
“Ew. Yes.” Kayla just shakes her head, “I could never touch another girl like that.”
“Oh, neither could I.” Lexi says, “I just wanna watch your dad hold Hazel’s ponytail while he drills her from behind.”
“Too much information!” I say with a laugh, “Some things a daughter does not need to hear!”
TO Be Continued