Birthday Pool Party Chapter 15
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Birthday Pool Party Chapter 15 Of Birthday Pool Party Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Birthday Pool Party:
From where we left-off……………..( When David doesn’t text back that he loves me, I get even angrier. Guess he won’t be seeing titties for awhile! I shake my head and pull on a pair of jeans before selecting a cute blouse for the day. Once I’m dressed, I head to the foyer to meet Lexi.)
Now let’s continue with the story……………
As usual, Lexi looks absolutely stunning, with not a hair out of place. I’m actually a little jealous of how beautiful she is, but at least my tits are bigger!
We make small talk in my car on the way to Lexi’s house. At first she is her usual bubbly self, happy that everything seems to be working out. However, I notice that she seems more and more subdued as we get closer to our destination. Once we arrive, I understand why.
Her house really isn’t in a bad neighborhood, but it is clearly not being taken care of. There is junk in the yard, which needed to be mowed a month ago. The paint is peeling and one of the windows has a large crack in it. I get the impression that no one cares about the appearance.
The two of us head inside and I see a lot of liquor bottles throughout the house. I remember Lexi saying her mom is an alcoholic, and it shows. Lexi’s siblings have already left the house, so it is just Lexi and her parents living here now. Her dad is never around and her mom spends every evening drunk out of her mind. I feel sorry for Lexi.
Lexi’s room is actually immaculate. She clearly takes care of it. Her bed is made and everything is organized. From the posters around the room, I realize she and I have similar taste in music. Lexi grabs her birth control pills, some toiletries, a change of clothes, her bikini, and some pajamas. She carefully packs it all inside of an overnight bag and the two of us head back out. Her parents are both at work, so we don’t run into either of them. The drive back to my house is mostly uneventful, since we are in our own cars.
Once we get back to my house, we take a long walk through the house with Lexi and I talking about random, inconsequential topics. We actually get along really well and discuss the possibility of the two of us going to a concert at some point. I really do think I was wrong about her. She is a sweet girl. Maybe she’ll also get along with Hazel. I bring up inviting Hazel to go swimming with us this afternoon when she gets out of school, and Lexi is on board. She seems thrilled to be included.
When we have drinks and make it to the living room, we sit down in front of the large flat screen television. I turn on some soft music and settle in on the other side of the couch from Lexi. The redhead kicks off her shoes and sits on the couch with her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She rests her chin on her knees and looks over at me, waiting for me to start.
I think about her story as I look over at Lexi. Falling for the wrong guy and getting pimped out to his friends. Sucking dick on her knees for a room full of strange guys. Being spit-roasted and gang-banged, being used as nothing but a set of holes and two tits by guy after guy after guy. Being fed drugs so she would be too fucked up to stop it.
“How did you get off the drugs and away from Keith?” I finally ask.
Lexi just shrugs, “You already know, your dad.” The redhead pauses, tears in her eyes as she gathers her thoughts.
“I was never really addicted to the drugs, thank God. Pot isn’t addictive and he only really gave me the hardcore drugs a handful of times. I guess he used them to get me to do those things and, once my self-esteem was low enough, he didn’t need to.
“I became addicted to the sex. I really am a slut, you know. I love sucking dick and swallowing cum. I even sought out guys on my own and fucked them, completely independent of Keith. I remember picking up two guys at a party and taking them into a bedroom for them to fuck me every way imaginable. I remember flirting with a guy at school and dragging him into an empty classroom so I could suck his dick. I enjoyed it.
“Yet, the entire time I was thinking about how this was all I was worth. Those guys were so into me, giving me so much attention, until I opened my mouth or spread my legs. Then they finished and left. So, there was enjoyment, but also shame.
“Then I met your dad.” Lexi says with a dreamy smile on her face. “Sorry to get too personal, considering he’s your dad, but I love being a slut for him. I guess I just needed to find a guy I could explore my sexuality with safely. A guy who cares for me and treats me like a person after. That’s how I got away from it all.”
Somehow, during Lexi’s explanation, I wind up next to her on the couch. When her talk is over, I’m hugging her, my fingers running through her hair as she rests her head on my shoulder. I can feel her shaking slightly against me now.
“What about that party?” I ask.
I can feel Lexi shrug her shoulders in my arms “I thought I’d blown it with your dad. I wasn’t planning on getting laid or anything, I just had to get out of the house. So, I took an Uber to the party. I had no idea Keith would be there.
“When he saw me, Keith tried to get me to go into a bedroom with him. Said he had some good shit to give me. I refused. He did not like that. He said I couldn’t tell him know, that I was his cum dump. I told him I never wanted to see him again, gave him a fake smile and told him to leave me alone. He reached out for my arm but stopped when you stepped in. You know everything after that.
“You hit me and Keith laughed. Then you, me, David, and Hazel went into a room to talk. Hazel and David waited outside while I told you about the drugs and wild sex. Then you and I went back to your house and I spent the night with your dad.”
I lean down and kiss the top of Lexi’s head “I’m sorry I hit you.”
“Thank you.” Lexi turns her body and hugs me.
We stay like this for several minutes, gently hugging each other as I rub her back soothingly. Then we decide to try and get our minds off of such heavy topics. I text Hazel like I said I would to invite her over to go swimming while Lexi picks out a movie to watch on the big screen. It turns out we both have the same taste in movies and we settle in to watch the latest blockbuster.
When the movie is over, I check my phone and see that Hazel has sent me a text saying she’ll come over after school. Lexi is thrilled and we talk about our plans for the rest of the day over lunch. She texts my dad and finds out that he’ll be home in time for dinner and we agree to have dinner with the four of us.
I try to avoid answering when Lexi asks if David is coming over, but eventually Lexi gets me to admit that he and I aren’t getting along at the moment. Lexi does convince me to text David and let him know that I’m planning on relaxing this evening, that way he knows I’m not avoiding him. She’s a smart girl.
After lunch, I decide to try and teach Lexi how to play pool. We discover pretty quickly that she is a natural! Then we spend a couple hours playing and talking. Lexi teases and mentions getting fucked on a pool table. I blush and admit that David bent me over this very pool table on my eighteenth birthday. We both end up having giggling fits as I share how horny David got fucking me in the game room. He came so much I thought I was gonna drown in sperm!
It really is easy to talk to Lexi. Hazel has always been the only person I can talk about sex with. Well, and my dad, but dad keeps saying there are things a father does not need to know. I guess it makes sense that he wouldn’t want to hear about his only daughter dropping to her knees. Lexi is more than happy to hear about it, however, and we discuss blowjob techniques for over an hour.
At the end of the school day, Hazel sends me a text that she is coming over. David also sends me a text that he is heading home. I tell Hazel I’ll see her soon and I tell David I’ll talk to him later. Lexi and I then change into our bikinis. We are both wearing the same suits that we wore to my birthday pool party; I’m in black and Lexi is in light blue. Lexi and I each crack open a wine cooler as we wait for Hazel.
Forty-five minutes later, Hazel shows up with an overnight bag she had gotten from home. She then heads into the bathroom and changes into her green bikini. The three of us look incredibly sexy. I’m wearing a black bikini which goes great with my raven hair. Lexi is a gorgeous redhead in light blue, and Hazel is a tall, tan girl with her hair in a long ponytail and wearing green.
The three of us spend some time chatting and drinking while sitting on deck chairs so that Hazel and Lexi can get to know each other better. The conversation goes better than I ever would have expected, and soon the three of us are laughing and giggling. The fact that all three of us are now quite tipsy probably helps.
The topic of my dad eventually comes up, and Hazel starts asking Lexi personal questions. I blush, not needing to hear about how big my dad’s dick is. Not something a girl wants to think about! Hazel and Lexi laugh teasingly at my discomfort.
“Hey!” Hazel says, “Since your dad likes ’em young, we should take a picture of the three of us in our bikinis for him!”
“I like it!” Lexi giggles. “Three eighteen year old babes in bikinis!”
I smirk and agree. The three of us pose; me in the middle with my arms around Hazel and Lexi’s shoulders. Using my phone, Hazel snaps a picture of the three of us as best as she can. I giggle at the sight of six breasts, concealed by nothing but bikini tops. I then send the picture to my dad with a message.
Kayla: Bet you wish you were in my place right now!
Steven: Fuck yeah, I do! Tempted to leave work early!
“He’s only tempted? Hmph!” Hazel says, stomping her bare foot in mock indignation.
“I know!” Lexi adds, “Just the sight of me in a bikini should be enough to get him here.”
“I have an idea!” says Hazel, “Let’s do one topless!”
For a few seconds, no one speaks, then Lexi chimes in, “I’ll do it! It’s not like he hasn’t seen my titties before.”
“Great!” Hazel exclaims, “Kayla?”
“I’m not flashing my dad!” I say firmly.
“Didn’t you already?” Lexi teases.
“Wait, what?!” Hazel asks in a shocked voice. “How is this the first I’m hearing about it?”
“I didn’t flash my dad!” I roll my eyes, “He accidentally walked in while David and I were fucking.”
Hazel bursts out laughing while Lexi just grins. My best friend is laughing so hard she can’t even speak for over a minute. Eventually she does calm down enough to tease me about my dad having seen me getting nailed by David.
“We could send the picture to David, too!” Hazel suggests through her tears of laughter.
“David is in the doghouse!” I say firmly, “No titties for him!”
This time all three of us are laughing so hard we’re crying. One of us will ease up on the laughter, only to look at the other two and crack up again.
“I’m not flashing my dad,” I finally say, “but I’ll take the picture of the two of you.”
“Works for me.” says Hazel, “Lex?”
“Done!” Lexi chirps excitedly.
Hazel and Lexi each reach behind their own backs and untie the strings of their bikini tops. Four boobs are soon on full display outside on my pool patio. Both girls have firm, B-cup breasts. Hazel’s are as tan as the rest of her, proving that she often tans nude. Lexi doesn’t have tan lines either, but her breasts are as milky white as the rest of her, and capped with light pink nipples.
“We shouldn’t be the only ones topless!” Hazel says.
TO Be Continued