Billionaire In Disguise Chapter 28
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Billionaire In Disguise Chapter 28 Of Billionaire In Disguise by Paul Okon Antai Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Billionaire In Disguise CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT: ????
???? (Stubborn Love)
Rex’s Pov
I took Anne to our family dinner in which my father, mother and my sister was around.
At first, she was very shy and didn’t want to come with me. I had to play a game, I told her to accompany me to the kitchen.
On the entrance door which led to the kitchen was the dinning table and my parents were already sitted eating their own portion of the meal, as they waited for us to come and join them.
Anne on seeing the circumference had no any other option than to join the group.
She went in and sat down on her own seat already made for her by the chef.
I went in and sat beside her. She felt so nervous. The weird look was written all over her facial expressions. She even managed to scoops the rice with the spoon into her mouth.
As we were still maintaining the silence, I thought of something to do which will create a scene of laughter in our gathering.
Just as much as I thought. I tried feeding her, but she wanted to ignore my first attempt.
She lifted up her face and behold the whole family was staring at her and were all nodding at her to accept the spoon of food projected towards her mouth.
With so much shy, she opened her mouth and ate the food. After feeding her with my food, I was expecting her to also feed me with hers.
I waited for about five minutes, but she didn’t make an attempt. From that very moment I knew she was shy to feed me.
I moved closer to her and whispered into her ear telling her to also feed me, and that was when she fed me as well.
The very moment she brought the food closer to my mouth, the whole family put their hands together and clapped.
“Come on Anne, don’t be shy. I know you can do this better”, my sister tittered.
She wasn’t responding, but only faking a smile.
“My daughter, I am very happy for this and we all wanna see how you will do this again”, my father enthused.
“Ok sir, thanks”, she said.
This time around, she scoops the food with her spoon and stretch out the spoon towards my oral cavity.
I spread out my mouth wider and engulfed it. I was expecting her to drop the spoon and continue with hers.
I was surprised when she also kiss me at the time.
All the people present were clapping and that was the end of the family dinner.
After the dinner, she began disturbing me to take her home. I had to do her wishes just to make her happy.
We both took a stroll down the road, were she was able to get a cab and went home.
When I got home, my sister and mother was waiting for me at the living room.
“Son, how was your stroll down the road?”, my mom asked.
“Fine mom, I also got her a cab to take her home, since she was complaining to go home”, I responded.
“Hi big bro, did you really enjoy the kiss? Because I can see your facial expressions sparkling with hilarious smiles”, my sister giggled.
“Already you know I enjoyed it. It seems you are getting jealous”, I said.
“You must be kidding. Me, being jealous of you? Huh, that is impossible. I’m above that, I can’t believe that you are still practicing your childish manners”, she uttered amusingly.
At this point, I had nothing to say because she has overthrown me out of the game, I tried to even help myself out with this.
“You must be out of your human senses. Let me remind you in case you have forgotten, that your boyfriend you told me loves you so much will soon break up with you”, I tittered.
On hearing this, she was like bringing the whole world on her head. My sister nearly pulled the whole four corners of the house down when she heard this.
“Big brother, did you know that you have just pushed me to the walls?”, she asked.
“Of course I do, then do your worse and let me see how far you are”, I responded smiling.
“I just pity you now you are in love. You haven’t experienced anything yet. You are just a new born, crawling into love”, she muttered with great laughter.
My head began to swell when I heard that. If not that we were throwing jokes at each other, I would have slapped her.
“I don’t really get you. What did you mean by a new born baby crawling into the love?”, I asked in pretence.
“See let me tell you, that Anne you are blabbing that she loves you, is not what you are thinking bro. I can elucidate everything to you”, she said.
“If you say so my love teacher. I wouldn’t mind listening to you, I’m all ears”, I remarked.
“I’m not your love teacher please. I just wanna show you something you don’t know.
Anne is acting strange because she really wants you to believe that she is falling for you.
Yet, you are blind folded thinking that she loves you when she does not”, she giggled.
“Now you have tell me her aim, what do you want me to do?”, I asked in pretence.
“Now you are coming up brother, I like your tune. The only thing you can do at this time to remedy the situation is that you breakup with her”, she said.
“Now I know you are a wolf in sheep clothing. A good leader must show a good example. If you say I should break up with Anne, then you should also break up with your boyfriend”, I said.
“What did I just hear from you? If you say I should break up with my boyfriend, what has he done?”, she inquired looking worried.
“I saw him a couple of days ago with a lady at the restaurant”, I lied.
“Please big brother, tell me you are joking”, she asked with expectancy.
“Just look at your face whippersnapper. I thought you gotta not be worried about your illicit boyfriend. Better go and start with your breakup with him, not with my priceless jewel”, I tittered retiring to my room.
TO Be Continued