Billionaire Cinderella Chapter 10
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Billionaire Cinderella Chapter 10 Of Billionaire Cinderella by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Billionaire Cinderella Chapter TEN:
“Glad to have you back” Blake said as he took a seat in Romeo office.
“I was only gone for a month, not like have been gone for years” Romeo replied as he went through his paper work.
“But to me you’ve been gone for quite a while. A married man shouldn’t be doing that” Blake told him.
“I might be married but that doesn’t stop me from going on business trips. My wife wouldn’t be able to complain about that” Romeo replied still going through the file in front of him.
“Talking about your wife, do you know what she’s been up to for a month now?” Blake asked and that got him stopping what he was doing to look up at his friend.
“What has she been doing?” He asked wanting to know if Marie has stirred up trouble cause it’s been a month since he heard from her, ever since their wedding night, he hadn’t heard from her.
“She…..” Blake stopped when Romeo secretary walked into the room.
“The new workers in the company are here sir” Patricia announced.
“Let them in” he said to his secretary who left to do his bidding.
“And you stay back, we need to finish our disscussion” he told Blake.
“Of course I will stay, I also want to see the newly hired staff” Blake said as a smile lit his face.
The newly recruit are five In members and while four men walked into the room.
Romeo was stunned to see Marie amongst them which made her the fifth member.
Blake who already knew about Marie working in the company smiled as he stared at Romeo stunned face.
Romeo kept starring at Marie who was also starring at him while Patricia introduced the four men before getting to her.
“And she is Marie Raymond, a newly hired chef for the office cafeteria” Patricia announced.
As if working in his company hadn’t been enough, she had to use her real name, he thought glaring at her.
“Am honoured to meet you all and I hope you will work hard like everyone else and make the company grow” Romeo said while they all gave him a reply.
Out of courtesy, he stood up to shake the men hands and when he got to Marie, he stretched fourth his hand and when she pull out her hand to meet his, he noticed that her wedding ring wasn’t on her finger.
He glared at her while she returned a polite smile his way. There better be a good reason for you doing this, he thought within himself as he watched them all leave his office.
“You knew about this right?” He asked Blake.
“I did, I did the interview and I was surprised to see your wife and the most surprising part of all is that she’s using another name. Marie Raymond” Blake told him.
Blake and his parents knew her as Develene, they didn’t know that she’s a fake and that her real name is Marie Raymond.
“She must have decided to come up with another name so I won’t get a hold of it” Romeo lied.
“Probably but she had no reason to lie. It might have been a month since you got married but no one knows about it except for us who attended your wedding” Blake told him again.
“Maybe she had her own reasons” Romeo lied again knowing why she decided to use her real name instead of using Develene’s name.
“You seem to be relaxed about this” Blake said crossing his legs while he stared at his friend.
“Should I be worried about my wife working in my company?” He asked.
“Of course you should. Your wife as you’ve put it is working in the office cafeteria” Blake told him.
“Should I be worried about that too?” Romeo asked as he went back to going through the file.
“Yes you should. The cafeteria as you put it is packed with four men working as the chef and let me tell you that this men are just not any men.
They are all sxy and alluring, the female workers all eat at the cafeteria just to get a glimpse of them and your wife is the only female working amongst them, you should be worried” Blake told him and Romeo dropped his file just to stare at his friend.
“Are they all male?” He asked Blake who nodded.
“All four and sxy at that. Your wife would certainly be tempted by one of them if she keeps working at the cafeteria” Blake told him.
“Thanks for the warning and I will keep it in mind” Romeo told Blake.
“Does that mean you are telling me to mind my business?” Blake asked.
“Am just telling you that I will take it from here” he replied.
“Fine then but don’t say I didn’t warn you” Blake told him before heading to his own office.
As soon as Blake left, Romeo called his secretary telling her to tell Marie to come to his office.
He paced around his office while waiting for her to arrive.
Not only did she defy his order of not working, she also decide to use her real name and to make matter worse, she’s working amongst four men.
Why that last thought bothered him most, he didn’t know why but all thought flew out of the window as soon as the door opened and Marie walked into the room.
Once again he noticed her ringless finger and somehow that annoyed him.
“Just what kind of game are you playing?” He barked at her angrily.
TO Be Continued