Better Than Romeo Chapter 50
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 50 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
“Guys, let’s welcome our new students. Aime” Miss Salome said as she brought Aime to the class. Students were clapping, making loud noises and some were drumming on their table.
“I love your book Aime”
“You’re a badass writer!!”
“That’s enough!” Miss Salome warns her class. “Jake move to the back, Aime and Julia, you both remain partners” Miss Salome ordered.
Julia pouted as Jake left her seat but she was excited to have Aime as her seatmate. When Aime sat beside her, they both did a secret handshake under their desk.
After a few hours, the lecture was over.
“Julia” Someone called when Julia was about to step out. She turned back to see Amanda walking towards her with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.
“Why are you still bothering me. You won and we don’t owe each other anything anymore” Julia sighed.
“I know I just wanted to see your face and let you know I still don’t like you but I won’t bother you and Jake anymore” She said before walking away.
Julia rolled her eyes.
“Once a bitch always a bitch” Aime mumbled as she came with Jake.
“Rico is inviting us to his place for a house party,” Aime added.
Jake shrugged. They were already cool so he didn’t have problems attending to his parents. They went outside and a familiar car was waiting for Jake at the parking lot.
“How many times will I tell you to stop coming to my school?” Jake sighed tiredly.
“Please, let me just drop you off” His father, Henry, begged.
“I’m going with my girlfriend” Jake replied but Julia was quick enough to jump out.
“Actually I’m leaving with Aime and I will be with my mom later today. Jake has nothing to do so I believe he would love to bond with you” She said.
“I have somewhere to be in the evening” Jake found another excuse.
“Jake, just go with your dad. You can’t ignore him forever” Aime sighed.
“I support Aime and we’ll see you at Rico’s this evening and I’m also taking your car” Julia blew him a kiss and left with Aime.
Jake signed and entered his dad’s car. Seems like he had no choice anyway. Maybe getting to know his father again won’t be such a bad thing.
It’s evening, few students were available vibing to the music and whatever was going on.
“So you’re saying Jay has been expelled?” Kelvin asked Rico. They were all sitting on the floor and chatting.
“Apparently he deals with drugs,” Rico shrugged.
“Well, I don’t miss him” Sydney said and they all laughed. Kelvin looked at Rico and Sydney then smirked.
“Remember when you were fighting me for my girl?” He suddenly asked, making Kaelyn tap him.
“Dead ass” Rico picked a pillow and threw it at him. “Why would you say that in front of my girl?” He frowned.
Kelvin threw the pillow back and they both began chasing themselves with pillows. Kaelyn and Sydney only shook their heads.
“How was your dad?” Julia rested her head on Jake’s shoulder as she asked.
“Not bad but it’s still kinda weird for me” Jake replied.
“Same with how my mom is,” Julia chuckled.
Jake took her knuckles and kissed it.
“I’m just glad that everything is fine and we don’t get to hide like we are doing things wrong anymore” He said and Julia nodded, agreeing with him.
“I’m happy to be able to tell you I love you openly” She said.
“Or kiss your lips not caring if anyone is watching” Jake pecked her as he said that. “And maybe not try to finger you under the tables”
“Jake” Julia’s cheeks was red as she hit him.
“I love you,” Jake said seriously.
“I love you too” Julia whispered and he gripped her throat, pulling her close to take her lips. Julia only smiled in the kiss.
A pillow suddenly hit them making them disengage.
“What do you think you’re doing with the pillow fight?” Aime shouted excitedly.
“No I’m too cool for that” Bryan crossed his arms not moving from his seat.
Jake smirked and picked a pillow to throw at him. Julia did too and Aime.
“That’s it!!” He grabbed a pillow and joined in the fight.
The living room was scattered with the feathers of the pillows. Happy noises and happy smiles. Sometimes in life you have a bad day, sometimes it’s a good day and we must all live up to it to the best we can, the world is not against you.
Guys we are done with Better Than Romeo ????????
I can’t believe I completed this book. Another successful work done by me, I’m really proud of myself. ???? ????
While writing this book, my days have been bad, things upon things kept happening and I didn’t know how to manage myself but I always remember they will be a bad and good day. The world is not against me or anyone who made it to the end of this book.
Thank you for participating and reading. I love it as we make memories together and we will make more memories. My time here is not over and I wish to feed y’all with the best I can no matter how things get.
To my loyal followers who keep me up despite everyone leaving. This book is for you, I love guys, thank you for giving Better Than Romeo your time ????!
Best and intreasting ever
Intresting!! Thanks for this,sweet kisses to the writter