Better Than Romeo Chapter 47
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 47 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
It was black then white, black then white again but mixed with some blurbs then black before Julia sight became clear. The ceiling looked unfamiliar, she tried moving but her hand felt heavy, she had dripped on.
“Julia, I’m so glad you’re awake” A familiar voice sounded. Julia blinks repeatedly to look at the blurry face before seeing that it was Aime.
“Aime, where am I ?” She asked confusedly.
“You’re in the hospital but that’s not important. I will call the nurse to help…”
“Wait, why am I here?” Julia asked confusedly.
“Like I said, that’s not important yet. I will call the nurse to help…”
Aime was talking but Julia wasn’t paying attention as she began recalling little details that happened earlier. She went to an uncompleted building to find Jake’s mom then she saw Romeo, he was pointing a gun at her.
She remembered him punching her on the face and the woman tied to the chair wasn’t Martha. Gun shot… There was a gun shot but she wasn’t shot, blood dropped on her face, those gray eyes, the whispers.
“I’m sorry” She recalled Jake whispering to her. He was laying on top of her and his eyes were drowsy then lots of gunshots were heard and Jake slumped on her body.
“Where is Jake!” She demanded.
“What?” Aime asked.
“Where is Jake?” Julia yelled again and her eyes were teary. She hoped it was a fake memory and Jake is alright.
“Julia calm down” Aime mumbled but Julia couldn’t.
“I need to see Jake, where is he…” She tried removing the drip from her hands.
“He got shot in the back but he’s not dead. He just needs to undergo an immediate surgery. He has been taken to the theater and all we can do is hope for him to be fine” Aime replied, she was in tears too.
“I want to see him,” Julia cried.
“You can’t see him now, he’s undergoing the surgery” Aime replied.
Julia stopped pulling on her drip. She closed her eyes and cried. “If anything happens to Jake then I will have myself to blame” She said painfully.
“No it’s not your fault. You didn’t cause anything, it’s all that bastard Romeo’s fault, thank God he’s dead” Aime mumbled.
“Romeo is dead?” Julia looked confused.
“He was stubborn and kept shooting, the police had to shoot him. It was a very scary scenario but you passed out the moment Jake passed out” Aime reported.
“Serves him right” Julia mumbled and remembered the woman from earlier. Romeo said that was her mother which still confused her up till now.
“There was a woman with us, how is she?” Julia asked.
“She was also rushed to the hospital, she broke her head but the doctor said she’s stable. She just needs more rest, she’s not awake yet” Aime replied and Julia nodded. She didn’t want to tell Aime anything until she’s certain.
Later, Julia was discharged from the hospital but she still needed to see Jake. His surgery starts this evening according to the doctor, he lost lots of blood and he had been giving available blood.
“Can I at least see him before surgery starts?” Julia pleaded with the doctor.
“Alright but we don’t need too much crowd there” the doctor replied.
“Don’t worry doctor, I promise I won’t take time” Julia promised.
The doctor did what Julia asked and led her to the ward Jake was in. Jake was laying on the bed, oxygen on his nose and drops on his hands.
“I’ll leave you with just a few minutes” the doctor said and Julia nodded, she couldn’t take her eyes off the shaking. This is the first time she’s seeing him look this helpless.
She moved closer to him, her eyes teary. She doesn’t remember how badly he treated her, all she knew was he saved her life. He risked his life for her and that was enough for her.
“You’re a strong guy Jake, I know you’ll make it out alive” She whispered to him.
He couldn’t talk, the monitor was beeping and his fingers were moving. He could hear her even though he couldn’t do anything.
Julia bent to plant a kiss on his forehead.
“I’ll be waiting for you” She whispered to him before leaving the ward.
“He will be fine” Aime flashed a supportive smile at Julia.
“I pray so” Julia mumbled. “I want to see the other woman, I have questions to ask her, can you take me to her ward?” Julia asked.
TO Be Continued