Better Than Romeo Chapter 42
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 42 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
Julia didn’t bother responding anymore. She went to class and as usual, everyone had been giving her a dirty look.
“I can’t behave she slept with her father’s finance son and still played the boy, she’s evil for real” Some girls were gossiping behind her.
Someone even went as far to fold a paper and aim for her head. The students behind her laughed and Julia folded her fist as she resist the urge the snap at them. That’s one thing about culture. Society are always hard on women without giving them a chance to express themselves.
The lecturer lectured them and the class was over. Julia left the class and went back to her locker. She got another message from her stalker and angrily blocked him.
“Babe how was class?” Aime walked up to her.
“Awful, everyone keeps misunderstanding me and won’t listen to my version of the story because of some dumb rumors they heard” Julia frowned.
“Don’t listen to them. They are just looking for an excuse to hate you” Aime rolled her eyes.
Julia nodded and her phone bleeped again. Mr stalker had used another number to message her.
‘Block me all you want but you can never escape me my love’
Julia groaned out of frustration.
“What?” Aime asked.
“One stupid stalker won’t stop harassing me. I’ve blocked the person so many times but he gets a new number to text me immediately” Julia replied tiredly.
“Let me see” Aime collected the phone and began texting.
‘This is Aime, Julia’s friend. Leave Julia alone or I will call the police!’ She texted and block then handed Julia’s phone back to her.
“Thanks” Julia smiled wryly.
“Guess what?” Aime asked.
“What?” Julia asked.
“I just published my book for the first time this morning. I don’t know how well it’s doing but I did it” Aime replied.
“That’s cool bestie, I’m happy for you” Julia smiled and hugged Aime tightly.
“Thank you bestie. I’m so excited” Aime squealed.
“Me too and I will be the first to order” Julia opened her phone and went to Amazon but found out someone had placed an order before her.
“Who dares ordered before me?” She faked an offended look.
“That would be me” Bryan said with a smile as he walked towards them. He wrapped his arms around Aime’s waist and pressed his lips on hers. Julia only rolled her eyes as she waited for them to finish.
“Congratulations on taking a bold step in doing what you want. I’m more than happy for you” He didn’t let go of her waste.
“I love you” Aime smiled and pressed her lips on his and they were kissing again.
Julia just rolled her eyes and walked away from them. She bumped into Rico and tried walking past him but he set a foot on the road as he blocked her path.
“Your step sister Sydney. Can I have her number?” He asked.
Julia rolled her eyes and tried walking past him again.
“I will give you Jake address in exchange if you help me” He tells her.
Julia stared at him for a while before releasing a sigh and Rico only smirked, knowing there was no way out.
Jake was tiredly sitting on the chair when the doorbell rang. He didn’t respond and it ran again. Was it Kelvin? He wasn’t expecting Kelvin today because he was going to introduced Kaelyn to his family.
Maybe it was his mother. Maybe she finally returned to him. No matter how much of a hell she has caused for him but she was still his mom and he had grown so attached to her.
He stood up and went to get the door but instead of seeing his mom, he saw Julia’s face instead.
How the hell did she find him?
He wanted to close the door but she held it back, giving him a pleading look.
“Let me in Jake” She begged him.
“How did you find me?” Jake asked instead, his voice was cold and yes he blamed her. If she hadn’t gone around scheming her stupid plot and trying to make everyone around her fall for her charms then his mother would have never met his father and she wouldn’t be missing.
“Please” Her voice came out in whispers. Her eyes were becoming teary. If there were anything she could do to make Jake look at her the same way he used to then she’d die a million times just to make sure it’s possible.
“Just leave Julia, seeing your face makes me sick” Jake muttered and looked elsewhere.
“Jake…” Julia called softly.
“Leave Julia. Get out!” He grabbed her arms roughly pushed her outside. “Can you just do me a favor and get the fuck out of my life, just disappear I don’t wanna see you. You’ve been nothing but trouble from the moment you walked into my life so just fucking walk out already!!” He pushed her out.
Julia didn’t have the chance to knock or beg as the door was being slammed to her face. She did what he asked and ran as far as she could.
“Maybe I should just dîe” She thought while panting heavily and trying to hold in her tears. Her phone bleeped again and she wanted to block the person but the message caught her attention.
‘If you want to see Martha alive then come find me and come alone’
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