Better Than Romeo Chapter 41
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 41 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
The church door opened turning everyone’s attention. A woman stepped in but she wasn’t Martha, instead it was Romina and she was putting on a red long dress that divided to expose her thigh also showing off her black sexy pop socks.
“Hello everyone” She smiled mischievously.
“Romina?” Zayn looked confused. “What are you doing here?” He asked.
“Attending the wedding” She casually replied as she walked towards the alter. “Is it over? Sorry I’m late but where’s the bride?” She faked a worried look.
“What did you do to my other?” Jake demanded angrily.
“What do you mean what did I do with your mom? I just attended the wedding” Romina faked an innocent look that Jake felt like strangling her.
“Where is my mom?” Jake asked again.
Romina rolled her eyes.
“Quick acting like you were in support of this wedding. You, I and my beloved daughter Julia all know you both didn’t want this wedding to happen” Romina said.
“Better watch your mouth Romina!” Julia glared at her.
Romina angrily walked towards her and held her face, squeezing it hard. “I left and your father forgot to teach you manners you brat!!” She said angrily.
“Let me go” Julia pushed her hands off. “Manners? You will never get that from me I swear” She spat.
Romina only smirked and walked backed to the alter.
“But you know what Julia? For the first time I’d say I’m really proud of you. You finally acted like the right daughter, you finally acted like my ideal daughter” Romina smirked.
“When I got pregnant for you, I never liked your father. He was just a competition to me and I had to win at all cost. We ended up going to far with things and you came into the picture” She said without care.
Julia’s eyes were teary. Her mother has never changed. Romina had always made it clear that getting pregnant for Julia was a mistake and after all these years she still never felt remorseful.
“Did you tell your father Julia that you acted just like him. Does he know about you and Jake?” She asked.
Zayn looked confused.
“What are you talking about Romina?” He asked.
“Oh your daughter did not tell you how she sleeps with your step son under the same roof where you sleep with your soon to be wife” Romina replied and the people present for the wedding gasped.
Tears fell from Julia’s eyes. She couldn’t look at her father.
“You’re saying too much” Jake gritted his teeth.
“I don’t think I’m even saying more, I need to show evidence” Romina clapped and the projector was replaced with pictures of Jake and Julia in different romantic pose.
“And I want to commend my daughter for being the best photographer in the world for this clear pictures” Romina gave a shout-out to Sydney who hid her face in embarrassment.
“Come on baby don’t be embarrassed. Come give mummy a hug” Romina pouted her lips as she stretched her hands out to her daughter.
“No mom” Sydney shook her head.
Romina frowned. “I knew it would be a mistake to let you leave with them ” Romina rolled her eyes and checked her wrist watch. “Oops since like I overstayed my welcome” She walked towards Zayn who stood still like he was trying to process the whole things he found out today.
“Have a nice wedding Zayn or you can just save yourself the trouble and come back with me” She tapped his shoulders.
Zayn didn’t reply or move and she only smirked as she left him that way.
People were starting to live the venue but Zayn didn’t move from the alter.
“Dad” Julia slowly called but he didn’t answer.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you dad. I don’t have excuse but please hear me out” She tried talking to him but he didn’t respond to her.
“Dad” Julia called again, she’s crying this time.
“Julia give him time let’s go” Aime said softly as she grabbed Julia’s hand and led her out of the venue.
‘The number you’re trying to call is not available at this moment. Please try again later’
Jake felt like throwing his phone away out of frustration. It’s been two days now and he’s still not able to reach his mother.
“Calm down men” Kelvin walked towards him with a glass of water. “At least have something to drink. You haven’t eaten for two days, you look awful” Kelvin said, his voice filled with concern.
“I have every reason to be worried man. I can’t reach my mother and it’s been two days. She suddenly disappeared on the same day as what was supposed to be the best day of her life” Jake panicked even more and proceeded to make more calls that were in vain.
Kelvin decided not to bother him. He only hoped Jake finds his mother and things go smooth for them.
“Your father is still not speaking to you?” Aime asked as she walked out of the hostel with Julia.
Ever since the wedding failed, Julia resumed staying back in the hostel.
“He’s not and I don’t think he would ever forgive me” Julia let’s out a shrug, not knowing what she wanted to do anymore.
“Don’t beat yourself up. You were just in love” Aime rubbed her shoulders.
“And screwed everything. I hurt Jake and my dad. Speaking of Jake, I haven’t seen him since the wedding and I don’t know the update. I’m so worried about him” Julia pouts her lips.
“Well I heard from Kelvin that he still haven’t found his mother” Aime replied before tapping Julia on her arms. “I’ll be going to class now but remember to take things easy on yourself and remember everything happening now is a phase, the world is not against you and you will be fine” Aime gave Julia a hug before going to her class.
Julia nodded. “The world is not against me” She repeated as she went to her locker to take her book.
Her phone bleeped.
11th message from unknown. ‘I woke up this morning thinking about you pretty’
Julia rolled her eyes. Ever since the wedding, an unknown number keeps texting her and when she blocks, the person message her in a new number to continue from where he stopped.
TO Be Continued