Better Than Romeo Chapter 30
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 30 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
Rico angrily shut the laptop. “Why is everyone against me? Why are you against me? Aren’t you my brother and shouldn’t you take my damn side?” He snapped, feeling frustrated.
“You said it yourself that we can never be happy didn’t you?” Bryan rolled his eyes.
“Well I refuse to be miserable. I like Kaelyn okay!?” Rico yelled while Bryan gave him a helpless look.
Rico suddenly burst out in tears. “Just what do you expect me to do? How do I keep living everyday knowing that I am my father’s daughter, the man that can’t help himself but abuse mom in every opportunity he can and I’m just so useless and can’t do anything and now his fucked up life is getting to me. Football just don’t feel right anymore, nothing feels good Bryan” Rico cried helplessly.
Bryan stood up from his bed and walked to him. “That’s okay Rico” He rubbed his shoulders before pulling him for a hug. “We will be fine”
“I’m just tired Bryan. I don’t want to be like him” Rico muttered as he sniffed in his tears.
“We are not like him” Bryan muttered.
Aime just got to school, she stood outside as she waited for Julia. She took her phone and checked her text with Bryan, she was used to getting lots of sweet messages from him in the morning but now he haven’t replied to her text.
His car packed and he came time. She smiled as he approached her but to her surprise, he walked past her like he didn’t see her.
Aime was confused, she turned back to look at him but he never turned back.
“Aime” Julia walked up to her. “Sorry I’m late it’s just that something came up at home”
“What happened?” Aime asked, trying to divert her attention from how Bryan snubbed her earlier.
“You won’t believe that my mom showed up after so long” Julia mumbled.
“What?” Aime’s eyes widened in surprise.
“And that’s not all. My dad invited her for his wedding with Jake mom and as usual my mom would come up with stupid excuses and he allowed her to stay for one week, with Sydney” Julia added.
“Sydney is also here?” Aime gasped.
“Yeah, all of them makes me sick” Julia frustratedly walked to her class.
“I guess I’m not that only one having a bad day” Aime muttered and followed behind.
“The bonfire party ticket is out”
“I always love the bonfire party”
“I need to find a date before the party”
Students were murmuring amongst themselves as they walk past the hallway to their destinations.
“So is Bryan taking you to the bonfire party?” Julia asked Aime as they both came out for lunch break.
Aime only bit her lips.
“I thought you and Bryan were fine?” Julia raised one of her brows as she stared at Aime.
“I thought so too but he keeps ignoring me and I don’t know what’s wrong” Aime shrugged.
“Have you tried talking to him?” Julia asked.
“I just said he keeps ignoring me. Today he changed his sit, it’s not something he would ever do” Aime sighed.
“And you two didn’t have a fight before now?” Julia asked again.
Aime shook her head. “I’ve thought so much on what I have done wrong but I’m not sure but anyways, I have a meeting with his mother, we wrr discussing about the book I’m planning to write” Aime informed Julia.
“You’re writing again? Thought your parents are not in support of it?” Julia creased her brows.
“Let’s just say, I don’t care what they think” Aime smirked as she walked away.
Julia shook her head and also head and followed behind.
Kaelyn opened her locker just to find a letter in. She twitched her lips as she picked the letter knowing full well that it can’t be from Kelvin. Ever since the clash with Rico, Kelvin don’t send her flowers in her locker.
She opened the letter to read.
Turn around
Kaelyn rolled her eyes and turned around to see Rico standing behind her with flowers.
“Will you go to the bonfire party with me?” He asked.
Kaelyn sighed. “I’m going with Kelvin” She tiredly replied.
“Why?” Rico asked angrily.
“Because I’m with Kelvin now! Kelvin and I are together so can you stop trying to court me?” She replied and didn’t miss when Rico’s shoulders dropped in sadness.
“How can you and Kelvin be together? What does he have that I don’t? Whatever he gives you, I can double it”
“You see my point Rico” Kaelyn said. “You don’t like me, you just see me as a competition to prove to yourself that you’re better than Kelvin” She added.
“That’s not true” Rico shook his head.
“Then why are you doing this? Why do you keep bringing me flowers. If you like me like you say then you would step back and let me be happy because Kelvin makes me really happy” Kaelyn gave him a pleading.
“But I don’t get it, why Kelvin?” Rico asked confusedly then continued. “You liked me first or did you ever liked me at all?”
“I did Rico but what you did to me was enough to kill my feelings and I don’t hate you, instead I wish you all the best and I hope you take things easy with yourself and stop feeling the need to compete with everyone all the time” Kaelyn moved closer to him and touched his shoulders.
“You’re not a bad person Rico and I don’t know why you feel like bullying the weak can make you feel better but I promise you it won’t. Why don’t you focus on your practice and yourself and when you finally like someone for real you’d see that chasing me around isn’t worth it” She added before patting his shoulders and leaving.
Rico did not follow her this time.
“You really are pathetic” Someone said behind him and he didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
“You lost to Jake and now Kelvin. The popular puck bunny can’t pull off the ugliest girl in the school” Amanda laughed.
Rico sighed and turned to face her.
“Don’t you think we are the same. All your life you’ve lost to Julia and I see you chasing Jake around but you will never have him” He said before stretching the flowers he was holding to her.
“Why?” She asked as she confusedly collected it.
“Accompany your pathetic a*s to the bonfire party” He smirked as he walked away.
Amanda threw the flowers on the floor. “You’re still a loser!!” She yelled out before smirking to herself. “And I will never lose to Julia, I’ll just make sure the both of us won’t get Jake”
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