Better Than Romeo Chapter 29
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 29 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
“Mom?” Julia called with her eyes widened in shock. Her eyes moved to the girl standing beside her. “Who’s this?” She angrily asked as she stared at the girl of her age.
Romina had a pitiful look on her face as she stared at Julia. “My baby” She tried touching Julia but Julia moved back.
“Don’t you dare touch me, I don’t even want your fingers on my skin!” Julia gave her a warning look. Her eyes burning with rage as she stared her.
Romina was used to getting her way with them. She leaves when she feels like and anytime she needs help, she comes to them with a pitiful look knowing her father was very much in love with her and would very well help us.
Julia smirked. “Why are you here Romina?” She addressed her by the name as she felt the woman next to her can’t be acknowledged as her mother anymore.
“I don’t remember dad sending you an invitation card or did you dad?” Julia turned to her father.
Romina eyes widened. “Your father is getting married? When and how?” She asked in shock.
“Let’s say when you where busy with your other family” Julia gave the girl standing beside Romina a dirty look.
“Julia Romina is still your mother and she should keep her outside. Come on in” Zayn said.
Julia and confused Martha gave Zayn a surprised look.
“You’re not serious about letting her inside dad?” Julia muttered.
“No matter what she’s still your mother and I’m good now” Zayn wrapped his arms around Martha’s shoulders. “Come in Romina, Sydney I hope you’re good” He greeted the girl.
Romina and Sydney stepped in while Julia was fisting.
“Romina I don’t know what brings you here but I need you to know I don’t hate you anymore. Infact I’m thankful that if not for you I wouldn’t have found Martha” Zayn kissed the side of Martha’s head.
“So you’re both getting married?” Romina tried to control the sadness in her voice as she asked.
“Yes they are and you aren’t invited!” Julia piped in.
“Be nice Julia, I still have spare invitation card and she can come if she wants” Zayn sighed.
“No dad are you even thinking?” Julia yelled.
“Julia…” Martha tried calming her down but she ran upstairs to her room.
“I’ll go check on her” Jake who has been quiet excused them as he followed Julia. He knocked on her room door.
“Go away!!” Julia shouted, she didn’t care who it was, she just wanted to be alone.
“It’s Jake, open up” Jake knocked the door again.
Julia was quiet for a while before opening the door for him. Jake’s face was filled with concern as he stared at her.
“Are you okay?” Jake asked worriedly.
Julia was a bit startled by his actions. “I thought you’d hate me” She mumbled.
“Hate you, why?” He narrowed his eyes.
“Based on my decision last night about keeping things off” She replied.
“Look I don’t want to pressure you, if you feel like it’s fine then no problem but I just want to make sure you’re okay. You seem a bit hard with your mother”
“She’s not my mother” Julia cut him off.
“I get that you’re angry…” Jake tried talking but she cut him off.
“Imagine your father suddenly come from no where and says he want to be a father to you again like where was he this whole time? What if he abandoned you for a new family!!” Julia ranted while Jake just stared at her speechlessly.
“I’m sorry” Julia mumbled.
“Continue and see if you can let it out” Jake said softly to her.
“It’s just that sometimes I wonder what I did. Mom always made it clear to me that I destroyed her youth and stopped her from doing what she want. She left me alone with dad and started a new family not quite long. How is the other girl so special for her to care about and how me?” Julia asked in tears.
“I understand your frustration and I’ll not ask you not to hate her but just take it easy on yourself” Jake assured her.
“I just don’t want to see her” Julia wipe her tears.
“Jake… Julia?” A female voice sounded and they both turned to see Sydney. She looked unsure as she stared at them. “Your dad said to tell the both of you to come down for dinner” She told them and left immediately.
“Tell my father I’ve lost my remaining appetite” She mumbled before going back to her room and slamming her door.
Bryan was sitting on his chair and reading his book when someone knocked on his door. She stood up to get it only to see Aime.
“Bryan” She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight.
“What are you doing here?” He pulled away and confusedly asked.
“You don’t want me here?” She asked back.
“It’s not like that, it’s just too late for you to come here and it makes me wonder how many guys approached you as you walked here alone” He said with a serious look.
Aime only chuckled.
“I’m not joking Aime, how many guys approached you on your way here!?” Bryan asked, more like demanding.
“You’re crazy Bryan and I’m thirsty” She shook her head and began heading to the fridge when he roughly grabbed her by the arm.
“You can’t dare walk out on me, I’m still talking to you!” He yelled which startled Aime. Where was this behavior coming from all of the sudden.
“Bryan you’re hurting me and it’s not that deep for crying out loud. Have you finally gone crazy?” Aime gave him a surprised look.
“It’s not that deep huh?” Bryan suddenly pushed her to the floor.
“Bryan!” Aime looked terrified. “What’s going on Bryan?” She asked surprised at the look on his face.
This is not the Bryan she knows.
“How many guys approached you b!tch!” He pulled her up by the hair and before she could reply, he slapped her so hard that her lips and nose burst out in blood.
Bryan stared at the blood on his hands before slowly looking down to see Aime staring at him with a terrified eyes, similar to how his mom stared at his dad each time he starts his abuse.
“You’re just like your father Bryan” An unknown voice sounded from no where which caused him to jump.
“You’re just like your father!”
Bryan shook his head. “I’m not like him!”
“You’re just like him, look at what you did to Aime and now she’s scared of you”
Bryan looked down at Aime, she squeezed herself to a ball and her body was physically shaking, her nose and lips won’t stop bleeding.
“I didn’t do this” Bryan shook his head.
“You’re just like your father” The voice was louder this time and it kept getting louder as it replayed over and over again.
Bryan put his hands on his ears and fell on his knees. He was sweating and his eyes were already red.
“I’m not like him, I’m not like him!!” He yelled as he woke up from his sleep. It was all a dream but it felt real to him and he won’t stop shaking.
“I didn’t do it” He gripped his hair tight. What he felt like doing now was just killing himself but he couldn’t.
“Just accept it brother, he will never be happy like the rest” Bryan opened his eyes to see Rico sitting in his room and using his laptop.
“What are you doing here?” Bryan slowly released his hair as he asked.
“I duplicated your key and I’m looking for ways to court a girl” Rico replied.
“So you can’t do that in your place?” Bryan twitched his lips.
“The boys are around tonight and the last thing I’d want is for them to see me like I saw you. You know I’m tired of this, nightmares and trauma” Rico shook his head helplessly.
“But there’s something about that girl, anytime I think of her before sleeping I don’t have nightmares. Bryan I want her desperately” Rico added as he scrolled through his laptop.
“Are we talking about Kelvin’s girlfriend?” Bryan asked.
“She’s not Kelvin’s girlfriend. If I make a more quicker move then I can finally have her” Rico replied.
“But she likes Kelvin and I heard you pushed her away first. Why don’t you just let her go before this turns you to something you’re not”
TO Be Continued