Better Than Romeo Chapter 27
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 27 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
“OMG that’s the sweetest thing ever”
“I hope she say yes!”
“Say yes please!”
“This is so cute, I’m crying”
Bryan and Aime creased their brows to figure what was going on and when Aime saw Jake and Julia, her eyes widened.
“No way” She said.
“What?” Bryan asked.
“Are you not seeing what I’m seeing? Julia and Jake are here with their parents and Julia’s dad is proposing to Jake’s mom” She told him.
“Damn” Bryan gasped. “Thought Jake and Julia were together”
Aime shook her head in reply to his question.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Martha jumped as she exclaimed.
“Yes?” Zayn asked happily.
“Yes!” Martha nodded and pulled her hands out so he can put the ring on it. He did and lifted her up, spun her around and kissed her, earning a clap from everyone.
“They are so cute!” People muttered from their table and Julia don’t wanna spoil the facade so she had to fake a smile and clap.
After dinner, Zayn took them back home and Martha won’t stop talking about the ring and getting married. She has taken about ten pics of her ring and posted it in her social medias and also DM her friends.
Everyone where finally asleep expect Julia and Jake. Julia was sitting on the rooftop and staring at the stars as she tried to calm herself down.
How come when it’s time for her to be happy something bad will surely happen all the time. She searched the stars, looking for hers to check maybe it was cursed because what else could be the cause.
Someone sat beside her and she didn’t have to look before knowing it’s Jake.
“How did you know you can find me here?” She asked without looking at him.
“Because this is something I would love to do too” Jake replied and Julia just chuckled.
They were both silent for some while before Jake slowly looked at her.
“You know I can’t picture the thought of letting you go” He mumbled.
“Why?” She asked.
“I don’t know but I can’t, the thought of it makes me wanna die. It feels like my breath is being stolen from me” He replied.
“So what are we gonna do? Our parents are definitely getting married. We can’t be fucking around while they might be expecting a baby or something like that” Julia reasoned with him.
Jake took her hands. “If the worst happens. Will you choose me or our parents?” He asked.
“Jake don’t put me in a position like this” Julia squeezed her face.
“If you like me as you claim you do and I say I’m ready to take you away from here like really far away then would you follow me?” He asked again and he looked very serious.
“Jake…” Julia dragged his name.
“Am I really that hard for you to choose Julia?” Jake asked, his voice cracked with disappointment.
“It’s not like that Jake. I really do want to go with you but I just can’t hurt my dad after all he have been through” She mumbled.
“So you’re saying we should stop whatever we have going on?” Jake raised his brows up.
“I.. I just think we are moving fast and this might not be right. Let’s just take a break and see how things go before deciding on anything” Julia replied in a muffed voice.
Jake was quiet for some while but he only just forced a nod before standing up.
“Very well Julia, if that’s what you want then no problem. I’ll stay away and give you the space you need” He sounded pain but tried to maintain his composure as he left.
Julia just watched him till he was out of sight and a teardrop slipped from her eyes but she immediately whipped it and blinked rapidly to stop herself from thinking which would lead to her crying.
“You will be fine Julia” She assured herself.
Bryan and Aime where done with dinner and his mom around left. Bryan drove Aime back to GGC, the girls hostel.
“Thank you for taking me out to see your mom Bryan. I really had a good time” Aime told him with a smile.
“I’m glad you did, I can’t wait to take you on multiple dates in the future” He smiled at her in return.
“Awesome” She said happily.
“Aime” Bryan suddenly called, looking serious. “I have been thinking of something and I want you to know how crazy about you I am. I don’t think I can deny to myself any longer” He said.
“What?” Aime found her heart beating like she knew what he wanted to say.
“You know all my life I’ve come across multiple girls and no one has been like you. I think… I think you might be the one for me” He held her hands.
“What are you saying exactly Bryan?” Aime asked, knowing he was struggling to say what she’s dying to hear.
Bryan shook his head. “I just want to protect you and hope you don’t leave but I’m really scared sometimes”
“Scared about what?” She asked again.
“What if I can’t do it? What if I hurt you and make you cry? What if I’m screwing things up, what if…” Aime shut him up with a kiss.
“Enough with the what ifs Bryan, you will never hurt me” She said confidently.
“How are you so sure?” He asked with a curious look.
Aime placed her hands on his chest to feel his heartbeat. They were fast and loud, she brought his hands and placed it on hers, it sounded the same while Bryan only looked at her confusedly.
“Do you know what it means when your heartbeat this fast and loud for a person?” She asked.
“What?” Bryan voice came out in a whisper.
“It means they are in love and you can’t hurt someone you love no matter what happens. I trust you Bryan, you will never hurt me” She smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek before stepping down and going to her hostel.
Bryan stayed still for some time as he thought of so many things. He placed his hands on his chest and they were still beating just as he felt hers earlier.
“I love her” He said to himself.
Julia, Aime and Kaelyn where at the cafeteria and eating. It was a silent meal where they were just enjoying the quietness of the place and their lunch.
“What’s going on? Things aren’t always as dull as this!” Aime got tired and broke the silence.
TO Be Continued