Better Than Romeo Chapter 21
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Better Than Romeo Chapter 21 Of Better Than Romeo by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Better Than Romeo:
????????????(Drive Me Nuts!)????????
“What if I want you to get in my way?” Jake asked in a deep and raspy voice that send shivers to her spine.
Julia’s mouth were open but no reply could come out. She wanted to grab him by the collar and just press her lips on his but instead a deep staring contest was going on.
“Are you really okay with sneaking behind our parents back?” She finally found something to say.
“Do you want me to show you right now?” Jake stole another glimpse of her lips which made Julia’s heart skipped another beat.
“What do you plan to do?” She found herself asking and before she knew, she was pinned to the walls with her hands above her head.
Jake lips were on her ears. “Be careful of what you ask for, princess” He whispered seductively.
Julia opened her eyes to say something but suddenly heard Martha’s voice.
“Kid I’m sorry we are late, the traffic was really bad”
Jake and Julia surprisingly looked at themselves before quickly disengaging.
“You go first” Jake told her.
Julia pouted. “Why should I?”
“Just go” Jake pushed her out.
Julia had no choice than to meet her dad and Martha. They were holding huge bags and Julia could guess that they got food.
“I insist on cooking but Zayn wouldn’t let me because he doesn’t want to stress me” Martha smiled sweetly at Zayn.
“The traffic was hectic it’s okay and beside this is from Julia’s favorite restaurant. They make good food, I’m very sure Jake would love it too” Zayn responded.
Jake was leaning on the wall behind them and watching.
“I trust you darling” Martha briefly kissed his lips which made Julia cleared her throat uncomfortably.
“I’ll arrange the food, Jake help me out?” Julia turned to give Jake a look and Jake moved to help her.
They both set the food in the table and sat while waiting for Martha and Zayn to come out from their room. Julia couldn’t help remember what happened earlier, Jake was going to kiss her for the second time if their parents hadn’t come interrupting.
The thought of sneaking behind their parents who were about to get married and doing wild things is supposed to freak her out but strangely it turned her on. Forbidden romance had a huge impact in her life, at first it was Romeo who would sneak into her room late at night with the risk that her dad or mom might walk in now it’s Jake…
She can’t help but smile to herself.
“Why are you smiling?” Jake who has been watching her since asked.
“I’m not” Julia cleared her throat putting a frown on her face.
“You’re thinking about me and you’re smiling” Jake teased.
“I can’t believe you’re so full of yourself” Julia rolled her eyes.
Jake only shook his head before standing up from his seat and going to sit beside her. Julia stared at him wondering while he suddenly switched sit.
“Why?” She asked.
“Thought you liked risk” He responds then leaned closer to her. “I just hope you enjoy the show”
‘What show?’ Julia wondered.
Soon, Zayn and Martha came to join them for dinner and they began eating. Julia felt a hand on her lap, she gave Jake a quick glance but he was so focused on his food as if he wasn’t doing anything.
His hands began moving higher, raising her skirt up and Julia couldn’t help but look at their parents. They were busy enjoying their food and laughing without giving them attention.
Julia could have stopped his hands from going further but she chose not to say anything and only bit her lips. When his hands were about to touch her middle, he moved them down and squeezed on her lap.
Julia gave him a sharp look and didn’t miss the tiny smirk that suddenly showed up on his face. He damn well knows what he was doing.
His hands moved upwards again and finally touched her where she wants. He lets out a little chuckle seeing how wet she was but he didn’t move his hands.
Julia gave him a pleading look but he ignored her, she tried moving herself but he pulled his hands away and let a silent chuckle.
“Don’t you like the food Julia?” Zayn asked when he noticed her frowning.
“I think she loves it very much, you said it’s from favorite restaurant” Jake replied.
“But something is off with the food today” Julia glared at him.
“Is it the salt? Honey is the salt too much?” Zayn gave Martha a spoon full of food to taste.
“It think it’s okay” Martha said.
Julia scoffed. “I think it’s the…” She couldn’t complete when Jake touched her again but this time applying pressure.
“The what?” He asked casually.
“Spice, definitely spice excuse me” Julia stood up and flee from the dining, leaving Martha and Zayn confused. They looked at Jake hoping he would have some explanation but Jake just shrugged.
Aime don’t know why she’s doing this. Initially she would have kept Bryan waiting like he did to her earlier but she just wanted to see his face again and at least hear a reasonable excuse from him.
She met him leaning against his car with his hands in his pocket. He does not look okay- he looks a little paler than usual and she almost forgot she was mad at him, she just wanted to hug him tight as she missed him so much but she didn’t.
Bryan cleared his throat, he tried moving close to her but she moved back.
“I woke up this morning and couldn’t find you” Aime muttered.
Bryan sighed and shut his eyes tight.
“You’ve finally gotten what you wanted isn’t it Bryan? I’m not your feisty kitten anymore now that you’ve taken what you wanted right?” She added.
Bryan opened his eyes and stared at her.
“What are you talking about Aime?”
“Just save it Bryan, coming to see you was a big mistake and I think we should end whatever bring us close anyways. I don’t want you to tutor me anymore” She said angrily before going back inside
“Aime wait” Bryan ran after her to hold her back.
“Leave me alone Bryan!” She pushed him and she regretted the moment she did especially with how he heavily winced.
“Are you okay?” She slowly asked.
Bryan shook his head. “I’m fine” He said but his heavy breathing said otherwise.
Aime moved closer to him and brought her hands to his cloth but he stopped her. She however ignored him and raised the shirt up then gasped and almost fainted at the sight of the huge wound on his stomach.
“How… How did this happen?” Her lips quivered.
“It’s nothing-”
“This is not nothing Bryan!” Aime was in tears already. She was started to feel stupid because while she thought he was ignoring her, he was in danger.
“I’m fine, I can treat it myself” Bryan managed to let a little chuckle.
“Let’s go to my hostel, I have some first aid kit” Aime said worriedly.
“I can’t go in” Bryan shook his head. “it’s quite odd to bring a boy in a girl’s room unnoticed”
“Then let’s go to your place” Aime began finding her way to his car. “And I’m driving” She added.
“You drive?” Bryan asked, feeling impressed as he entered the car.
TO Be Continued