Bad Influence Chapter 36
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Bad Influence Chapter 36 Of Bad Influence by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri Bad Influence by Omah Lay Bad Influence Story.”
???????? Bad Influence:
????????(Illegally Your’s)????
????????(Bad Boy’s Love ????)????
???????????? ????????????????
???????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????, I climb down the stairs dragging my luggage, still thinking of a way I’d have to reach Derek and tell him I’m leaving. I already flushed my sim down the toilet so what do I do now?
“Baby, I’m glad you’re all set up. You can say goodbye to Taylor, let me quickly prepare some food, i know you don’t like the ones from the plane” Mom lets out a little laugh but it only made me hate her more.
I turned to look at Taylor, she was sitting on the couch, crossing her legs and pretending to watch TV so she wouldn’t have to face me due to the argument we had yesterday. I wanted to say goodbye to her, I really do but she just lets out how she felt about me yesterday. She called me selfish, I always link everything to myself.
I scoff and look elsewhere. Mom is making a quick snack, Aunt Maggie isn’t out of her room yet and I wonder why and I’m close to walking away from Derek without saying goodbye. I don’t want to do this, I wish he shows up, looking breathless and scattered from the run just to make sure I don’t leave.
Don’t he miss me? If he does then why haven’t he come home yet to check up on me? Has he giving up yet? Lord please give me a sign, any sign to see Derek again just once before I leave. I prayed silently.
Who says God don’t answers prayers because Aunt Maggie just rushed out of her room with a worried face. “I just receive a call, it’s about Derek” She burst out in tears.
I left my luggage and face her as my heart skipped a beat. Yes God answers prayers but he can make your wish come in form of a good or bad way. In this case, I’m guessing bad because Derek’s mom is crying at the mention of his name.
“What happened to Derek?” Taylor asks.
“I got a call from a hospital, he’s admitted there. Sorry Lauren, I have to go check up on my son, I can’t accompany you guys to your flight” Maggie says, grabbing her jacket from the chair.
“Hell no, we are definitely not going back today, let’s go check up on him” Mom says and i nodded. I’m crying inwardly hoping Derek is fine, I hope he didn’t get hit by a car while running to stop me from catching my flight. I don’t even know, I’m talking nonsense but I hope Derek is okay.
Taylor also grabbed her jacket and shoes and we all left the house, driving to the hospital by using Google map and hoping for the best, hoping to see Derek looking well and sound.
???????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????, Aunt Lauren rushed to the reception. “I got a call from this hospital” She says. “It’s about my son Derek Hale, he was rushed here”
“Derek Hale, let me check” The female receptionist goes through her laptop. “Derek Hale, he’s admitted to the accident and emergency department”
“Where is that please?” Taylor ask.
“The first room by your right” She says and we all found our way there.
We went to the ward, they were lots of sick patients, I couldn’t bring myself to look at the people in pain, I just held my breath as we went in search for Derek. My heart is beating real fast, I hope I don’t see the image that would scare the shit out of me.
“Hello, you guys shouldn’t be here” A Doctor appeared in front of us to stop our search.
“My son was admitted here and I haven’t seen him, Derek Hale is his name” Aunt Maggie says while crying.
“Oh Derek Hale, I’ve been in search of his relatives. I can only allow his family to see him” The Doctor says.
“We are all family” Aunt Maggie says before turning to look at us. “That’s my daughter Taylor and that’s my partner Lauren and her daughter Dove”
I nod to what she says because I don’t really care at this point. I just wanted to see Derek.
“If that’s so then come with me” The doctor led us to Derek and as we got closer, my heart keeps skipping lots of beats. I really hope Derek has not been disfigured to the point I can’t recognize him anymore because if so then I’d blame myself for it .
I should have stayed away from him and not let him love me maybe then he would be in a more better situation.
“Derek!” I didn’t know we have arrived till his mom and Taylor rushed towards his bed. I stretch my neck to take a good look at Derek, no injuries, not one scratch. He looks really fine so why was he rushed here?
I moved to him. “Derek” Tears is coming from my eyes. “What happened? Why were you rushed in here? Where you injured anywhere?” I’m asking so many questions because I’m so worried for him.
Derek only looks elsewhere like he doesn’t want to see my face and ouch… That hurts.
“Ma’am” the doctor faced Aunt Maggie. “Are you sure you know your son very well?” The doctor asks.
“Of course I do ” Aunt Maggie answered with a sharp nod.
“Really? Then how come you didn’t know your son has been diagnosed with brain tumor and it’s almost getting to the critical stage”
My heart stops, I’m sure everyone else heart stopped. Did I just hear Derek and brain tumor? I looked at Derek but he wasn’t looking at me.
“Cri-critical stage” My mom stutters in her words.
“Almost the critical stage” The doctor corrects her.
“Doctor is he going to die? Can anything not be done?” Taylor is crying as she asks.
“He would have to do a brain surgery but at this rate, he has 40% survival rate” The doctor replies.
That’s it, someone can kill me now.
TO Be Continued