Arrogance Meets Crazy Episode 4
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Arrogance Meets Crazy Episode 4 Or Chapter Four Of Arrogance Meets Crazy by Authoress Anita Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Arrogance Meets Crazy Episode Four: ????
Taming The Little Brat ????
I walked into my room, threw my shoes on the door then proceed to my bed. I removed my shirt then my skirt and threw them to God knows where.
In no time, my room bust opened.
As soon as the door bust opened, I faced the door and felt annoyed when my eyes landed on joy.
“What the hell, don’t you know how to knock?’ I fumed.
“Cloe, are you talking to me in such a manner?” She asked and I rolled my eyes.
“Anyway, Betty is here to see you” she said and I almost threw up.
“Betty? Which Betty are we talking about, you mean that girl from the street that dad picked up when she lost her parents, only cos she helped me find my way when I lost my direction years ago?” I scoffed.
“Stop it Cloe. Betty has been your friend since you were young. How can you ditch her away now only coz she is an orphan?” joy added.
“Ooh, so you know that she is an orphan right? Well, the answer is simple. She is an orphan and am not, do you want her to transfer her bad luck to me? Hell no!!”
“Cloe!” she yelled.
“What?! If you want that Betty to meet up with me, Tell her to bath in river jordan for seven times. Am tired and needs to rest. If you don’t mid, you will close the door as you leave” I shut my eyes.
???? JOY’S POV ????
I stood still looking at Cloe, what on earth is wrong with this girl? If she was not my sister, I would have beat her up black and blue, she lack sense.
“Let me hide behind you” said Starmil as they both walked into the mansion.
“its all of no use, as long as dad is at the living room, this won’t work” imstar replied.
“Starmil penfort, I know you are there. Just humbly drag the whole of you here now” a voice was heard from the living room.
Starmil looked at Imstar.
“Don’t waste my time” repeated foster..
Starmil pushed imstar to the living room.
Mr penfort looked at him from the far end of his eyes then got back in thee newspaper.
“ I need starmil here and not you. Starmil, if you won’t show up now, I will disown you” he said and like a sheep ready to be slaughtered, he showed up with a sly smile.
“ hi dad” He said sarcastically.
“Starmil, I’ve got one question for you. Do you think that thing in-between your legs us matured enough to service a lady for the rest of your life?” mr penfort said to the shock of the twins.
Starmil looked at imstar who was giggling silently.
“Give me your phone” he said.
“shut up starmil. I have tolerated enough of your nonsense. Don’t make me repeat myself. Drop your phone and card on the table” said foster without even looking at his son.
“eeech dad, don’t be this harsh on him. “ Said imstar sitting next to his father.
“Imstar, stay away from this” Mr penfort said.
“Foster, why are you being so harsh in my beloved son?” May, the mother of the twins said while walking into the mansion.
“Mommy!!” Starmil run to his mother while sobbing.
Starmil being mom’s boy and Imstar dad’s favourite.
“may, am sure you heard what your son did. I cannot continue letting him disappoint me none way or the other “ explained foster as may sat down on an empty chair and her baby boy sat next to him.
“Darling, what did you do to get your father this angry?” Asked May.
“Mom, just because the paparazzi 5ook some photos of me and that model kissing. In fact, I’ve already broke up with her” he said and Foster looked at him in bewilderment.
“starmil!! Don’t you even have shame?” fired foster.
“force, you are scaring my baby” she said while pulling Starmil I to her arms.
“By the way, my son is still in his prime, do you expect him to show no signs of a real man? Unlike that your son, I know my baby will give me grandchildren soon. I wonder if your son is a real man”
“Hey!!” foster and imstar yelled at the same time. Starmil bust into laughter.
“Let my son be foster” added May.
“you think my son is not a real man right? Wait, just wait.”
“wait till when? To prove my point, Starmil and Imstar will go on a blind date with the daughters of the vice president. The one who will manage to date the girls more than twice, I will give to him a bland new car” said may.
“What? Mom, that’s unfair!!”yelled imstar.
“Mom, I love you!”starmil hugged her mother.
“A bunch of crazy blood. Like mother like son” scoffed foster as he stood up from the chair.
“Dad, please say something” said Imstar.
“ son, just show them that you are manly enough but not a playboy” foster said before walking away.
Star looked at Mil in annoyance. _” it’s all your fault” he said while throwing the tv remote to him but May blocked it using her hand.
“You want to kill my son? Wait, I will kill you instead “ she said as she removed her high heels.
“ daddy, mom wants to kill me!” Star cried as he run upstairs.
TO Be Continued