Angels Do Weep Episode 2
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Angels Do Weep Episode 2 Of Angels Do Weep Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Angels Do Weep EPISODE TWO: ????
{ About To Be Born} ????????
With heavy heart, Ranking opened his car door and
entered it, his mind was filled with guilt, he
couldn’t believe he did it, the bright expression that
always follow him around was no longer there, his
mind was filled with guilt and he felt like he should
vanish with the car into the ground,
He rested his head on the steering of the car with
dejected mood,
He raised his head up abruptly following the tap on
his car window.
He looked at the person and remembered he came
in company of someone to BAMO EXCLUSIVE HOTEL
situated in Ikoyi.
It was Yemi, his secretary,
He looked at her and felt like speeding off leaving
her there.
He couldn’t just imagine that he later fell for her
Yemi was the secretary of Ranking in his head
company situated in Obalende. Merely looking at
her will make some men drool, she has a round
small face, light in completion, cute set of white
teeth that could heal a lunatic when flashed at
him,slightly curved leg.
Apart from being bestowed with a beautiful face,
her figure is the killer type, her bossom was a bit
above average and a little below excess, her
backside can cause accident on the highway because
she had it in excess. She’s the type of girl you can’t
classify as being slim or fat, she’s just normal.
[Read related story CALLED BY JESUS]
Ranking almost decided against her appointment a
year ago when she applied for the post of secretary
in his company, and the reason was not far fetched,
it was because he wanted to avoid what just
occurred between him and her in BAMO EXCLUSIVE
HOTEL right now.
He knew temptation will always be lurking around
if he have such an hot girl as his secretary, but her
qualifications was the perfect among all the
candidates they got their C.V, and he just couldn’t
decipher the main reason he accepted her.
Just got to office one day and asked his manager to
give her a call that she has being employed, the
reason he did it,
he couldn’t tell till date.
He has spent a year avoiding being tempted to do
anything intimate with her, but here he is with his
secretary looking at him from his car window
expecting him to open the door after series of
hardcore sex in one of the vvip room of BAMO
Slowly his hand moved to the unlock key on one of
the car board beside him.
She entered the car smiling seductively at him, the
urge to slap her filled Ranking but he controlled it
and started the car as he wheeled out of the
magnificent gate of the hotel opened by one of the
The journey was done in a silent mood, tho Yemi
tried to lift the atmosphere but Ranking didn’t gave
her a chance to do so, all the topics she tried to
brought up were all being met by a blank
expression from Ranking who focused on the
driving as if a seer has told him that if he will soon
die by road accident.
[You can also read THE TRINITY (Romance)]
It’s was normal for Ranking to feel how he’s feeling,
he has been married for more than 6 & ½ years
and he hasn’t seen the nakedness of another
woman talk less of committing adultery.
He’s faithful to his wife and loved her so much,
even tho she was barren, six years of being in
marriage and she hasn’t even have a miscarriage
talk less of conceiving a child, they’ve done a lot
and different types of checkup and test but all the
doctors they’ve come in contact with always have
the same tone in their mouth which was
” with all the tests carried out on you and your wife
sir, there’s nothing wrong with the two of you, all
you just have to do is wait for God’s time, and am
sure your wife will conceive, but take this
prescription to our pharmacist down there, get
these drugs from there to draw God’s time nearer ”
Lolz, what concerns God’s time and drug.
Ranking’s mind was filled up, he has broken the
code of conduct of business, how will her boss
employee relationship with Yemi be now that he
has tasted out of her honey pot.
After dropping Yemi in her bus stop, he sped off
not even hearing or bidding her bye.
The main problem lies in his house, he knew he
couldn’t keep the fact that he has hurt his wife out
of his mind and that will portray in his characters
and behaviour at home, his wife (Precious ) is the
sensitive type,just a micro change in the behavior
of her husband, she is sure to notice it
He horned when he got to the gate of his beautiful
5 bedroom flat , his gateman peeped through the
hole made on the gate in order to decipher who it
” fool, only God knows when you’ll be able to know
the sound of my car horn ” Ranking said with low
voice as he drove inside his large compound to the
parking space
” oga, I don come back “? Dandy the gateman asked
with his deep hausa dialect,smiling as soon as
Ranking came out came out of the car
” no, it’s my ghost, stupid ” Ranking replied irritated
by his gate man’s stupid question
” is madam in ” ? He asked heading inside with his
heart heavy as if a rock was placed on it
” yes, she I just come back now ” Dandy replied
Ranking who didn’t even made a step to listen to his
Precious was sitting on one of the couch in the
sitting room watching zee world channel on their
45 inches plasma television. She was deeply
engrossed in it that she didn’t noticed when her
husband entered.
She got startled when she heard the door of her
bedroom suddenly sounded due to the impact it
was shut by anyone that shut it.
She was scared and picked the dstv remote on the
table to use as a weapon as she headed to the
bedroom shaking,
She sighed a sigh of relief when she got in and saw
her husband sitting on their king size bed, his chin
embedded in between his two palm, he was lost in
his thought and didn’t know when his wife entered.
“What’s wrong darling ” she said as she sat beside
her husband ,tapping him on his back in order to
bring him out of his thought.
” nothing dear ” he replied startled.
” don’t give me that dear,I’m not going to take that
for an answer ” she replied him persisting to know
what’s really wrong with him
” nothing dear, just a hectic day at work, that’s all ”
he replied her trying to change his mood
” did mom call you again ” she asked again.
Yeah, Ranking’s mom has being a bone in the throat
for the couple, tho her son had banned her from
coming to his house because of her constant
coming to his house to embarrass Precious because
she hasn’t conceive yet in her son house.
After the ban, she didn’t relent on calling her son
telling him to get a new wife and leave Precious .
But that would be the last thing Ranking will do on
earth before not until today when he took the step
to doing it.
” mom didn’t call me but something else happened
” Ranking replied her with a stern look
” then what’s it honey ” precious asked him
changing her sitting posture in order to look
straight into his eye while he talks
” please forgive me, I’ve really sinned against you ”
he said with tears visible in his sclera part of his
eye ,he wanted to go on his kneel but was stopped
by his wife,
” it’s okay my honey pie, just tell me what it is and I
will forgive you ” she said raising him back to the
” okay, I will tell you ” he said scratching his head,
tho the room was highly ventilated with the high
power AC installed in it, still the cloth he was
wearing was already filled with sweat.
” I, I, I, I did ,I, ehn, ehn, I ” he started stammering
” you what, honey, just tell me, I promise not to
get mad at you ” she said wrapping Ranking hands
in hers in other to give him confidence to say
what’s on his mind.
” I slept with Yemi ” he said swiftly closing his eye
” you meant Yemi your secretary “?she asked him
covering her mouth with her hand in order not to
” I’m sorry dear, it was the devil ” Ranking pleaded
now going on his knees without seeing anyone to
stop him now.
Precious stood up with slow motion and headed to
the guest room, she locked the door as she fell
down beside it weeping,
She knew she was the cause of her husband
committing adultery, if only She had conceived, her
forever darling and faithful husband wouldn’t have
had the cause to have sex with his secretary.
” why God, what have I done to deserve this?,
haven’t I served you well, haven’t I suffered enough
to receive a gift from you,
even after praying, fasting for countless days ,you
didn’t answer my prayer, even when I faced
persecution from my husband families, I haven’t
for once spoken negatively unto you, I know you’re
going to answer me at your right time, but the right
time is already getting late, please lord, grant me
my heart desire ” she poured out weeping
ceaselessly on the floor.
→→→→ In The Cloud ←←←←
” did you saw how I defeated one of the greatest
warrior in heaven ” I asked the perfect one as we
were walking down the earth, tho I would have
loved to fly but their are some steps we must
thread downward before we get ito the earth,
before I would be table to fly, the journey was
becoming boring as the little girl beside me as
refused to opened here mouth ever since we left
the magnificent hall.
She didn’t answered me as She kept on going
without even doing like She heard me.
” what a beautiful little devil ” I thought in my mind
as she refused to answer me,
” or did they forgot to give her sound and hearing
abilities ” I asked myself when I tried to start
another chat with her but she just kept quiet as we
kept walking.
After thinking for sometime, I thought of asking
her things about her instead of asking about mine.
” where exactly did you chose to be conceived when
you’re give the chance to choose “?
” Africa, precisely in Nigeria ” she replied
” okay Nigeria ”in…
” what! ” I exclaimed shockingly
I almost ran back to forsake the task but it was
already too late
” how could you choose that awful place ” I asked
her with anger in my tone
” because I felt pity on her ” she answered without
slowing down her pace
” who “? I aasked surprised
” the lady crying beside the door ” she answered
” do you see any lady in heaven ” I asked her
perplexed at her answers
” looks like you’re every dumb ” she replied
” what! ” I exclaimed, no one has ever told me that
I was dumb before and hearing it from a little one
for the first time, brought a kind of s£nsat!on that I
can’t explain into me.
[You can also read STARLESS NIGHT (16+)
” when the Supreme one showed me the accepted
candidates they can allow me to stay with on earth,
there was a single candidate from Nigeria, and she
felt very depressed and was weeping profusely
because She doesn’t have a child yet ” she answered
” what of my own tears, can’t you see it, because
you felt pity on someone, you
denied me the chance to live
in Asia, where I would really love to be ,precisely in
Israel, and if you can’t go with that, you should have
chosen Europe most countries there
are awesome,
but all you could do
is select a country with highly confused set of little
ones, the second version of tower of Babel
Have I offended you before ” I asked changing my
voice to sound like a bird’s own and she laughed
Seeing her laughed, hit a place inside if me, I think
the place was somewhere situated in my chest.
” but do you know you’re kinda late ” I informed
her and she seemed surprised about what I said
” late as how ” she asked with a surprised
” if am to deduce the time you saw the lady and
when we’ll get to earth, all should approximate to 4
hours and that should approximate to a year and
half on earth ” I informed her and she looked
surprised again.
” then we’ve to move fast ” she retorted increasing
her pace.
I shook my head with disbelief as I also fastened
my steps
When we got to earth, I told her to picture the lady
in her head and focus more on her, she did and we
teleport into a dark room but we could see the
occupants clearly,
a guy was atop a lady and the lady was busy
screaming while the guy at the top kept on banging
her, he was slamming her with his waist on the
Me and the perfect one just stood there looking at
” what are they doing ” the perfect one asked with
with a confused expression
” they’re having sex ” I replied her
” sex! ” I suddenly exclaimed covering the perfect
one’s eye with my feather and we teleport outside.
The place we teleport to was the compound of the
house we just entered.
” that was close ” I said breathing heavily as I
dropped the perfect one
” what was close and what were those people doing
inside that place ” the perfect one asked with
curiosity filled eye
” they almost breached my holy place and what
they were doing inside there ” I smirked before
” they’re on the verge of making you ” I answered
her smiling sheepishly
” good, our timing is right ” she answered happily
” but how did you know that, that was what they
were doing ” she asked looking at me like a guilty
one, but I couldn’t answer her because I also didn’t
know how I know, my brain just received the signal
all of a sudden and I knew everything about sex.
She punched me playfully when I didn’t answer her
and I did mine back.
Everyday was always filled with fun,
I and the perfect one always play around, joking
around, she was really a good company,
Even after she had made appearance in the
stomach of Precious ( her mother to be ) and the
doctor confirmed her pregnant,
she vacated her stomach the same day doctor
confirmed her pregnant.
She only goes back into it when Precious wants to
go and do check up, sometimes, Precious always
thinks that she isn’t pregnant, because she doesn’t
feel how other pregnant lady use to feel and her
stomach isn’t getting larger,
unknown to her that her child wasn’t ready to be
inside her, flexing outside.
The perfect one always like me to take her and fly
in the atmosphere and to sing for her.
Our playing doesn’t know day and night,,
We played so much that we got very acquainted
with ourselves, she liked me so much that I had to
beg her to return to her mom’s womb when it was
time for her to be conceived,
She didn’t wish to go and I also didn’t want her to
because when she’s conceived, she will forget
everything about me, and we won’t be able to see,
communicate and feel ourselves again.
I will be lonely and all I will have to do is protect
her from dangers.
The day she departed from me was a very sad day,
she wept her heart out,
That was when she opened up to me that she love
me, she learnt about the meaning of love through
our process of watching zee world channel with her
mother, all they do everyday in that is channel is
about love.
” I love you Ben, I’ve being loving you for long, but
I think I should tell you now because I’m going to
forget and it will be rude for me to put you in the
dark ” she said to my utmost surprise that day, the
words just kept on resounding in my head, tho I
don’t love her but I liked her as my friend,that was
what I thought, she pecked me as we bade
ourselves bye and she returned to her mom’s
which led to Precious entering the labour pain
She was rushed to the hospital and taking to the
labour room by some nurses.
I followed them flying above their car.
The day the perfect being was to be born was
among the day I fought most on earth.
I was inside the labour room with them when
Precious was screaming in pain as she was grunting
hard to bring the child to life.
Suddenly, the weather changed and thunder started
clasping, darkness started hovering everywhere.
” am gonna have one hell of a night ” I said
unsheathing my golden sword from its sheath
which was on my back as different types of evil
spirits and demon started strolling in
TO Be Continued