Alpha Boys Chapter 53
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Alpha Boys Chapter 53 Of Alpha Boys by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Alpha Boys CHAPTER FIFTY THREE: ????????
????(The Devil’s Plaything)????
She ran. She just…ran without a known destination.
She was even oblivious of when she left the school compound, and though her limbs are shaking and threatening to fall off her body, she never stopped.
The bleeding from her wounded knees persisted… Red flowed down her forelegs.
“Run!!!” His animalistic growl resounded in her ears, and she added to her pace, her breaths colliding with her bloodstream.
He hates her…. Madly.
He hates her… Insanely.
Hardin is dead… Her playful self-aclaimed school father.
He’s dead all because of her folly, her idiocy.
She fûcked up, Viktor made a fool out of her…
Her head couldn’t take much, cos she started feeling hazy and dizzy and nauseous.
She bumped into a thick chest, and she staggered, looking up drowsily to see a mad drunkard who has a bottle of alcohol in hand.
That… That bottle… Moretti…
Some of the alcohol spilled, and despite the rain, the smell mixed with the air, and immediately Zinnia inhaled it, she fell into a spiral.
“Watch it bîtch!” The man pushed past her, drinking from his bottle as he walked away.
Zinnia held her head as water pooled at her feet, her feet refused to move.
She couldn’t fight it as usual, she fell into a traumatic episode again, deeper than anyone she has ever had.
The usual devilish voice of Gabriel rang around the house.
And, …the clanking of his belt and the smell of his alcohol … he’s drunk again.
“You can’t hide from me!!” He yelled again as his voice got closer.
This time, Zinnia and Nica didn’t hide in the basement, they hid in the wardrobe in her room.
“Shh.. don’t make a sound ok? You don’t want him to find us” Nica told five years old Zinnia who’s sandwiched beside her in the wardrobe.
Little Zinnia nodded, hugging Ms. Cuddles to her small hands.
Nica smiled and stroked her hair, her skin full of marks from Gabriel’s belt torture.
Another thing…. She’s pregnant.
Nica is heavily pregnant with the second child who’s supposed to be Zinnia’s junior brother.
Nature intervened, and labour pains gripped her.
She cry out, holding her stomach.
“Mummy” little Zinnia held her, and then the wardrobe door opened with a fling, revealing dead-drunk Gabriel.
He didn’t hesitate to raise his belt on them, and despite her condition, Nica covered Zinnia, and the hits landed on her skin.
Both the labour pains and the pain of the belt lashes threw her into ugly agony, and blood began rushing out of her.
“Mummy!!!” Zinnia started crying.
“Gabriel!!!!” Nica cried her loudest, and then someone rushed in.
It’s Vivian, Nica’s friend.
“You crazy animal!!” She shouted, picking a flower vase from the bedstand which she threw at Gabriel’s head.
Gabriel went down unconscious with a bleeding head.
“Don’t worry, Zinn. Mummy will be fine ok? Mummy will be fine” Vivian assured as she helped Vivian up.
She was taken to the hospital while cops came for Gabriel.
Zinnia is still standing on her spot, the sad episode making her skin crawl cos Vivian’s words were false.
Mummy was never fine.
The nausea grew thicker, and she retched before throwing up.
It’s like that expell of liquid from her system snatched her remaining breaths away cos she fainted immediately.
She started going down, and she’d have landed in the puddles, but she fell into strong arms instead.
The person swept her up and rushed to his car.
Killian’s clothes dripped with rainwater, hitting the ground in droplets as he stepped into the hallway, his eyes still bloodshot and muscles still clenched.
His coldness is contagious, and the nurses walking past him made sure to keep their distance despite how sèxy he looks with his hair wet.
Cold breaths escaped his nostrils as he entered Hardin’s VVIP ward in the ICU.
Hardin is unconscious in bed, his monitor beeping accordingly… several pipes were passed into his body intravenously.
He’s currently on blood transfusion too.
The surgery was successful after the conjunction of several surgeons.
Thankfully, he started responding to treatment immediately he was moved to the ward. His condition is improving every hour.
He’s not in bed alone though, Aurora is laying beside him, her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeats with her eyes closed.
Jordan is standing beside the wall, staring calmly.
“You’re back, bro” he took few steps to Killian.
“Zade?” Killian asked, his voice chilly.
“Fûcker is probably in a boxing ring somewhere, vandalizing a random person” Jordan replied.
Killian looked at Aurora and Hardin in bed again…
“Why is his death news spreading? Who the hell started it? And how did it get out that someone drew a sketch and Viktor’s involvement?” Jordan asked.
“It’s someone I need to find” Killian replied and walked out of the ward.
Jordan got a text, and he sighed when he saw it’s from Karen.
Karen: Are you ok? I’m so sorry about Hardin. Please reply.
He looked at Hardin before typing…
Jordan: Hardin is still breathing… Chill, and I’m fine for now.
“Whoa! Shouldn’t i get a record in Guinness? I’m so proud of myself!” Sasha laughed, coming out of her bedroom with her laptop in her right hand and a cup of champagne on the left.
Thanks to skin repair surgery, her burnt hand got better though the colour is still so obvious.
She was screaming in jubilation like a banshee till she got to the living room where she threw herself on a couch.
She set the laptop down and had a sip from her champagne.
She was the one who started the fake news of Hardin’s death, the sketch, Viktor’s involvement and whatnot, and the chaos going on in Italy right now is entertaining her.
Also, she witnessed how Killian almost killed Zinnia in school earlier, and that automatically passed as the sweetest scene she has ever witnessed.
She even recorded it, and she played it on her phone, watching with excitement.
“Run!!!!” Killian’s voice came from the video, and immediately Zinnia began running, she bursted into an hysterical laughter, almost falling from the couch.
“Duhh… I told you Misfit, you’re not my match! Now watch as Killian hates you for life! If I can’t be with him then you have no right either!” She stood
She started pacing the living room, thinking about the sketch.
She had to contact a cyber-genius to get rid of the tape and make it look genuine before giving it to Viktor.
And about Viktor…
“Where is that fool hiding?” She muttered, taking another sip from her drink.
“Not my headache! Tommorow is gonna be a bad Friday! I should get my uniform ready!” She snickered, rushing back into the bedroom.
The sound of music is deafening despite the rain strokes on the roof.
The pub is a local one frequented by gamblers, so Viktor figured out it’d be safe to stay the night here since his life is in complete danger.
He had to use a face cap and nose mask to cover his face as he stayed in the restroom.
He can’t use his phone cos he’s aware of what Killian is capable of, he’d track him down in seconds.
He waited for some minutes before a man came to ease himself.
He gave Viktor a suspicious eye as he did his business, and when he got done, he took another look at him.
He started walking out , but he suddenly turned back and grabbed Viktor’s mask, pulling it off.
“I knew it! You’re wanted!!” He shouted, but those were his last words before Viktor injected him with poison.
He has been preparing for this moment.
The man went flat, and he got his phone from his pocket.
He dialled his mother’s line with it…
“Hello mother?”
“Son? Are you out of Italy?” Ray’s voice came.
“I told you it wouldn’t work, to calm down and let’s take a brainier approach cos Alphas are madder than you think but you were too blinded by your greed for Malachi’s empire! I’m fúcking stuck here and my face is everywhere!” He snapped.
The call ended abruptly,… the phone died.
“Shit! Shit!” He smashed the phone.
The time is 11pm, but the castle is still awake.
Despite Aurora’s absence and Hardin’s unconsciousness, Malachi is in his Den, smoking pipe with a sly smile.
Finally, things are falling in place.
Now even if Zinnia stays alive, she’d remain a ghost to Killian… He hates her, and that’s all what matters.
And as for Gabriel, he’d just eliminate him easily.
Viktor and his mother Ray should have known by now that he’s not a pushover.
And then there’s Karen….
His calculation was disrupted when his phone rang, and the skin on his forehead folded in lines when he saw it’s the twins calling.
They never call him since they travelled out, it’s always Aurora or the boys, so why now?
He picked, and he sighed when he heard their voices.
Just like Jordan predicted, Zade is currently in a public gym house in the city, boxing away like his life depends on it.
Killian actually tracked him down and found him there…
Apart from silence, Zade’s surest anger venting style is violence… Zade would rather die than live without it.
And as for Killian, he’s in his logic room, his bloody fingers running on the laptop keys.
He actually punched the bathroom mirror fifteen good times when he arrived, and the mirror shattered to splinters, leaving a good portion of wound on his fingers.
That was just to take his mind off the dark mode for a while, but it didn’t work.
His blood was oiling the keys as he tapped fast like a psychopath__that he is.
He needs to find the person spreading the news and Viktor.
He needs to concentrate but…
Zinnia’s words about not giving the sketch to Viktor kept meddling.
She wasn’t lying, her brows didn’t lift earlier. He knew she was telling the truth,but who cares??
What matters is that Hardin is still unconscious, and she definitely drew that shit.
But what the hell is going on? If he doesn’t care, why is he thinking about her words? And how she fell and sustained cuts, and….
He spranged up and grabbed the laptop, throwing it at the wall like a vandal.
The system shattered, and the keys flew across the room, scattering everywhere.
She’s Gabriel’s daughter.
Fûck it! She’s a betrayer.
She deserves to fúcking die.
His blood was dropping beside him at each step he takes till he exited the room.
TO Be Continued